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Contemporary Security Studies paar ‘ THIRD EDITION “Edited by, Alan Collins OXFORD ODTU KUTUPHANESt METU LIBRARY IZ5588 CONS OXFORD 2Ort Chen hed mn ses cei ey Ot ssimor accep ns hear, corny phe Oc opel aa ‘ren Re Kee ‘eos iy et “hme ha esrb eed ‘sh rpm remem enn ems waga xe ees roped ty Debnam it ropa eras ‘larga tats cocng pes sat ae ‘Settee he Dosh Ly Casing acer eatin bcd er ena pe ie eo ie yn oy Ob gp the sn si pei Poe any Prous Preface In this third edition ll the chapters have been updated to take account of contemporary changes inthe field ofsecuiy studies, A numberof ehapters use developments the Mile Bast asa con- sequence ofthe ‘Arab Spring’ a iluminate the specific aspect of security thats being dscussed, {ram intervention in Libya to protests in Syria. Othe casestudies ftom acros the globe have been revisited and updated and tis includes leadership wanstion in the Democratic People’s Republic ‘of Korea and steer protests in Greece. “This edition maintains the steacture ofthe previous editions: the Approaches section isflloweed by the Deepening and Broadening of the subject before we finish by looking ata range of Tradi- tional ind Non-Tradional scurry issues. There has been a reorganization ofthe chapters inthe “Approtches section, with Historical Materialism moved 10 Chapter 4 0 reflec ls Marist r00ts, thus placing i alongside the radiional Realist and Liberast approach, Peace Studies retains its position as an approach with Cold War origins, while the remaining chapters have become more ‘slient post Cold War, The order ofthe other two sections remains the same. ‘We have four new chapters Three are complete revisions of topics from previouseitions(Eco- nomic Secuity; Globalization, Development, and Security; and Defence Trade) that have ether been solely written by new contiburors or have hada new contibutors input. The fourth new chapter examines a new subject matter fr the book and the ld (Cybersecurity), Finally, the new ‘contributors maintain the international breadth of experise found in the previous editions with ‘contributors drawn from Europe, the United States, end Asia, Acknowledgements ‘With allprojct there are many people to thank, and his isno exception, for without theisupport {his book could not have been produced, Fist and foremost thanks must be given tothe contribu ‘ors fst for agreeing vo weit their chapters and den fo dligentl submting them on schedule, complete with pedagogic features, Thanks must also be given to those reviewers who commented In detail on the second edition; the tied edition has benefited from, and been adjusted in the light of their useful thoughts. Special hanks alo goo Gillan Rellasoa, who was responsible for prepar- ng and prodacing the resource cente that supports the book. lam also gratefl to Professor Jobin Baylis for originally encouraging me to take on this task Finally, thanks also go to Catherine Page and Marth Bales st Oxford University Pres for theleprofessinalism and assistance during the Preperation ofthis book, New to this Edition + Anew chapter on eybersecsty chars the sory an evolution ofthis ight topical fect concer and the level of presents. + Arewrten chapter on economic ecu shows haw economic instruments can be sed to parse secu goals + Arewetten chapter onthe defence trade ads an store overview ofthe tae in arms and inchdes new cae tudes. + -Arevised chapter on development and secusty looks at hw globlzation mey ster range of insecure and subsequent demands fo change in developing coun, + Pull updated vo tae into aecount Changes ine lterature ad ecent evens nling the “Arb Spring, Brief Contents Decale Cones stot aes of Tes mot Boxer Gide Tour of Lesing Fetes Guide Tour oft Onn Reacts Cenee | fcrodction: What Secury Studies? ‘Aan Cotes PART | Apprsthesta Seay ree ete ee berate