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Nome:______________________ nº:_____Turma:_______
Muito Bom Bom
Data , 20
Assinaturas: /
Não Satisfaz
(A professora) (O Encarregado de Educação)

Test 1

A- Listening-Comprehension (10%)

B. Listen and circle the correct options according to what you hear.

1. Luke wakes up / goes to sleep / goes to school early every day.

2. He’s always very sleepy / active / noisy in the morning.
3. He prepares his lunchbox / tidies his bedroom / does the ironing before breakfast.
4. Luke and his friends have lunch in the playground / cafeteria / canteen.

C. Listen to the dialogue and read the sentences. Tick () True or False.
True False
1. Lydia goes to the market with her mother on Sunday morning.  
2. Her mother cooks lunch while her father washes the car.  
3. Lydia’s brother and sister make their bed.  
4. Lydia tidies the bedroom after lunch.  
5. Lydia’s parents do the washing up after dinner.  
6. Her brother feels tired in the afternoon, so he doesn’t help with the  

Ana Tomé
B- Reading (40%)

A. Complete the sentences with information about the text. Use only ONE word.

1. Maya Gabeira is in the Guinness World Records for being the first woman to ___________ a big
wave. Maya’s daily routine
a, my favourite surfer. She’s wonderful… She’s in the Guinness World Records for being the first woman to surf a giant wave in Nazaré: 22.4 metres high. Can y
2. Maya is always very _____________.
he always wakes up really early: at 6 a.m. After that, she has a quick shower and gets dressed. Before going to the beach, she always makes her bed and has break
urfs from 7:30 to 10:30 and 3.
she cleans
goes to the supermarket
_________ or walks
after along the beach.
m with a friend. She usually arrives home at 6:30 and prepares dinner. In the evening, Maya has dinner with her family and talks about her daily activities. Then sh
4. She goes to the gym with a _____________.

Maya Gabeira

A. Complete the sentences with information about the text. Use only ONE word.

1. Maya Gabeira is in the Guinness World Records for being the first woman to ___________
a big wave.
2. Maya is always very _____________.
3. She cleans the _________ after breakfast.
4. She goes to the gym with a _____________.
B. Each sentence below has one mistake. Rewrite the sentences and make them true, according to the
text. There is one example.

Ana Tomé
1. Marco loves sports, especially swimming.
2. Maya Gabeira is from Nazaré.
3. She wakes up at five o’clock in the morning.
4. She has a shower and tidies her bedroom after getting dressed.
5. Maya takes the rubbish out after dinner.

C. Answer the questions about the text. Give complete answers.

1. Where does Marco’s favourite surfer live?

2. What does she have for breakfast?
3. What does she usually do in the morning?
4. Why does Maya meditate?

C- Vocabulary ( 6%)

A. Complete the sentences with the correct nationalities.

Margot Robbie is an
Sky Brown is a famous skater.
3 _______________ actress.
She’s from Japan, so she’s 1 ____________________.
She’s from Queensland, in Australia.

The Weekend is a singer from Toronto, in Canada.

He’s 2 _________________. Nelson Évora is an athlete from Portugal.
He’s 4 __________________.

B. Label the pictures with the types of houses. Use the words from the box.
cottage detached house terraced house block of flats

Ana Tomé
1. ___________________2. ______________________
3. _________________
4. _________________

D- Grammar ( 24%)

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be.

Harry Styles 1_____________ a singer and a songwriter. He

_____________ from Redditch, a city in England, so he
_____________ English. He 4_____________ (not) with his mother
very often because he lives in California (in the USA). Harry and his
_____________ always busy because when they 6_____________
(not) at the studio, they 7_____________ on tour. Harry’s song Harry Styles
“Watermelon sugar” 8_____________ his latest hit. 9____________
Harry happy? Of course he 10_____________. He loves singing and
writing new songs!

E. Circle the correct form of the verb have got.

1. Harry and his mother have got / has got a modern flat in London.
2. Harry haven’t got / hasn’t got any concerts this month. He needs to have a break.
3. “Have / Has he got a new album?” “Yes, he have / has.”
4. His closest friends haven’t got / hasn’t got a mansion like his.

Ana Tomé
E- Writing (20%)

Write a small text about your daily routine (25-35 words). Don’t forget:
• start with a greeting;
• say the activities you do in the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening;
• finish with a closing remark (goodbye).







Ana Tomé

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