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a ship - a large boat that carries people or goods by sea
floating - not fixed permanently in one position or place
strange - unusual or odd
an orphan - a child whose parents are dead
university - a high-level educational institution in which students study for
degrees and academic research is done.
to inspire - to give someone the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm to do
something well
chemistry - the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter
is composed
obsessed - preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually and to a troubling
a search - an attempt to find somebody/something
a secret – something confidential / not meant to be known or seen by others
to test - a procedure intended to establish the quality / performance / reliability
of something
discovery - something that has been found or found out about for the first time
laboratory - a room or building used for scientific research
collect – to accumulate something
creature - anything created, whether animate or inanimate.
Horror - a feeling of great shock or fear
Disgust - a feeling of revulsion caused by something unpleasant
Monster - a large, ugly, and frightening creature.
Muscles – an organ that contracts to produce a particular movement.
Skin - the layer of tissue that covers the body
House - a building in which people live
Servant - a person employed by another to perform domestic duties.
a letter - a written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post
or messenger
murdered - killed
horrified – petrified
innocent – not guilty
hanged - kill (someone) by tying a rope attached from above around their neck
and removing the support from beneath them (often used as a form of capital
punishment)/ kill someone by tying a noose around their neck while the rest of
their body is hanging above the ground
alone - isolated
beg - ask someone earnestly or humbly for something
mountain - a very high hill, often with rocks near the top
a cottage - a small house, especially in the country
crime scene - the place where a crime has been committed and evidence may be
a barn - a large farm building for storing grain or keeping animals in/a building for
storing hay, grain, etc., and often for housing livestock
miserable – very unhappy
family - a group of people related by blood or marriage.
Memory - ability to remember things
Childhood - the period of somebody’s life when they are a child
A Scream – very loud, high pitched shout
Stick - a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree
Occasion - a special event, ceremony, or celebration
Drown – to suffocate under water
fire a gun – to expel a bullet from a gun
reward - give something to (someone) in recognition of their services, efforts, or
kindness - the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
Revenge – getting back at someone
Mankind – humanity
Victim – a person who has been badly affected by a situation/a person who
suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency
Companion - partner
Doubt - disbelief
master – the creator/ owner
confusion - uncertainty
prison - a place where criminals and people waiting for trials are locked up
destroy – ruin/destruct something or someone
window - an opening in the wall of a building, the side of a vehicle, etc., for the
admission of air or light, or both, commonly fitted with a frame in which are set
movable sashes containing panes of glass
run off - leave a place or situation suddenly
destruction - demolition
aim - point or direct (a weapon or camera) at a target
frozen waists - vast parts of land covered by snow and ice and usually uninhabited
by people
one step ahead - manage to avoid or to achieve something more quickly than
someone else does
tale – imaginary story
promise - an agreement to do or not do something
cabin - A small wooden hut or cottage
noise - sound
kneeling - supporting yourself on your knees
guilty - feeling ashamed because you have done something that you know is
wrong or have not done something that you should have done
waves - a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea, ocean etc.
darkness – absence of light

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