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Days of Armageddon

By Lisa Conger

Day 1

So I decided to write down what has been going on and let people know what is going on. I am

afraid after all is said and done I may not be alive to tell me tale or I might not be able to tell you my tale

so here it goes. Well yesterday I went to school like I always do. I went to my first class and nothing

happened then I went to my second and we were told to go home the school was closing for the day. I

tried to find out what was going on and all I could get out of the teachers and staff is they will contact us

when school will resume. So I went out to catch the bus and sat there for 2 hours. Well the bus comes

every 30 minutes so I started to get really freaked out. I called my roommate and she came and got me.

She said she couldn’t figure out what is going on either. We couldn’t find anything on the TV it was normal

news but the internet had a lot of different theories. Aliens were the most popular but nothing really rang

true to me. Then this morning I got up to the emergency siren going off. It went off for like five minutes

and then stopped. The emergency broadcast is on the TV all it says is to stay in and lock the doors. Ryan

my roommate called her parents and was able to get them to come get her. My parents didn’t answer but

they are always busy with work and stuff so that is no surprise. Now it is noon and I still don’t know what

is going on. People still say it is an alien invasion but I am not sure. I just want to make sure if they do

come and take me away at least my last days are recorded.

Day 2

Well now everyone has gone insane. I needed some food and decided to venture out and get some

when I got to their store all of the food was gone. I was able to get some Ramen noodles and canned

spam. I also grabbed as much veggies as I could but all there was were peas and spinach. I guess people
are not desperate enough to get anything they are still being picky. The only person working at the store

was the owner but since it was mostly empty. There were signs every that stated cash or card only. I guess

if the banks may not be able to cash checks since it is the end. I wonder what good cards will do without

electronic transferring.  The owner was a nice guy who gave me a tip that I should buy bleach for water

along with some of the big jugs. Fill up what I could while I could. The owner had more information about

what was going on than I did he said that it was some type of flu or infection. It was not here yet but some

of the big cities we overwhelmed with it. I wasn’t sure what to believe so I head home and brought

everything up to my apartment.

I was able to secure the place up and get everything organized. My apartment was one of those you have

to go inside to get to my apartment. Everyone was gone or they were really quiet. I was not sure but I

knew I didn’t care really. The front door you have to be buzzed in so I felt pretty safe at the moment. I sat

here all day watching TV and looking at the internet. Most of the channels were up and just playing

regular broadcasting so I wasn’t really worried. The news was still no help. The internet did help though

there was a lot of stuff on it about a virus spreading and there was a map. Most of the locations that were

infected were big places and a few smaller but we looked like we were still fine. Well I am going to go for

today let you know if anything else happens or I will write more tomorrow.

Day 3

Ok I can’t believe I am going to say this but I think the dead have come back to life. I know how

weird that sounds but listen today I was up in my apartment when someone kept hitting the buzzer I

would call down who is it but all I could here is this moan and I was worried some was hurt so I ran down

stairs a few other people were down there waiting in the lobby looking out the window. I guess everyone

was just being quiet. Anyways they were all looking outside with this look of awe on their face. I was able
to get through them to the front window and you would not believe what I saw there were people out

there they were hurt really bad sometimes so bad they shouldn’t be walking around. They were at the

front door hitting on the buzzer. After a few minutes of standing there a guys decided to talk to everyone.

I guess all of us basically stuck around for some of the same reasons family to far or not reachable. He

decided to have everyone organize together and we blocked the front entrance and the front window. Each

of us had jobs basically to make sure we were safe inside. My job was to go to all of the apartments on

ground floor and see if any of them had people in them and see if their doors were locked. I knocked on

all of the doors and no one ever answered and all were locked. Someone else was going to go into each

and get out any supplies we might need. The guy said this thing was going to get bad and since we all

really didn’t have any where else to go we might as well work together and hunker down. Someone

checked all of the other floors to see how many people were still in the building. We found only two other

people so total out of a building that probably held about 200 people only 18 people are still here. We all

joined together and got everything secure. Right now I am alone in my apartment watching the TV the

news people are now talking about this. They say the people are infected and to stay as far away from

them as you can. To keep your doors locked and if you need to put them down to hit them in the head. I

know some of these people are all getting friendly and trusting each other but I am not going to trust no

one my door is locked solid. I looked out of my window to see what was happening outside and it looks

like all hell has broke loose. Well more tomorrow.

