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Public organizations

Student Name: Maryam Thowaib Student ID: 1806173

Instructor Name: Aayesha Jamal
current public sector challenges in Saudi Arabia


The Kingdom of Saudia Arabia presents a unique set of challenges to the public sector

employees due to the modern challenges in terms of stress that is basically significant in

globalization hence, therefore, the enhancement for support for the public community in a non-

traditional working environment. Similarly, there is also some stable supports for conservative

values, and ethics are pointed for the traditional societal norms based on Saudi’s religion and

culture. Hence, it also enhances the support for the performance of the job in public sectors that

are not specifically traditionally analyzed in terms of the realm for the public employees, due to

the longevity requirement in order to create a successful path for a career such as public jobs

(Academic, organizations, and other public sectors).

At similar period, hence the public sector employees are empowered to follows some career

paths whilst to maintain the traditional values that are perpetuated by the culture and religion that

also hold for the values of families and the moral ethics for the female(James, Jilke, Ryzin, &

Washington, 2017).

One of the major challenges in the public sector or Saudia Arabia is the “Stress” hence the

traditional values also find some places for the employees in the public sectors that must be ideal

where the conservative members of the public organization should respect the authority and

standings of any employee in the organization. however, there must be some specific places

where the female employees in the public sectors must feel comfortable in such environment

where the employees of the public organizations mostly do not respect the women’s standing
therefore there must be some regulations that demonstrate that women employees are as high as

their male counterparts(Fawzi, 2017).

However, this concept also inbuilt the gender discrimination no only in terms of mental stress on

the women’s employees but also secure the career development that is basically because of the

conservatives’ employees of the organizations.

As the public sectors are a major important part of the economy in Saudia Arabia that also

improves the performances of public organizations and also effects to growth of the economy

that ultimately reduces the stress policies. Therefore, the whole levels of government are now

trying to make such limitations that can capable the extra as much as possible, public sectors also

enhance the economy by increasingly growing the economy as compared to the public sectors.
Therefore, there are some specific challenges that public sectors are facing(Issues, 2019).

1. Assets and infrastructure management

The good management of the public sectors both in financial assets and physical assets provides

the advantages of the longest terms of the economy performances. Hence, raising the standards

of the public sector organization’s assets and infrastructure is a major part of Saudi’s government

for growing the economic agenda.

2. The basic shift for public sector organizations.

The Government has to focused on the basic fundamental shift for the public sector

organizations. This kind of step is required to focus on the innovations and efficiency as well as

the priority and development or the organization to enhance and achieve the values for the

money in the businesses of public sectors. Therefore, the government must have to look at the

point that can enhance the productivity of the public sectors by introducing novel ways by

learning from the private sectors.

3. Government to achieve efficiency, governance, and productivity.

As the public sector of the organization must operate in such a way that can achieve the

limitation of economic growth. Therefore, it is a major challenge for authorities of the public

sectors to balance the demands for sustaining the level in the first world and provide the services

for the affordability. Hence, it is challenging to provide such deliveries and services for

accessing the influential costs. This thing enhances the level of productivity and efficiency in

public sector organizations.

Overview of the research:

The research on the challenging in public sectors demonstrates the changings in any

organizations whether terms of financing, structures, and services also develop the risks for the

public authorities, therefore it also demands to understand and take some major points for

encounter those challenges by giving the complete assurance as to the public sector

authorizations. Therefore, the public sector challenges must be considered related to

enhancement in contracting out, by sharing some services, and uses of more trusted forms

focusing on to consider the context and nature of the public work.

However, the providence of productivity and services to the public sector during the change is

overbearing, as it requires the insurance that must meet the public expectations for the good

management of public sector money, fairness, and probity. Therefore, anyone needs to keep up

with such changes that can possibly provide guidance and major advice for the public sector


Hence, therefore, we propose some responses to these challenges that must be an encounter for

Saudi’s government that explore the public sector organizations.

a. To raise some awareness of the risks that also can enhance by introducing the change

about them to manage the changes.

b. Must encourage the best uses of the information related to the support for the good

decision making.

c. Gives the basic insight to all the local governments.

d. Must give the best analysis and reporting the information about the public sector


e. Moreover, adds some values by using the annual audits and also inquiries the

performances of public employees.


As the culture of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia contribute some kind of pressure to the female

employees and also some changes in finance management, in an environment or any policies is

the major risk for the public sector organizations. Therefore, the government trying to introduce

some policies that could be feasible to opt for each organization in the public. The major focus of

the government is to facilitate its public by providing the best services and facilities to the public

employees. The government also sets some merit planes for selecting the best-qualified

employees for each government. By implementing this step also enhance the performance and

improvement of each organization. Hence the study is analyzed that the stress and any kind of

tension in employees can ultimately cause a mental effect on the public employees. Therefore,

authorities must need to plan such points that can overcome the employee’s stress and provide

the facilities.


Fawzi, H. (2017). Faculty Production of Research Papers : Challenges and Recommendations

Faculty Production of Research Papers : Challenges and Recommendations. (March).

Issues, S. (2019). Saudi arabia. (19).

James, O., Jilke, S., Ryzin, G. Van, & Washington, G. (2017). Experiments in Public

Management Research : Challenges and Opportunities Chapter 1 : Introduction oliver

james , sebastian jilke , and. (February 2018).

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