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1. Describe your impression on the events from 14 th Century to 20th cent. period of the

The Church was a major part of our everyday life. We all know that church served to give
people spiritual guidance and it served as their government as well. Our religion has been
facing lots of criticism ever since it started. Other people used Christianity to gain power and
wealth and that is the misappropriation of having religion. In today’s generation, we are very
fortunate that we have platforms where we can voice out and give our ideas or opinions about
the social issues through advance technology. Unlike in the past, it takes guts or courage to
fight what we is right and good. The church evolved positively throughout the years. Our
religion today will not be possible without the people who fought for our religion through thin
or thick.

The Catholic Church offered various solutions to pacify the fear, in particular the sale of
indulgence or selling indulgences which could release a soul from purgatory. However, some
people severely criticized such practices and called for a reform of the Catholic Church. Little by
little this led to a religious and political crisis which culminated in the birth of a new faith called
Protestantism. When German princes, convinced that Luther’s theses were a true criticism of
the Catholic Church, protested against the repressive measures taken against him by Rome.

Reformers such as Luther and Calvin spread new ideas such as the concept of salvation by
faith alone, by God’s grace and by the Holy Scriptures. The Reform Movement did not only have
religious consequences: it also gave rise to social and political changes, the results of which can
still be seen today.

2. How do you evaluate the 14 th cent. up to 20th century period of the Church in the light of
essential characteristics of the Church?

Since the early 14th century, reformation experiments were attempted in the Catholic
church and paved the way for the Protestant Reformation in the 16 th century, which caused a
lasting split. Another way of being a Christian appeared in Germany, and then spread all over
Europe: Protestantism. In the 16th century, Martin Luther and Jean Calvin were the best known
reformers. They wanted to change the Church. They were scholars who studied the Bible. They
translated it themselves, or had it translated into ordinary languages, they also taught,
preached and wrote. Their religious ideas spread and sparked off conflicts, that were to lead on
to a recomposed the Europe, or rather the world, in the following century. Through this, the
church become more intact, united, open for other people, and more serious on acquiring the
holiness by the grace of God.

3. Describe how you apply the essential characteristics of the Church with regards to the
discussion on the 14th cent. up to 20th cent. period of the Church.
First, Church is One. Christianity is legalized long time ago because we knew how structured
and united the people who are belong to this religion. However, during the 16 th century, the
church was in badly need of reform. The issue in here was many people saw the church as an
instrument for their own personal benefit. The practice of the Church over selling indulgences
which could release a soul from purgatory become more known. This was the reason why
Martin Luther initiate a reformation of the church. The church is one because of her “soul”, it is
the Holy Spirit, dwelling in those who believe and pervading and ruling over the entire church,
who brings about that wonderful communion of the faithful and joins them together so
intimately in Christ that he is the principle of the Church’s unity. Martin Luther ideas became a
wakeup call for other Christians that there they should not use the church for material gain so
during the 17th century, whereas Indians had plans in sharing the wealth and authority but it
was destroyed eventually.

Second, Church is Holy. It is true that the Holy Spirit may have given the leader of the of
Christianity the courage to speak out, and preach the gospel that Christ sought to bring to the
world. It took more than thousand years to understand that the Church ‘s treasures are not
properties and wealth, but the Gospel and the poor. All the activities of the Church are
directed, as toward in the end, to the sanctification of mean in Christ and the glorification of

Third, Church is Catholic. It was in 19th century when the missionary movements began to focus
on Asia and Africa. It was a success in the Philippines, while inroads were made in China,
Hongkong, Thailand, Malaysia and India. Furthermore, many parts of Africa had positive
response to the message of the gospel. The 19th century became the best known as the age of
industrialization. Through the great breakthroughs in technology, the world began to work in
new and different ways. Therefore, the church is catholic because the chosen members of
Church have been sent out by Christ on a mission to the whole human race.

Fourth or the last essential, Church is Apostolic. Throughout the years, our religion is leaded by
the Pope. Next by Bishops then Priests and last Catholics. During the 20th century the Church
has involved itself in a wide spectrum of affairs. We are introduced to the “modernism,” which
was an intellectual movement that sought to bring some of the principles of the enlightenment
to Christian faith. Hence, the Church became more open to modern ideas. So far, many young
individuals are seeing the Church as a sacred place where we celebrate and defend the
teachings passed by to us.

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