Day 4

So yeah they are Zombies this is so freaking crazy I can’t believe that I am saying these zombies

have taken over the world. I tried calling my parents no answer which is not that surprising. Jared has

taken over the apartment complex he thinks he is the king of the apartments. Jared is the guy who took

over yesterday. I thought he was just trying to be leader but now he is controlling all of the supplies and
trying to control everyone’s life. I hid a few things in my apartment like food water and thing that I just

don’t want to lose like my I touch and stuff. I hope he doesn’t like to go online and stumbles upon this

that would be bad. I think he is to into himself to look it up. I try to stay in my apartment with the door

locked as much as I can. He gave use each jobs to perform my job is to go into the empty apartments and

clean them out of resources. Which he controls. I was able to find a fifth of alcohol that I hid in the crotch

of my underwear. See he checks us he makes us take off our clothes to make sure we are not hiding

anything but we can keep on underwear. But I got away with it. He has all of the weapons to which

includes guns I think that is why everyone listens to him. Man it only took one day for him to take over.

Well anyways the news is reporting this thing is everywhere. People are taking their bitten family members

and hiding them or when they are bitten the try and get away which keeps spreading the infection. I really

don’t have any close family so I don’t know what I would do in that circumstance. I was watching You Tube

today and there are lots of videos of the zombies. Some people are trying to contain them others are just

trying to wipe them out. I think I am going to stay put and see where this whole thing is going. I feel safe

here well in my apartment Jared is a whole other thing. I watch outside to see what is going on out there.

People are still out there you see them drive by ever so often so is the zombies. They are really slow so if

you are safe and don’t get surrounded I am sure you will be fine. I see some fires out there as well. I

wonder why they aren’t being put out. Well that is all for today I will check back tomorrow.

Day 5

So Jared is a big fucking dick sorry if there are any young readers out there but he is. So Jared has

decided since he is king of the castle he can choose whoever he wants to be his queen. He says he will

have a decision by the end of the day. Who does he think he is? I am leaving I have to I can’t stay here with

him. Or maybe I will and if he chooses me I will kill him in his sleep. No I could never do that. Ok I guess I

should leave then. I have everything packed up. Jared only allows a person to have one meal at a time. So I
have been saving up so for example he will give a person a can of spam which you can thank me for and a

can of peaches or some vegetable. The power is still on so he has let everyone have what they have in

their fridges so I have been eating out of the fridge saving the cans up so I have two days worth of food. I

also still have my I touch but the alcohol is all gone drank it all last night. My I threw my school books out

the window as far as I could throw them it was great. I guess if the world goes back to normal I will have

to buy more school books but I don’t need them and I was more than happy to get rid of them.  My

backpack is now full of canned food a couple of shirts and changes in underwear. I figure I can just use

one pair of pants and clean them as needed to save space. I have chosen to wear my carpenter pants

because it has lots of pockets. So for the rest of the time I will be updating my blog with my I touch there

is lots of wireless connections around here I can use. I still have my cell that has internet but I don’t know

how reliable that is. So I am going to climb down the fire escape and leave I am going to try and find a

secure abandoned house to stay in or maybe I can find another group to stay with.


Well I found a place to stay for tonight. I climbed down the escape with no problems and ran around most

of the zombies. They are really slow you just need to watch where you are going because they can sneak

out of places like doorways. I almost got caught by one who was in the door way of a clothing shop I

didn’t see it and it grabbed me. I beat it with my backpack which works well because it was full of cans.

