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 Leisure activities- An activity chosen for pleasure, relaxation, or other emotional satisfaction,

typically after work and other responsibilities are done

 Holiday resorts-დასასვენებელი ადგილი
 Political parties- პოლიტიკური პარტია
 Manufacturers-მწარმოებლები
 Product line-groups of closely related products sold to the same customer groups and marketed
through the same outlets
 Customer groups-მომხმარებელთა ჯგუფები
 Outlet-places of business for selling goods to customers (shops, stores, kiosks, etc.)
 Evolving- განვითარება
 Life cycle- the series of changes that a product, process, activity, etc. goes through during its
 Profitability- მომგებიანობა, შემოსავლიანობა,
 Re-evaluate- to consider or examine something again in order to make changes or to form a
new opinion about it
 Product mix-all the different products, brands and items that a company sellsretail
 Retailers-businesses that sell goods or merchandise to individual consumer
 Branded- made by a particular company and sold under a particular name
 Brand-name or symbol or a logo that distinguishes products and services from competing
offerings and makes customer remember the company product or service.
 Reinforce- to make something stronger
 Distinctive design-განმასხვავებელი , დამახასიათებელი
 The key objective-მთავარი მიზანი
 Attitude- პოზიცია, დამოკიდებულება
 Extensive advertising--ფართო, ვრცელი
 Brand recognition-the extent to which consumers are aware of a brand, and know its nam
 B2B (business to business)- Business-to-business is a situation where one business makes a
commercial transaction with another
 Consumer good- products that people buy for their own use
 B2C (business to consumer)-  selling products directly to customers, bypassing any third-party
 Corporate branding-companies include their name in all products
 Individual branding-companies give each product it own brand name so companies name is less
well-known than brands
 Multi-brand strategy-  company marketing several similar products as competitors, each
with their own individual brand name
 Fill up- შევსება
 Market share-the sales of a company expressed as a percentage of total sales in a given market
 brand-switchers-consumers who buy various competing products rather than being loyal to a
particular bran
 Annual list- წლიური სია
 Global brands-გლობალური ბრენდები
 Company’s physical assets- item of economic, commercial, or exchange value that has a
material existence
 Brands worth- the financial amount your brand is worth
 Consequently- შესაბამისად, შედეგად
 Company’s market value-the combined price of all it’s shares
 Book value-the recorded value of its tangible assets such as buildings and machinery
 Recorded value-  largest or smallest value obtained from a sequence of random
 Tangible assets=physical assets
 Customer loyalty-existence of customers who will continue to buy products
 Logo-a graphic image or symbol specially created to identify a company or a product
 Packaging-a graphic image or symbol specially created to identify a company or a product
 Shelves-surfaces in a store on which goods are displaye
 Consumer - მომხმარებელი
 Good-საქონელი
 profitability – momgebianoba
 market value – sabazro Rirebuleba;
 shares – aqciebi;

Market leader unit 1

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 value for money- used in reference to something that is well worth the money spent on it
 durable- likely to last for a long time without breaking or getting weaker
 fashionable- მოდური
 upmarket- მაღალხარისხიანი, უმაღლესი კლასის (საქონელი, მომსახურება)
 inexpensive-იაფფასიანი
 sexy
 timeless- not appearing to be affected by the process of time passing or by changes in fashion
 cool
 sophisticated-  დაახვეწილი, დახელოვნებული
 well-made- გემოვნებით შედგენილი 
 Reliable - სანდო, სარწმუნო
 Fun
 Classic - კლასიკური
 Stylish-მოდური

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 Brand loyalty-the tendency to always buy a particular brand

 Brand image-the ideas and beliefs people have about brand

 Brand stretching-using an existing name on another type of product

 Brand awareness- how familiar people are with a brand (or its logo and slogan)
 Brand name-the title given to a product by the company that makes it

 Product launch the introduction of a product to the market

 Product lifecycle-the length of time people continue to buy a product

 Product range-the set of products made by a company

 Product placement-when products are used in films or tv programmes

 Product endorsement-the use of products made by a company

 Market leader-the best-selling product or brand in a market

 Market research-information about what consumers want or need

 Market share-the percentage of sales company has

 Market challenger-the second best selling or brand in a market

 Market segment-customers of a similar age, income level or social group



Brand = trademark or trade name;

Value for money – something is worth that amount of money

Durable - lasting for a long time; gamZle;

Upmarket - relating to commercial products, services, etc., that are relatively expensive and

of superior quality;  downmarket

Timeless – sth. that is so good and beautiful that can’t be affected by changes in society or

fashion; mudmivi;

Cool - крутой, клёвый, классный;

Sophisticated – 1. daxvewili, gemovnebiani, kulturuli; 2. rTuli;

3. modernizebuli, Tanamedrove, mowinave;

4.falsificirebuli, damaxinjebuli (simarTle, faqtebi, teqsti)
p.9 Restless pursuer of luxury’s future

restless – mousvenari, aRelvebuli, aforiaqebuli, daucxromeli,

2. mudmivi, gauTavebeli;

pursuer – mimdevari;

longest-serving – yvelaze didxans momuSave;

shareholder =stockholder – aqcioneri ;

newness – novelty, siaxle, novatori;

couture [ku:'tjuə] – maRali klasis tansacmlis kerva; maRali moda;

network – qseli;

to perfect – srulyofa, dasruleba, gaumjobeseba;

supply chain – miwodebis qseli;

to anticipate – molodini, winaswar ganWvreta, winaTgrZnoba;


revenue – Semosavali

generate –Seqmna, warmoeba;

trustworthy – sando, saimedo;

sales – gayidvebis moculoba


appeal – attractiveness; mimzidveloba;

TV coverage – satelevizio gaSuqeba;

“copycat’ product – mimsgavsebuli produqti.

Case Study

top-of-the-range = top-of-the-line model – yvelaze ZviradRirebuli modeli


to be associated with – asocirdebodes, iyos dakavSirebuli;D

craftsmanship – xelosnoba, xelovneba, samuSaos profesiuli Sesruleba;

to boost sales- gayidvebis moculobis gazrda;

initially –Tavdapirvelad;

to set up – daarseba;

branch office – filiali;

warehouse – sawyobi

warehouse facility – sasawyobe Senoba-nageboba;

expansion – gafarToeba, gazrda;

focus group - a group of people brought together to give their opinions on a particular issue

or product, often for the purpose of market research;

to perceive – to recognize, to understand, to identify; gageba, aRqma;

to contribute (to) – wvlilis Setana; xelSewyoba;

meet expectation – gaamarTlo imedebi

to target – damizneba; mizanSi amoReba;

if you target particular group of people you try to appeal to them

LTD – SezRudulu pasuxismgeblobis kompania;

to run off (a copy) – to print (a copy);

launch (n) – produqciisgamoSvebis dawyeba;

R&D – research and development;

subsidiary – Svilobili kompania;

expand – gavrceleba; gafarToeba;

squeeze-out – gandevna; if someone or something is squeezed, they are no longer included

in something;

to lose confidence – rwmenis dakargva.

Underpaid – not paid enough

Overcapacity – excess numbers; the situation in which an industry or business cannot sell as

much as it produces; zenormirebuli warmoeba; zenormirebuli

warmoebis saSualeba/SesaZlebloba

to take notice - to pay attention;

buzz marketing = word of –mouth – produqtis (servisis) popularizacia erTi adamianis mier sxvebisTvis
zepiri informaciis gadacemis gziT

p9 text

 Chief Executive-ფირმის უფროსი

 Shareholders-აქციონერები

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