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Listen to the lecture and complete the summary notes. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each blank.

Topic: How siblings (1) _can ____differ__from_______________ one another

Main idea 1: What research says about (2) _____birth order_________________

First-born children: often very successful

- 50% of US presidents: first-borns
- 45% of (3) __female world leaders____________________ (1960-1999): first-borns
- 21/ first 23 astronauts: first-borns
Oldest children: more (4) ____educated, smarter_________________than younger siblings
 have (5) _________larger income_____________
Study about people born b/w 1912-1975:
- Oldest children: more successful
- Only one children: very successful
- Younger siblings: less education
Middle-born children:
- least likely to receive (6) ____financial support__________________for education
- least likely to do as well in school
 get least (7) ___education___________________, have more (8) ___chances of
failing___________________at schools and tend to suffer financially later in life (earn less pay or
more likely to work part-time job)
Main idea 2: (9) __Disparities between siblings____________________
- (10) __Higher _birth weight___________________ more chance to succeed
- Spend more time alone with parents
 get more attention, more (11) _mental stimulation_____________________and more
constructive feedback from parents
 succeed in school & have (12) _ higher achievers _____________________in life later thanks to
the development of confidence and (13) __problem solve skills____________________drawn from
this environment
 be more mature thanks to higher (14) _expectations_____________________ from parents
Middle children:
- grow up in an environment surrounding with other children
 have to (15) __compete with____________________other kids for parents’ attention and
(16) _family economic resources_____________________
Youngest children:
- receive more attention and resource because their older siblings are already (17)
Main idea 3: Factors that can lead to the differences within families and have an effect on development
and success
(18) __Gender____________________:
- Sons: allowed more independence, assigned fewer household chores, less (19)
E.g: father - spend more time with sons and more involve in sons’ activities and schoolwork
 sons have (20) __more expectations____________________to be successful
(21) ___Jeans_biology__________________:
- Some kids – smarter or inherited traits helping them more successful in life
(22) __Family size____________________: even more important than birth- order
- Disparities – more likely to exist in large families & poor families
(23) _____Hardship_________________:
E.g: divorce or change of family economics (father losing job, death of a family member, house
destruction from a fire, etc)
 affect different children in different ways  affect children’s future success

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