Pick Morgen 4 Historical torsion Eric Hering 5 Peace Seier Pal Ropes al Seeuriy Seades: A Sehismati History ‘and Miter 9 Gender and Sacarisy Carine Kemady Ouez 2 o Brie Contents PART 2. Deepening and Broadening Security 1 tary Secrity| ww ‘Mil Sheehan 1 Regine Security ve chr Jaton 1 Societal Security me al Roe Environmental Security 0 ‘eames '5 Economie Security 208 ‘Gay M.Sifnon 16 Globaluaton, Development and Securiy m "Nona Poodle Tera PART 3. Traditional and Non-Traditional Security 17 Coarehe Diplomacy » ate Vig ten Weapons of Mass Dessruction 286 Jos Wee BYererim ms Brenda Lte ond ames Lute 20, Humanitarian Intervention 29 ‘Alc Bony 21 Energy Security ote Sam Repl ond Oa State 22 The Delence Tate 20 Same R Gre. 2 Heath and Security ” Stefan Ee 24 Transnational Crime He Some Gao ond Hor Tenkanar 25 Cybensecurity 32 ‘Myris Dur Cavey 26 Chi Soldiers Hele rocket BF Aber the Return vo Theory The Past, Present, and Fucure of Security Studies ‘le waver ond Bory Buzon Gtonsry Brief Contents ms 3 a 465, Detailed Contents Noes on Coerbanare sof Faure us of be hide Toro Laing Fences ulde Tourcf te Olin Resource Cece 1 Iotreducion: What is Security Sts? ‘Alon Cats Detetion ofc svcure Conasion PART | Approaches to Security 2 Reali hort Ger brrotution wna rater? ‘Wales struct lien mere een Delevan Mocrenl resem Ream and wir Concliion Quesions Furth rad 3 Uberaisn rie Mose Chitral eres fhe erst perovch ov Detaled Contents Cera lenens in erate hing coma baron ‘The parm of an ght beau an neal orsatons Uber and dmoerey Conlon and erique Quessons Furter rng Inport weite Hiscorca Maer BicHening Iron ccc mater eer, and secre ‘A lag) loser loo stor meri, ‘von e pote pal of trea tert Conlon Questions inter eg npocare webeces Peace Seoies rt Rogers erosion The eyes Eolas mit conrovecsy "hia space sues now? Responding tothe now cary halenges Questions Further endg Imporeanc webs (Ciel Secure Studies: A Schimasc History Devi Mater Introduction: Foow the of he gourd Toro die Cl Sey Stes Copetagenaiintons Aberscayh ekchiions Contig scuiy rryonts Oder peststucursisn and etry Beyond Ono! CASing the for Rating the Gi? Concision Qvesione Farr rang Inporane websites ees ase 8 S eatheseue £ euyveste Rareeyyeass 7 Sock Constructivism Chine Ags lnweducon Debins and ay concaps ‘Word tre atures faery Comets and re conc Cgc of eons Concaon Quersons Furth rea porte webster 8 Human Seeurisy Posie Kart “The eablimen fhe human secur once eters song aroeats of human seuity Enabling common ground il encepzation of secy Haran secant pein CCorclaon Qvasions Fer ening Ingoreane webs 9 Gender and Security Canine Kenney Ineeton Disa rprtsenatons Prac conte ler Conan! ilgy a seuty Women and peace ule perceptions, sane rao ‘Coneison Queston Funder rséng Inmporan ebsies 10 Securtation Fal Eee Inodueon Secures mode Erp esac and lation ofthe seircznton model Cams of secretion Conison ‘Quastont Detaled Contents BRee8s vei Detaled Contents Fether caning Inport waste PART 2 Deepening and Broadening Security 1 tary Security ‘Miho! Sheohn nrodction Aprons 0 mitary wctcgy “raéuoral maser een Atlas nd rary Deere Cooperative security and ws conto ‘The cost of mir seer Quesions Fer ening Inporcane webs 1a Regine Security chard Jcke Inout “The wetness Seer sete inwek es eng secure weak states Conclaion: roman forthe weak te ‘Qosrione Fort ein Ingorane web B Societal Security aloe rection ‘ty of saw ad soe seurty Sosy and sce iensy Tires soca en Ordenng seta deny Soci sean lammae Concion Quessont ter rag nporcae websites w aag 4 ” S8SEEB ETS Detaied Contents svi 1 Emvronmanel Secu v0 Jon Barnett snrodetion 1 “The crg of enironmarsl secrey jor nterpretatns of rere scary rrorentl change an sent cof vnmentl ge an atonal secrey Aimed ocean ha evant vrerentl change an han ect Enron o ear Cea Quezione her ening B SRRPP Sega Es 'S Economie Security ‘Gay M Sinan