But when I was done the backpack was covered in black gore. Anyways I found an empty house the door

was wide open so I assumed whoever was living here was no longer living. I blocked all of the doors and

windows. The owner recycled cans so I put them all over the ground down stars so if anyone gets in I will
hear them. I am staying in what I hope is the guest room. I think I will be safe here for at least tonight, oh

and they have a computer yay.

Day 6

I am still at the house trying to survive. There is some food here so I have food but the zombies

are relentless. They try to get in here all day and all night. If I am really quiet they calm down but they

won’t go away and if I am loud they get all excited and try to get in. they have broken all of the windows

and I have boarded them up as well as I can. I stay upstairs and quiet I hope if I am quiet long enough they

will go away. I watch them they remember nothing from when they were alive. They can’t even twist the

door knob. They only broke the windows because they cannot hold up against their banging. I also

watched them take down a lady. She was sneaking down the road trying to get somewhere. She was

dressed in every day clothes and had red hair. Anyways as she was sneaking she hid next to this house

across the street and there was a dog inside the house so when it realized she was there it started barking

and drew the attention of the zombies. They took her down and ate her. Now she is out there she is one of

them. The dog got out because the zombies broke the windows the dog got away though. I hope it stays

alive. It probably has a better chance now that it got out because I am sure there was no one there to feed

him. I thought with all this craziness the zombies would leave me alone well I was wrong it is like the

remembered I was here. Maybe they can smell me or maybe they just went back to where they were. I

don’t know and I just hope I won’t be stuck here forever. Well if anyone is out there maybe you can come

and get me or you can come here and stay because it is quiet lonely. The address where I am at is 1234

Southside Drive.

Day 10
So maybe telling people where I was was not the smartest idea. Yeah I know it has been a couple

of days since I posted and I will catch everyone up. So I was sleeping and didn’t even hear them come in.

They must have used chloroform or something because all I know is I waked up locked in the basement of

a house. I told everyone that I used the cans as an alarm so my captures must have been reading it too.

Well I will spare you all the gory details but I had to do something with someone to get my I touch back

and that is why I am able to post to you now. I am still in the basement of the house and they feed me well

and if I am cooperative with the males and provide services I get fed and if I am really good and do

something without biting I am able to get things like my I touch back. I know I said I wouldn’t tell you but I

am really bored down here and keep thinking about that night. I really need to watch myself and get out of

here. I pray to the lord if there is one that I don’t get knocked up some us protection some don’t. I will

find a way out but not sure when. I will post as much as I can. There is one guy here that is really nice I

will not say his name because I don’t want him to be hurt but when it is his turn he comes down here and

he talks to me. I don’t think he is gay because he doesn’t act like it but he doesn’t make me do anything.

Maybe I can get him to help me out of here. He did say that he was going to make it so they can’t read my

blog any more so I could have an outlet so hopefully it will all turn out ok. Don’t worry about me as long

as I cooperate they don’t hit or hurt me. If anyone wants to help me well I would love you to but I am not

sure where I am at can’t see out the windows and nothing down here says where I am at so if you can

figure something out I would be grateful but if you can’t I understand and I will be fine.

Day 11

So I am still here in the basement. I can’t get the windows open or get out really. I think

something happened upstairs thy must have gotten over run because no one has come down since last

night. I had some leftover food from my dinner last night. I have been eating little bits and pieces. Well

last night in the middle of the night I heard lots of running around and yelling. Now I hear walking around
must be zombies up there walking around. I don’t want to try the door because I don’t want the zombies

to know I am here so I will wait till I absolutely need to before I try the door. I still have no clue where I am

at and don’t know how to get out of here. The boarded up the windows and I can’t get them open. I don’t

know what I am going to do. Anyone out there if you want to help me go to where I was 1234 Southside

drive and see if you can figure out where they took me. For all I know I may be in the basement. Please

help me I don’t think I will be able to stay here long without food and water. Please someone out there

help me and I will be forever grateful.

