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Continuing Professional Development

1. Explain the methods of professional development below

Professional Description
Induction training Induction training is a form of introduction for new employees in order to enable them to do their work
in a new profession or job role within an organisation. This can include basic training on what the
basis of the job includes and also watching someone else do the job and you learn from it.

Performance This is when the employer meets with the employee and has a meeting with them and talks about
appraisal their performance at work. This tells them what they are doing right in the job and what they are
doing wrong and what needs improving.

On the job/ off the job On the job training is a form of training provided at the workplace typically involves a combination of
training observing others and hands-on experience completing tasks under the supervision of a training
manager or a coworker. During the training, employees are familiarized with the working
environment they will become part of.

Off-the-job training occurs when employees are taken away from their place of work to be trained.
Common methods of off-the-job training include: Day release, employee takes time off work to attend
a local college or training centre, Distance learning and evening classes.

Coaching and Coaching is more performance driven, designed to improve the professional's on-the-job
mentoring performance. Mentoring is more development driven, looking not just at the professional's current job
function but beyond, taking a more holistic approach to career development.

Graduate training a graduate training programme is a way of bridging the gap. Graduate training programmes ease
programme candidates into the world of work and give them the skills necessary. This is for people who have
graduated from university and wanting to gain experience going to work.

Management training Management training is training activity that focuses on improving an individual's skills as a leader
and manager. There may be an emphasis on soft skills, such as communication and empathy, which
enable better team work and more progressive relationships with the people they manage.

This is a temporary transfer to another position in the business. This is because they want to learn
the other parts of the business and develop new skills but it can also mean that they are providing
cover for another staff member as they may be absent.
Shadowing Job shadowing (or work shadowing) is an on-the-job learning, career development, and leadership
development program. An employee may shadow senior employees in various positions or functions
to appreciate and get a better idea of what it takes to build a career there.

E-Learning This is online learning as people may find courses that are online and do them instead of travelling.
Some people find it easier to do this because it may be better for them.

Vocational & Vocational training refers to instructional programs or courses that focus on the skills required for a
professional courses particular job function or trade. A professional course is one that provides you with practical skills,
making you job-ready at the completion of the course.

Job rotation
Job rotation is a technique used by some employers to rotate their employees' assigned jobs
throughout their employment.

Lifelong learning Lifelong learning is a form of self-initiated education that is focused on personal development. This is
when you are getting trained your entire life no matter what age you are as they may want to learn
new things and also they are getting help.
Retraining This is to teach someone new skills to enable them to do a different job. Different jobs require
different training methods so they need to learn how to do it before they start and also because the
new job may require other skills hence the reason why they need to train again.

2. Explain which of these methods you may need to achieve your career aim and why

One method I may need to achieve in my career is induction training. This is because when I start my job I may have the
skills but I will not know what to do. This gives me an insight on what I need to do for the job because I will see what
other employees do on a regular basis and this will help me to understand what I have to do.

Another method I may need to use is performance appraisal. This is because in order for me to know if I am going in the
right direction the employer will need to tell me what I am doing right and what needs improving. This will help me to
know if I need any retraining or other skills needed for this job. Also by doing this will give me motivation because if I
know that I need to improve then it will give me the motivation to work harder as I need the job to develop my career and

One other method I may use is shadowing. This is because it allows me to look at things at different angles. It provides
the individual with a unique opportunity to find out how other staff work and what their roles involve. It develops a deeper
knowledge and understanding of other roles and functions and it also allows me to explore specific careers and to get a
realistic picture of the tasks performed for that job. This will allow me to make an informed decision about my career of

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