Iron 208 Econo stnce of sec 09 can tal of sci poley 2» ‘Concaon no Questions m0 Fathering a Inport websites Ea 8 16. Clobazation, Developmant, and Security Nana K.P nd foc Tern troduton Glottzason x eon ideology or development Neorg egy loa neque neato fol secey Cancion Querione Free radng Import wetter BREESE eee PART 3 Traditional and Non-Traditional Security 17 Coercive Diplomacy mo Per Vge otatren rodicon 0 ‘What carci dma? m1 Theories and roqdremens or cass us vei Detaled Contents ‘The chlngs of dtrng success iy cour ploy i ard CConeaion ussions Ferran Inport wobtes ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction oes Wate Iocodcton ular went Boge wepons ‘Qvasions thr renting Irgorane webatee Terrorism Bede Lae an James Late srodton ‘Cenceps and defnions “ype an ees wero Scary essres Cenlon Questions rer eating nporeae webster Hania Ieervention Ae Baler lrodction “The ese fo havaiorn ntaretion “The ase agus hurr nerve “The Response Protet Cconlsion uss Fortereadng linger webees Energy Seeurisy Som Rope and Dovg Stakes erosion The probienof ney ery Energy secur ad theory Energy secury ad ran seer 6 6 m BS PSSRRRT 38 B RESes ges on Py vera secur andthe Und Ses Concho Quen For eng Ingereane webs “The Defence Tate Size R Got, lrodtion ior and ating yams of he tre rade Conueneray trends the deca ate “Telearme rade Conwoting the defence eae ‘Quesons Farther rede mporae webs Hath and Securey Sefin Ee lesion Hest an scitty ase and cna eeicy es and bosecry ‘Concalon Quenions Fare rndg Inport webster “Transnational Crime rome Gio ond Hort Tntanes Indton Detnios a ay concapt “Tinea ranuain crn Assessing te deat GGoterene raspnsee Conclaion Querone Fathering Cybersecurity ‘Myriam Darn Cay redtion Ineration sci 01 Detaled Contents 28 a6 26 a 2 BRREEES Z 30 28 Detaled Contents “hee imrocking bersecniy dacs Redacg cpbersnsscy ‘The eel of bers ‘Questions Farther resing Inportane webs 2 Chi Soleers He Beclise Chan and war a tory Rough guide coneporary chides Responses hil solders Coed es Coneaton Quessons Forcer ring Inportane wees 27 fer the Return to Thoory: The Pas, Posen and Future of Secure Suds (le Wire and Barry Biz Irrodson “origi td instnoral sete f secs The Goon Ags of sciriy studes, Ironton ad stagcon Diepinary quenning ad here reich ‘Cenclason: he powers of theory andthe calles fhe fore Quetone Free radeg Important websites iosory Referees 3 938 oe z gags 4 408 “0 a co Notes on Contributors Christine Agius Lecturer in International Relations and Politics a Swinburne University of Technology, Mel bourne, Australis. he isthe author of The Sori Constrution of Swodsh Netalty: Challenges to Swed entity «and Sovereignty (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006) {Jon Barnett Profesor inthe Department of Resource Management and Geography at the University of Mel- ‘bourne, Australia, He is the author of Climate Change tn Smal sland States (London: Barthstan, 2010), and The -Meenng of Bironnentl Security (London: Zed Books, 201) ‘Alex J. Bellamy Profesor of International Security and Diector of the Human Protection Hu, Grif University Australia, Director (International) Asia-Pacific Centre forthe Responsibility to Protect, and Non- Resident Senior Adviser, International Peace Academy, New York. Recent books include, Massoees and Mora- ‘ny Maas Klingon Age of Clon fait (Oxford: Oxford Univesity Pres, 2012) and Responsblito Pov: ‘The Global fort Bud Mass Aorocves (Cambridge: Polity, 2009. Helen Brocklehurst Lectures in International Relations in the College of Arts and Humanities at Swan- sea Universiy UK. Shei the author of Who's Afald of Chidtr Chien, Confit and Iterational Relations (Aldershot Ashgate, 2006, Barry Buzan Emesitus Profesor of International Relation atthe London School of Economics, UK. Hislaest ‘books nce The hited States and the Great Power: Worl Polis inthe Pent