Day 12

Well I am still here in the basement. I have run out of food and now I sit here hungry. I think if by

morning no one comes I will have to try the door. I have been able to find a board as a weapon but I really

don’t want to do this without help or a gun would be nice. I hear them up there wondering around. They

never sleep or stop they are like the energizer bunny. They keep going and going. This sucks because I

can’t. I am so hungry now that my stomach doesn’t growl any more it just feels like it is eating its self. Not

that I would complain but I am sure I have lost weight. Not that I was hefty I am not a twig though I guess I

am average. Sometimes I tell myself that average is good it is fine but then you see these girl walking

around without an ounce of fat on them and you see all the guys’ eyes follow them and you wonder if

average is really good or the ability to look like a twig is better. I tried that HCG diet once where you can

only eat 500 calories well it didn’t work for me I was starving the whole time and ended up gaining weight

because I was so hungry. I give it to the twigs to be able to eat nothing to barley anything in a day. Well I

think now I will go to bed and see what the morning holds for me.

Day 13
Well I am out and it wasn’t as hard as I thought. The door was unlocked someone must have

unlocked the door when everyone was getting over run I just never tried it. But I got the door open and

held the board up I hit the first on to come for me and was able to run past the rest. But what I saw

outside was awful. Oh yeah I was at a different house than before anyways there was fires all over the city

and zombies everywhere. While I had been locked away the world went away. The power is still up

probably because I heard we get out power from the Hoover Dam. I wonder how long wifi will be up

probably until whatever systems are up realize that no one’s paying the bills any more. I guess if I was

back at my apartment I could continue to pay my bills and it would stay up but I would eventually run out

of money. I wonder how everyone is holding up at the apartment. Right now I am sitting in an internet cafe

sipping on some coffee I couldn’t figure out how to make a latte but still coffee is just the thing I needed. I

also have a nice supply of muffins and coffee cake. So I am set for a couple days. Oh guess what the store

was unlocked and I was able to just open the door and come in. Whoever was here didn’t clean up but they

are no longer here. I keep the lights out and only turn on the computer facing away from the doors. I

haven’t attracted much attention. Well I guess I will let you all go I will talk to everyone later. Night and

stay safe because it is HELL out there.

Day 14

Well today I learned something that is really important sound attracts the dead. Somehow the

window of the store next door was broken into I am not sure how or why because I was asleep any ways

the alarm was going off so loud and it attracted tons of the zombies. Now the whole block is surrounded I

stay in the back where there is no windows. I am on my I touch because there is wifi here. I don’t use the

lights and stay quiet I am afraid if they knew I was here then they would try and get in here. The alarm is

still going off. I am afraid for my life if something doesn’t distract them away from here then this cafe will

be my tomb. I think if I get out of here I need to get somewhere safer because it is just not safe enough
here with all of these windows. I am just luck all the zombies are trying to get at the store next door

instead of here or I would be screwed. Well that is all for now.

Well someone is helping me out because they set off an alarm somewhere else maybe a block away or

something. I ran out of here with a bag of muffins and headed back home. With all I have been through I

think living with the King looks like heaven.

They are all dead all my neighbors the king everyone. It looks like they had a war or something all I know

is there was a big shoot out and they are all dead not zombie dead but dead dead. I got into my apartment

and it has been trashed anything that was anything is gone. My roommate’s room is torn to pieces and my

room is alright maybe because I cleaned out all the important things before leaving. My laptop is gone and

my radio well until I went upstairs I was able to get everything I could determine as mine back the dead

don’t need it any more. I found a couple of boxes of instant potatoes and a bag of chocolate chips. It

sounds weird but still mashed potatoes and chocolate is not really that bad. There is no reason for me to

stay here because all of the defenses are down and everyone is dead or gone if any one survived. I will

sleep here tonight and head out in the morning. Talk to you all later.

