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I. Прочтите текст и выполните задание (True/ False).

II. Подготовьте пересказ текста.

The Internet was invented in the late 1960s by the US Defense Department's
Advanced Research Projects Agency.
The founding date of October 29, 1969 is the year that scientists at UCLA
(University of California, Los Angeles) sent a message through two neighboring
machine through the network ARPANET. This was the first time data had been
transferred between computers. They sent the word ‘LOGIN’ from one computer
at UCLA to another computer at Stanford. Only the first two letters of the message
arrived in Stanford but it was progress. ARPANET became the basis for the
In 1969, there was a network of just four mainframe computers. A mainframe
computer is a large, powerful computer, shared by many users. The idea of the
electronic mailbox was born when users looked for a way to talk to each other
In January 1983, all the computers on the ARPANET network were installed with
the TCP/IP protocol. This stands for Transmission Control Protocal/Internet
Protocol. TCP is responsible for the breakdown of data before it is sent and for
reassembling it after it arrives. IP is responsible for the communication between
computers – or addressing, sending and receiving the data. With the installation of
TCP/IP protocol, the Internet became closer to what it still looks like today. We
still use TCP/IP Protocol – common examples are HTTP and HTTPS, which you
will see at the beginning of a website address.
Xerox filed a patent application for the Ethernet in 1975. Ethernet is one of the
most important and commonly used discoveries in the timeline of Internet
inventions. Ethernet is a local area technology and allows the connection of
devices operation in a local area – typically in the same building. But, as Xerox
recently said to the press, inventing the Ethernet is not the same as inventing the
By 1984, the Internet had begun to develop into the form we know today.
Electronic mail is much faster than traditional mail, because once the message is
typed out; it arrives in the electronic mail box of the recipient within minutes. It's
better to use e-mail to contact friends rather than phone them, because e-mail is
cheaper for long distances than the phone. People can share their interests through
the Internet and it makes it very easy to exchange ideas and information.
It was only in 1989 that Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. This is
the Internet we use at home today. The World Wide Web was a huge step forward
in the development in the Internet because it created a system for accessing the
information shared between computers.
True/ False
A) The electronic mail arrives within minutes. True
B) There was a network of just five mainframe computers. False – There was a
network of just four mainframe computers
C) A mainframe computer is a large, powerful computer. True
D) The Internet was invented in the early 1960s. False – The Internet was invented in
the late 1960s
E) It’s hard to exchange ideas and information. False – People can share their interests
through the Internet and it makes it very easy to exchange ideas and information.
F) Using phone is better than using e-mail. False – It's better to use e-mail to contact friends
rather than phone them, because e-mail is cheaper for long distances than the phone.
G) E-mail is cheaper for long distances than the phone. True
H) Users looked for a way to talk each other electronically after the invention of
the mailbox. True

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