Fist Century (Cambridge: Polity, 2004) an, with Lene Hansen, The Bruton of International SecurtyStuaes (Cambridge: Carbide University Press, 2009), ‘Alan Colin Senior Lecnuer in lnesnatinal Relations in the College of Arts and Humanities at Swansea University, UK, Hei the author of Security and Southeast Asia: Domestic Regional ana Global sues (Boulder, CO: ‘yn Rennes, 2003) and Building a Pople Oriented Security Comunity the ASEAN Way (Abington: Routledge, 2012) Myriam Dunn Cavelyy Lecturer of Sacurity Sudies and Head of the Risk and Resilience Research Group at [ETH Zurich, Switzerland. She i the author of Cyber Secutty and Threat Pots: US Bris to Sere the informa tion Age (2008) and many other publications on cybersecurity sues. Stefan Elbe Professor of tnternational Relations and Diector of the Ceatse for Global Health Policy a the University of Sussex, UK. He's the author of Virus Ale: Security, Gorernmentality an the AIDS Patani (New ‘Yorks Columbia University Press, 2009) and Seurty end Global Heth: Towards the Medicalzation of Iseaty (Cambridge: Polity 2010) Ralf Emmers Associate Professor and Head of the Centre for Mulsteraism Studles atthe S. Rajaram ‘School of International Stadies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological Universiy (NTU), Singapore, He ithe author ‘of Gasp and Meine Terizoial Dgputern Bast Asa (Abingdon: Routledge, 2010) and Cooperative Seurty ‘an he Balance of Power te ASEAN andthe ARF (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. Notes on Contributors Jeanne Girsido Lecturer in the Department of National Secu Affairs ac che Naval Posigraduate School, “Monterey, USA, and Program Manager of the Defense Institution Reform Initiative forthe Office of the Sex reuay of Defense, USA. She is co-editor of Terorisn Finance and State Responses: Conpatie Perspective (Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press 2007). (Charles L. Glaser Profesor of Political Science and International Affairs, liote School of Imernational A fairs, che George Washington University, USA. He is the author of Analyzing Straeic Nuclear Policy (Princeton: Princeton Univesity Pres, 1991) and Rational Theory of Internasonal Plitie(Princeron: Princeton Univecity Press, 2010. ‘Suzette R. Grilot Inceim Dean of the Collegeof International Studies, Max and Held erry Chair and Pro [essor at the University of Oklahoma. She is the author (with Rachel Stobl) of The itrnational Ares Trade (2008) and co-editor (with Zach Messe) of Understanding the Global Commit (forthcoming). Eric Herring Reader in the Department of Poitcs, University of Bristol, UK. He is coauthor with Glen Rang: ‘wala of Fagin Fragments: The ception and is Legacy (London: Hirst and Cornell University ress, 2006) and co-author with Barty Buzan of The Arms Dynamic tn Word Paes Boulder, CO:1ynne Rienner Pblshers, 1998). Richard jackson Depaty Director, National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago, New Zealand. He i the co-editor (with Samuel Justin Sines) of Contemporary Debates on Terrorism (Abingdon: Routledge, 2012) and co-author (with Lee Jarvis, Jeroen Gunning and Marie Breen Smyth) of Terrorism: Cit cal Itedcton (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 20). Peter Viggo Jakobsen Associate Professor in the Institute for Strategy, Royal Danish Defence College. He has ‘written extensively on coercion and the use of force. His most recent book is Nondic Approaches to Peace Oper- ous: New Adal a rhe Maing? (London: Routledge, 200). Caroline Kennedy Professor of Wir Sais atthe Univesity of Hull and the author of The Origin f the Cold ‘War (Palgrave, 2007) and Deadly Devic: IED: andthe Defeat of the West (Hurt Publisher forthcoming). Pauline Kerr Director of Studs in the Asi Pacific Collegeof Diplomacy atthe Australian National University, ‘She is co-editor with Geoflrey Wiseman