Day 15

Well I met my saviors today they followed me back to my apartment and stayed the night in

another apartment. They seem nice but I am a little scared to trust anyone no more flares in the sky

announcing I am weak take advantage of me. With that being said I am happy to have someone one to talk

to who is going through the same thing as me. Well let me tell you a bit about them for security purposes I
won’t divulge any names at this time be Girl 1 is from the rich part of town. She came home from school

to find that no one was “alive” within the gates of her house. She has been kind of “slumming it”, as she

says, around town until she came across my blog. She found Guy 1 while trying to find me and asked for

his assistance. They were searching for me until I got out of the house and found me trapped in the Cafe

and decided to help me out. Which I am very grateful for. Guy 1 is in his late 20′s he barely escaped his

children eating him alive. He said that him and his wife have their sides of their bed his wife was on the

side closest to the door to wake up to the kids and he slept closest to the wall. Well his wife heard get up

to see why one of their kids was screaming. He wasn’t concerned because one of his kids gets night

terrors so he just fell back asleep. Until his wife started screaming did he wake up? He ran into the hall to

watch one of his kids take down his wife. He ran to his bedroom and closed the door. His kids were

banging on the door growling at him. He was able to get out the window and hide on the roof in time to

see his wife and kids attempt to climb out to him and fall on the ground and get up. Well after that he was

just roaming around and found girl 1 and felt she shouldn’t be alone and help her in her quest to help me.

Well now we have decided to move on from here because it isn’t safe. We are staying at a house right now.

Looks like the occupants never got home. We blocked the doors and windows the best we could with the

stuff we could find. For example we used a piano to block a door and broke apart the front room table to

block the windows. Tonight I will be sleeping in my own room with the door locked because for some odd

reason I have this issue with people of late. There is a lot of food in this house looks like they just we

shopping so we are all getting plenty to eat. They also have the internet and wifi so I am set. The world

looks glum and I don’t have much hope for people who don’t have traditional housing because these

things are crazy and you need walls to keep them out.

Day 16
We are going to stay here again tonight. We all decided it best to rest up and eat good food while

we are safe. That way we can store up enough energy for whatever comes next. Which I am not too sure

what that will be. We need to find other people and find somewhere really safe to not only survive but to

live. I don’t know why I want to continue to live I guess I still hold out hope. I don’t know what for

everyone I have ever known is probably dead and some people I will get to know will probably be dead.

This world is all about death now. Not that it wasn’t before people were always out to get each other and

to kill one another but now they are really out to kill you. I guess I am a little glum today but that is

because while I have been stuck in this house that is not mine I have been searching the net for

information about what is going on and to see if anyone is trying to solve this. The stuff I have found is

not encouraging. Alright I will tell you everything I found but let me tell you right now humanity is

becoming as sick as the zombies but still the zombies are really bad.

So I started to search up videos and there are loads of videos of people standing around videotaping other

people getting ripped to shreds by the zombies. They don’t bother to help or even to show that they care

they just stand that and watch. The worst one I saw was this video was of a little girl outside with her Dad.

He was teaching her how to hit a ball off of the stick thing I guess little league or something. Then you see

someone shuffling down the street the person behind the camera which I assume is the girls mom didn’t

eve pay any notice until the thing jumps on top of the little girl and starts tearing apart her arms. The Dad

hits the thing in the head with the bat then runs in the house with the camera person. The camera cuts out

and then it comes back on you see the little girl pawing at a window trying to get in. I am sorry I would

never want my child’s death to be on the internet for everyone to see. The only people who would be able

to post the video would be the parents. There is also videos out there of guy capturing living or dead

children and doing what they will to them. Oh I did find a video of me on there as well appears the guys

were watching me and taping me when the raped me lovely huh. I call the people in charge of the site but
my guess is no one is there to regulate anything anymore. Well all I have to say is this world was ‘f’ed up

in the first place but not it is definitely fucked now. The dead are eating the living and the living have to

be fearful of other living. Just plain stupid.

