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Causes of Caries p.

170 (Stomatology I,II)

I Complete the blanks using New Vocabulary
1. Doctors restricted her _______________ intake to 1 litre over the next 24 hours.
2. But other than that, I eat lots of food -- regularly three meals a day and two ________________.
3. In a teaching hospital there are students, interns, ______________and attending physicians, plus
consultants from other specialties.
4. In the case of large ___________________, the tooth may eventually need to be extracted after
undergoing multiple treatments.
5. Those sorts of quick-digesting ______________carbohydrates tend to be high in unhealthy
6. Not surprisingly, the more alcohol you __________________, the better your chances of getting
a hangover.
7. Resist the temptation, Avidan said, as that can ultimately do more ____________ than good.
8. She found that the package was _______________with blood.
9. When swallowed in ________________ amounts, it may cause upset stomach.
10. Probiotics may lower blood pressure by improving cholesterol and lowering blood
II. Paraphrase the words and words combinations:
1. But check the product label to avoid added sweeteners or sodium or other additives.
2. But the institute’s current research agenda on dental caries includes the role of eating sugary
foods, she notes.
3. Although liquids empty from the stomach faster than solids, thicker liquids like soup are
4. Having a healthy snack beforehand can also help avoid unrestrained eating after a workout.
5. The impairment seemed to be most pronounced in the children with the most serious symptoms.
III. Write family words:

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

To reside
To consume

IV. Make up word combinations as many as possible:

Commonest Sugar
Acid Carbohydrate
Tooth Formation
Sticky Diet
Refined Fluids
Excessive Decay
Modern Consumption
Sweet Cause
Effects of caries p.172 (Stomatology I,II)
Tooth Decay -- How it happens and How to avoid it
Tooth decay is the most _____________ disease in the world. That
because inside everybody's mouth, there's a war going on. Our
teeth are _____________by billions of bacteria that grow in a
___________called plaque. It's an invisible battle, because the undermined

bacteria are the same color as your teeth and they hide in those fight against
_____________areas of the mouth like the ____________and
between the teeth. In here, the plaque bacteria ____________the
_____________we love to eat and drink. The problem is, bacteria fights back

turn these sugars into acids and acids __________tooth enamel, cut out
that this is where our body____________, thanks to saliva. Our
eat into
spit is full of minerals that replace the ones dissolved away
by_______________. It takes about 20 minutes after a meal for layer
the minerals to get back in balance, but if more minerals are eating
gum line
away and replaced, the enamel ____________and bacteria can get
pulp area
into the ______________below. This is a cavity and the tooth is in
trouble. They will start _____________the dentine layer under the under attack
enamel causing tooth decay. When decay hits the
sugary foods
sensitive___________, you get a toothache that by now the
enamel is completely _______________. Although only a dentist thrive on

can remove bacteria from your cavity, you can play your part in the collapses
__________plaque. If you _____________between meal snacks
and regularly remove bacteria with brush and floss then you’ll be
helping your body win the war against tooth decay. plaque acids

II. Translate into English. tissues

Cariile dentare (descompunerea dentara), este o problemă de igiena orală majoră în cadrul țărilor inalt
industrializate, care afectează 60-90% dintre elevi, iar in marea majoritate si adulții.

Manifestarea timpurie a procesului de aparitie a cariilor se caracterizeaza prin formarea unei portiuni mici de smalț
demineralizat (moale) la suprafața dintelui, de multe ori fiind ascunsă vizual în fisurile (șanțuri) ale dinților sau între
dinți. Distrugerea se raspandeste in partea mai sensibilă si moale a dintelui, sub smalt (dentină). Smaltul slăbit se
prăbușește formind o cavitate, iar dintele treptat se distruge. Cariile pot ataca, de asemenea, rădăcinile dinților ,
ceea ce se intimpla mai frecvent la persoanele in varsta.

Cariile dentare sunt cauzate de acțiunea acizilor pe suprafața smalțului. Acidul este produs atunci când zaharul (în
special zaharoză) în produsele alimentare și băuturi reacționează cu bacteriile prezente în biofilmul dentar (placa)
de pe suprafața dintelui. Acidul produs duce la pierderea de calciu și fosfat de pe suprafata smalțului; acest proces
se numeste demineralizare.

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