of Diplamacy in a Globlizing Word: Thane an Practice (Net York (Oxford Univesity Press, 2018) and eoveitor with Stoatt Marcie and Qin Yaging of China’ ‘New Diplomacy ‘Tactical or Fundamental Change? (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Brenda Lutz PhD. Department of Politics, University of Dundee, UK, and Research Associate, Decision Sci ‘ences and Theory Institute, indians University-Pardue University, USA. She i the coauthor of Teroriem: The Basis (London: Routledge, 20), Global Teroriom 2nd edn, London: Routledge, 2008), and Teroism in Ameren (New York: Palgrave, 2007), James Lutz Profesor and Heat ofthe Department of Politieal Science tthe Indiana Universy-Purdue Uni versity, USA. He isthe coauthor of Tevorsm: Th Basis (London: Routledge 201), Global Terria (2nd edn, Londen: Routledge, 2008) and Terrorism in Ameria (New Yorks Palgrave, 2007). Patrick Morgan Profesor of Political Sclence and holder ofthe Thoroas snd Elizabeth Tierney Chair in Glo- bal Peace and Confit Studies atthe University of Califoni, Irvine, USA. He sche author of Deterrence Now (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003) and Iuernatinel Security: Problems and Solutions (Washington: (©Q Pres, 2006) David Mutimer Associate Profesor inthe Department of PolitialSclence andl Director of the Centre fr In- ‘emational and Security Studies at York University, Canada. He isthe author af The Weapons State: Pralifrtion ‘and ke Framing of Secarity Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishes, 2000) and co-editor (with Neil Cooper) of Reconcepuaisng Arms Control (Oxford: Routledge, 2012), Notes on Contributors Nana K. PolJohn Ferguson Profewor of Afican Stulies, Dean of Schoo of Socal and ntermational Stakes, and Pro Viee Chancellor for Research and Koowiedge Transfer, athe Unters of Bradford, Most rece Jes coauthor of Pots in Af: Anew introduction (London: Zed Book, 201 and eo-editr of Tin Word (Quatry Speci le: "Thelen Deneopent Gols: Challenges, Prosper nd Opportantes (Jansary 20) Paul Roe Asrociate Professor inthe Department of International Relations and European Studies atthe Ce tral Buopean Universi, Budapest, Hungary He she author of hue Vee ad the Sol Sewn Di iene (London: Rouge, 200) Paul Rogers Profesor of Peace Sods in the Department of Peace Studies atthe Univesity of Bradford, OK “eisthe author of Laing Control: iol eur the 2 Centar (ede, London Pluto Pres, 2010) nd Go et Sct he Wao Ter ite oer and ihe Mion of Control (London and New York Rowdy, 2008) ‘Sam Raphael Senior Lecture in Poles and Intemational Relations at Kingston Univers UK. His publics tionsincde, with Doog Stokes, iobal Bey Scien American Hegenony alimore, MD: Jobs Hopkins ‘University Press, 200 "Michael Sheehan Profestr of ternational Rlaons inthe Collegeof Ars and Humans a Swansea Uni ‘ers UK He the ator of Iternational Secu An Anta ure (Boulder, CO: Lyane Renner, 205) ‘and The ternational alts of Space (Landon ad New York: Routed, 207. Gary M. Shifnan Professor (Adjunct) inthe School of Foreign Service, Security Sods, Georgetown Unk versity, Washington, DC, and President and CEO of Giant Oak, LLC. He is author of Bemonte rents Of Secuty Poly Infuencng Chole of Leaders (Hounds, Basingstoke, Hampshive New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 201). Doug Stokes A Senior Lectrer in Iterations Politics at Kent Univeiy, UK. He i the co-editor of US ‘eg Ply (Oxford: Oxioed University Press, 202) and che co-author, with Set Raphael of Gio Egy “Sear ant Amerion Hegemony (Baltimore, MD: jobs Hopkins Univesity Pres, 2010 Jacqueline Therkelsen Ph.D. candidate in Peace Studies, University of Bradford, researching on regional pole ues in Aes. Harold TrinkunasAssocite Professor in he Depaement of National Security Ast at the Neval Postgrad ste School, Monterey, USA. He ithe co-editor of Ungoeruct Spaces Arata