Day 18

Well I am stupid sometimes I think I ask for bad things to happen to me. We got in a huge gun

fight with the living because of my last. Post they don’t agree with me. I am just lucky they are so stupid

that while I lay bleeding and unconscious they thought I was dead. I wasn’t too eager to prove them wrong

so I laid low and hid until I could actually get around without almost passing out. I hid in one of the

upstairs rooms and blocked the door. Because the bandits didn’t leave the down stairs to secure any more.

I slept most of the time and when I was able to I moved out of this house. The down stairs is filled with

zombies I think they can smell my blood. So to get out I had to climb down a rope of bed sheets. I see

them do it all the time on TV or did anyways but you don’t realize that the knots will slip right off the

other sheet if you don’t secure it properly. Which I didn’t so climbing out the window I fell right down and

I twisted my ankle. So by the time the zombies notice me through the back door I didn’t have time to baby

myself. I run and climb on top of a little playhouse and jump over the fence. I get into the neighbors house

and I am currently here using their computer they have and I touch here that I will use because the bandits

took mine. Oh and don’t worry about me by the time they see this post I will be well on my way

somewhere else. See I made it so this post sends after I am gone. I plan on leaving after I am done here. I

just think people and listening to me and they deserve to know what’s going on. Oh I do need to say

something Mike and Serenity RIP you were great friends while it lasted sorry I brought down

the vengeful bandits down on you.

Day 21
Well I am on the move more often today I don’t want anyone to catch up to me. Everyone I have

come near has died and I feel like either I have the best luck and should consider myself lucky because I

am still alive or I am bad luck and everyone who gets near me dies. I am not sure which one to consider it

is like the glass question is the glass half empty or half full you can look at this in two ways.

Well there a lot of zombies out there but they are getting really slow as long as you avoid them you are

fine. I also avoid the packs because I think they know they are getting slower so if they can hunt together

they have more of a chance. I try to avoid them as much as possible because I don’t really want to test

that theory. The only problem is the one stuck in house you can see them now in most of the houses

people must have did inside of starvation or something and came back. They are in there so watch were

you decided to stay. I watch a house for as long as possible and then I throw small rocks at each of the

windows to see if anything responds. Sometimes the zombies come to the windows but my last defense is

I knock on the door. The pounding lets me know. I know this takes a really long time to discover if

something is in side but I would rather find out that way then have something attacking me from behind. I

do find empty places but the problem that I am finding now is that they have all been ransacked. Yeah

everything that I could use is gone. I have become more aware of back yard gardens now picking what I

can from them. I do need some protein so I look for peanut21 butter no one realizes that there is protein

in it. Well off I go need to get some rest I will get back to everyone soon when I can. Wireless is getting

harder to find.

Day 23

Wireless is getting harder to find. People’s internet providers must be shutting down internets.

That is my only guess really because the power is still up. Well my days are now becoming difficult

because I am hungry and weak. I think I am getting a cold. If a fresh zombie jumps out on me I am not
sure I will be able to avoid its attack. I think I need to join up with a group or I will not make it much

longer it is only a matter of days till I slip up. I have seen a couple of groups around here and I try

avoiding people because so far that has been better than me searching them out. I am trying to find a

group that has a large female presence and allows the females to do things I guess if they trust females to

fight and stuff then they won’t be treating them as baby makes or sex slaves. I will scope out a couple of

groups and get back with a decision. I need to think fast because it will be soon that I get so sick I can’t

move. I know it I can feel it in my bones.

