My Reflection Portfolio

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De Castro, Angeline P.

Blessed Jerome of Recanati


St. Monica taught us that we should always do great things not just for ourselves, but also for
others, because life is not just about us, it's about being a good role model to influence other as well.
We are not perfect, we can't have all the stated virtues, but as long as we have courage and a
teachable heart and mind, we can make sure that we will be a decent and a just person in our
society. And just like what Father Pamplona told us, we can't rush everything that we want to
happen. Learn to be patient, and exert your best in everything you do so that you can live life with
no regrets. So to summarize it all, I've learned that being selfless is not that bad. And as a student, I
know that I can be my own kind of St. Monica in a specific way. She motivates me to study hard, so
that in the near future I am able to be a role model to every youth. Someday, I can be a woman who
have courage to help others in variety of ways. Someday, I am confident enough to say that, "Im St.
Monica in my own way".And I will patiently wait to achieve my dream and be glit-edge as well. I will
always be the person who believe in herself and a person who believe in God.


"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities" I used
to hear this quotation before, maybe it’s a little bit confusing but it has a point. Just like what Father
Nathaniel said in his homily we MUST know our priorities in life. We MUST know our goal in our
life. So, we'll know the path that were going to take. Stop saying "There's still Tomorrow" or "Later"
as much as we can finish our task early so you can have your peace of mind. And after finishing your
task you can do whatever you want. Honestly as a student it’s kinda hard to do your assignment
first before browsing your social media but I realized, I should not just know the word "Self-
Discipline" but I must apply it, We Must Apply it. ‘Coz if we really want to achieve our dresam we
must discipline ourselves. 1 hour of happiness = 4 Hours of pain or 1 hour of pain but a peaceful
mind after, Think.


I remember the time when I was in grade 10, my former adviser always told us that "Every Person
has a good characteristic so always look for it", "People was made by God so treat them nicely", And by
listening to Father Russel's homily a while ago, I remember those words. 'Coz they're all right, everyone
of us can pray but not everyone of us can treat other people nicely. And we must know that prayer is
not just about closing our eyes and folding our hands it's about how we communicate to God sincerely.
And now that we are in the midst of pandemic, prayer is one of our best weapon to fight every problem
that we are facing.
"To err is human, To forgive is divine." Our todays gospel is about forgiveness, It is about
how we able to forgive those who hurt us. Its not easy to forgive however, we all know that
forgiveness helps us to move on. Just like what Brother Jesus told to Peter forgive not seven
times but seventy times. We are all capable of committing mistakes as long as we're alive
because we are human. We can feel everything they've done its normal but normalize forgiving
someone sometimes second chances isn't bad. If the Lord can forgive our sins over and over
again why can't we?. Its not easy to forgive because I myself also find it difficult to forgive
especially when they wounded me to deep to the point that my love turns to anger. But I
surrender it to God. He's with us and He'll protect us so starting this day let go all the angerness
and replace it with love and care. However, Forgiving is a process respect others perspective
too, And when they forgive you make sure not doing it for hundred times again. Trusting you is
their decision but proving them wrong is your choice.

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