Authority ak Bu of Seed Sreregty (Palo Ato, CA: Stanford Waivers Pres, 2010). ‘Ole Waver Profesor of International Relations inthe Department of Polit Slence 2 the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and dizer af CAST, Cente for Advanced Security Theory He's the eo autor, With Barry Buea, of Regions nd Power: The State of Ieraaonal Secu (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008) ad coedito, with Alene B, Ticker, of Inervainal Raion ehlarship Around he Worl (Lon don: Routledge, 2005. James J, Wirez Dean ofthe School of lnernsiona Studies and Profesor inthe Department of National Security Ars ar the Noval Posgraduate School, Monterey, USA, He isthe athor of The Tet Offs ue igre Fate tn War (thaca, NY’ Cornell Univesity Pres, 1991, 1994) end coedior of Complex Deere Srategy nthe Global ge (Chicago: University of Chicago Pes, 2003). List of Figures apeer2 21 yperof re theories an mute thors ba onesie untne 22 Impleaton af fere-cofoce rates Caper 8 Conc framenarc 82 Foley framework hapeeo capers 151 pb ofatoey cng 71 Ovaniow of oreaps an rps Ong 8 (01 Pocono opin led 182 jnSiger Serge Ganed (8) 103 Whopaonat Yaetenst Chapt 25 251 Teed, 152 Govnterneanees Chapt 27 B11 The potion ofsety tery north Aarenaa arepe a SBE m List of Tables Chapt 8 BI Adu conepuaton oferty hope AL Schey erpretatins of rrormertssecity Chapter 6 SSI Goat and constraint og a paras non al Madsen pots 162 World danksruchraadment eles 1S Inpatef conon srucual avant rmemure onthe poor Cher? 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Defron Cra Sty ses ~ 62 Cetalsecutythery % chapter 1 Otte a 72 Nee - 1h Miyatn 182 Thnk and he Waren Dag 182 Bahar the ig Wi 1 Thesecuiy owen 12 Daren and defrce Chg 21 Patent compar hoger 11 Thempertace of soctsncty 2 Teeter ualcsining cy a4 as 36 “Teprowetef elation Social aura inary re “Tem ie of etiity Lester and ancpcia cher 4 wa Endrin sey nivemen iad seurty Cntr 20 a espns potet an he 2005, ‘wer Sat cnt 26 " Ustad dion of prince Ho 8 ve a 6 eo Guided Tour of Learning Features ‘This books enriched with range oflearing tools to help you navigate the text snd reinforce your knowledge of security studies. This guided tour shows you how to get the most out of your textbook package Reader's Guides Reader's Gis at the beginning of every chapter set the scene for upcoming themes and issves to be discussed, and indicate the scope of coverage within exch chapter. tbe eon toughest Boxes A aumber of topics benef fom further explanation or exploration in a manner that doesnot disrupt the low of ‘the main ext. Throughout the Dook, boxes provide you with exra informacion on parcilr topics that comple ‘ment your understanding of the main chaper tex. There se ive types of box: Key Ideas “key Idea’ boxes outline the thoughts of key plical thinkers relevant tothe chapeer's argument ThA Seretitnommows Wcweaonce ef nortpeacne ne Toarwuha dened om pessoa Finonertens ieebo pe {ite ream tr pe Mtrereontc poet eat ren {itn tana) onan ah ea ‘eccmustremrcmpnenes Gian onichtonchanen topcase mn pero nes aes coe ef eg te ppuon C04 ‘ferns ppston AED Mt {Gepon 920) “tus pepan 2020 a “Dane eaten dere ‘enpaaninassowchoatocng aed ovation one erry Sm ‘Shes oe een nar deesaon nbsp ir Information security 101 Cepkerspace connotes the fasion of all om sionnetworks dnabose and aoures of Into aan tngled, and diverse bank of imtentange. network ecoayten” i ee ula ‘eis every there ae ites, coal ables. fberopsc tines or ele] Guided Tour of Learing Features si Think Point “Think Poin” boxes will expand your understanding ofthe subject, Background “Background’ boxes will enable you to understand the context, ‘within which events ake place and subjects develop. Case Study “axe Study’ boxes demonstace how pollcal ideas, concepts, and ies are manifested in the real world. Key Quotes “Key Quotes’ boxes inchude