Day 24

Well have not found a suitable place to live yet I will keep everyone in the loop. I have found a

couple of groups but I have not found what I am looking for. Lately it seems the zombie population has

increased because there is a lot out there. I don’t know why I know I need to hunker down for the night

and stay quiet. This isn’t too hard I haven’t talked for days now. I sometimes wonder if I talk in my sleep

to make up for all the not talking in the day. I don’t think I do but still something to think about. I think

my only outside contact to people is through this blog. I reach out and talk there. I am feeling a

little lonely and don’t know when it will end if it will end forcibly or buy me finding a group that I like. I

know in a world full of zombies I shouldn’t be picky but I am and I don’t want to be someone’s property or

be a peon I would rather be with no one and die at the hand of the zombies. Well I am going to go got to

head up to the crawl space because I got some interest in my flesh well night all and ttyl.

Day 25

Still in the crawl space they are everywhere down there. I really don’t know what to do. I am so

hungry and thirsty that I have decided to drink my urine. I watched the on show on the discovery channel

or something and it was about a guy trying to survive various situations. He said that urine is actually
sanitary and that you can drink it and it will give you nutrients and stuff. I can get it down while plugging

my nose and letting it slide down my throat. You would think I have been up here for says but I figure if

I start trying to preserve my self then when I get down the road I will be able to survive longer because of

the steps I have taken. So up here I have a lot of time on my hands I don’t use my I tough much to

conserve on battery and to update you guys so I don’t go online and look at things so all I have is my to

entertain myself. I think about my parents and wonder if they are sticking through this and wonder about

other family members. I know this may sound twisted but I have gone through the list of family members

in my head and organized them based on who would survive the longest. Sadly I think my parents would

be one of the first ones. Though looking at myself I would have said the same thing of me. I also think

about my last day of school and the school books I threw out the window. Society is over and the world

will never be the same. I wonder if I will be the last standing or if tomorrow will be my demise. Will got to

go conserve my battery talk to you all later if anyone is even listening any more.

Day 26

Well I am still up here. All of my legs are cramping and they go through spasms. I am so hungry

that I bite my tongue so that I get a taste of blood to suck down. I don’t think there is any nutritional value

to blood but it makes my stomach stop hurting for a minute. My pee is now dark brown so I haven’t been

drinking it. I heard some where you can survive 5 days without food and 3 days without water. I am not

even sure that is true but I do know today is either day 1 or 2 what every way you look at it without water.

I did drink my urine so that might give me a day. I don’t know really what to do. They know I am here so

they don’t go away. I think the smell me which I am sure I smell really bad I am guessing a mixture of

sweat, pee, and shit. I try to move around but they follow me. I think this will be my tomb. I have no way

out and I am more terrified of being eaten alive than dying of starvation so here I sit and wait. I sleep a lot

more. I guess my body is trying to conserve energy. I wonder once I die will I become one of them or will I
just sit here and rot away. I wonder how long those things will sit down there waiting for me to come

down. Will they know when I die or will they just wait. Well I better conserve battery I will be back on

tomorrow I am sure I have one more day in me so I will let you all know what is happening with me.

Day 28?

Well I slept through yesterday and I am starting to hallucinate. This is one of the very few

moments of lucidity I have had. I am so past hungry that I can’t feel hunger anymore. My tongue is so dry

it feels like I have a rock in my mouth it won’t move and won’t do anything. My lips crack and bleed every

time I try to move them which leads me to be nauseous and dizzy so I have resorted to not moving any

more. I lay here in a dried up puddle of urine which I haven’t been able to urinate for a day now. I don’t

even feel the desire to so at least that is one less pain I have to feel. Oh I did tell you all that I am

hallucinating I keep hearing those things talk to me. Some say thing like we will end your pain others try

to tell me I am hallucinating them and if I get down and eat and drink everything will be back to normal. I

try not to listen but to have everything done and over with would be great. Well I am getting tired again

this has taken all the energy I have to write. I just want to tell everyone good luck out there and thanks for

listening and well I hope to see you in the afterlife not a zombie.

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