memorable quotes from scholers, politicians, and others to help bring ideas and concepts to life Glossary Terms Key terme appear in bo the teat and ate defined ina glossary athe end ofthe book to aid you in exam revision. seat Guided Tour of Leaming Features ee 3. ate martin nd Sorte + namaste ee + Chater $b a ree erty rm ee + Gan. Gt eae we @ veo vara + Neiemnmneenrpny te + tatters at Key Points Each chapter ends with a st of key potas chat summarize the ‘r03t mportant arguments developed. Questions Assetof carefully devised questions has been provided to help you sess your understanding of core themes, and may alto be used asthe basis of seminar dteusson or coursework, Further Reading endings have been proved asa pie fing out more tbent the sues sed withineach cher and elpjoulorte She key sade rte nce fd Important Websites At the end of every chapcer you wil lad an annotated summary ofusfal websies char are central wo security sles and that will ‘be instrumental in frther research, Guided Tour of the Online Resource Centre ‘wwwoxfordtextbooks ‘The Online Resource Centre that accompanies this book provides students and instructors with readyt0 “ure eachingand leaming material. These resourcesare free of charge and designed to maximize the leaming cexperence FOR STUDENTS: Case Studies Four additional cae studies on women and war, terrorism, secu Inzation of communiceble disease, and water resources examine pressing security issues in greater deal Flashcard Glossary 2A sees of ere fasheads contig ey tems and come ep hs been proved oe your ndestang ofthe ea tology of coy ses, Multiple Choice Questions ‘A bank of selfmarking mulple-cholce questions has been pro- ‘vided foreach chapeer ofthe texto reinforce your understanding, snd to act as an aid to revision. Web Links ‘A series of annotated web links hss been provided to point you in the direcion of diferent theoretical debates, important trea ties, working papers, articles, and other relevant sources of snformation, FOR INSTRUCTORS: PowerPoint Presentations ‘ounnnes "These complement each chapter ofthe book and are a useful re Tpueeenterrmeceses source for preparing lectures and handouts. They allow lecturers Le to guide students through the key concepts and canbe fall cus tomized to meet the needs ofthe course. Introduction: What is Security Studies? ‘Alan Collins ‘Chapter Contents, lweraducton 1 + Defion ofsecirty | + Sirvcure 2 + Concsion 9 Introduction ‘Welcome to Security Studies: the sub-dsipine of In terational Relations. Iris the study of security that lies at the heare of Intemational Relations. Te was the carnage of the Fist World Wer, andthe dese +o avoid its hortors agai that gave birch ro the dis- cipline of International Relations in 1919 at Aberyse ‘wyth, United Kingdom. This concer with he origins cof warand ts conduct enabled international Relations 0 ‘stnguish itself from related disciplines such as history, economies, geography, and nterational aw’ (Sheehan 2005: 9, eis the survival of agents, which formuch ofthe discipline has meant sovereign sates, that has become accepted asthe dominant explans- ‘ory tool for understanding their behaviour. Secusty 4 matter of high politics; central to government de ‘batesand pivotal tothe peostes they establish. Quite simply, ‘no other concept in international relations packs the metaphysical punch, nor commands the dis ‘Splinary power of secuiity” (Der Derian 1995: 24-5). Definition of security Welcome, then, to 2 subject of great importance and, since you are about ca embark upon the study ofthis subject, no doube you would Uke to stat with 2 definition of security. Or, what it means to be cure? You wil seein Key Quotes 11 that many schol ars have done £0, The good news is thav a consensus has emerged on what security studies entails—ieis to

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