NCM 100 (TFN) Reminder: Assessment / Evaluation Should Be Done Every After Chapter/lesson

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NCM 100 (TFN)

Reminder: Assessment / Evaluation should be done every after chapter/lesson.

QUIZ & Assignments thru online

Activity 1
Read each statement or question below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the correct
answer. Answers may be more than one word.
1. Nursing theories are organized bodies of knowledge to define what nursing is,
what nurses do, and why do they do it.
2. MID 1960’s in history of nursing, debates and discussion regarding the proper
direction and appropriate discipline for nursing knowledge development.
3. MID 1970’s Evaluation of 25 years of nursing research revealed that nursing lacked
conceptual connections and theoretical frameworks.
4. 1980’s Preparadigm period to paradigm period.
5. Concept A mental idea of phenomenon
6. Conceptual Framework A set of concepts and the propositions that integrate
them into a meaningful configuration.
7. Theory A set of statements that tentatively describe, explain, or predict
relationships among concepts that have been systematically selected and organized
as an abstract representation of some phenomenon.
8. Model A diagram of concepts and their relationship with each other.
9. Theoretical Framework Represents what the researcher thinks will happen in the
study based on the chosen theory.
10. Metaparadigm A process by which an academic discipline
communicates its fundamental characteristics.
Essay: Directions: Read the questions carefully before you begin writing. Your essay
should be as well organized and carefully written as you can make it. You have 30 mins.
To complete this quiz. 5 points each

1. What is a theory?

It is something that is coherent with analogical interpretation but without much proof
that any of it is real by our-own-self-eye-witness. You have to look at all the
knowledge there is in all existence that can be experienced. That is how science
always presents its version of the truth. In cases to really acknowledge it where it can
only be called as a logical presumption but then you learned something else and you
throw the old truth you had before away and you adopt your new discovery. Theories
are changeable because new facts can be discovered through new thinking.

2. What are the purposes of nursing theory?

Nursing theories aim to provide structure for nursing practice. Nursing theory is the
terms given to the body of information that is utilized to support nursing practice. Each
discipline incorporates focus for information improvement that coordinates its request
and recognizes it from other areas of study. A few give different kinds of approaches
to quiet care, and they say it is based on understanding of nursing theory.

3. How are concepts and propositions related?

We have characterized “concept” and “proposition” in terms of representations that

are comparable to different views. It introduces concepts and propositions if it is truth
or falsity. In this we invoke the concept of possible worlds in order to give an analysis
of what propositions are. These two are useful for description, explanation, prediction
and control and they are derived from nursing models which project a purposive,
systematic view of phenomena.

4. What is the difference between a conceptual framework and a conceptual


The difference of conceptual framework and conceptual model is that the conceptual
framework is a set of interrelated concepts that represents and literally passes on a
mental image of a wonder. Its purpose in research is to outline possible courses of
action or to present a preferred approach to an idea or thought while the conceptual
model has an aim and purpose to recognize the concepts and delineate their
associations to the wonder of really central concern to the instruct: person,
environment, prosperity and nursing, which particularly is quite significant.

5. What is the relationship between nursing theories, nursing practice, and

nursing research?

Nursing theories are the endeavours to explain or clarify the phenomenon, nursing
practice was based on concepts and traditions passed through instruction and
common sense that helped to create advance knowledge and demonstrate in which
direction nursing ought to create in the future. Whereas in nursing research, it was
afterward uncovered that nursing needed conceptual associations and hypothetical
frameworks. The main purpose of theory within the profession of nursing is to
improve the practice by emphatically affecting the wellbeing and quality of life of
patients. Nursing theory, nursing practice and nursing research are moreover created
to characterize and portray nursing care, direct nursing practice, and give a premise
for clinical choice making. The accomplishments of nursing within the past driven to
the acknowledgment of nursing in scholastic teaching, inquire about, and calling.

6. What are the “Ways of Knowing” in nursing?

There are 4 ways of knowing in nursing such as personal knowing which refers to the
knowledge we have of ourselves and what we have seen and experienced. This kind
of knowledge comes from our own that we are able to establish authentic,
therapeutic relationships when you begin to study nursing. Second is empirical
knowing which we gain from research and objective facts. Third is ethical knowing it
is where we develop our own moral code and our sense of knowing whether what is
right and wrong. Lastly, the aesthetic knowing that makes nursing an art. It is the
‘aha’ moment when we discover something new and same with a painting where you
uncovered a new perspective upon it.

7. What is the difference between grand theory and middle-range theory?

Grand theories are works determined from nursing rationalities, conceptual models,
and other fantastic hypotheses that are by and large not as particular as middle-
range hypotheses while middle-range theory was created in the 1990s it focuses on
a clinical specialty, also it is exact and it answers particular nursing practice
questions. They address the specifics of nursing circumstances inside the viewpoint
of the demonstration or hypothesis from which they are inferred and created with
less depth and detail than grand theories.

8. How is the discipline of nursing related to the paradigm of nursing?

Nursing paradigm plays a fundamental role for understanding multifaceted human

beings. The conceptual models and theories in nursing, shows distinctive ideal
models and perspectives of nursing. In any case, the conclusive reason for these
ideal models and the models and speculations which take after these ideal models is
to make strides in proficient nursing practice through information advancement.

9. What are the metaparadigm concepts of nursing?

There are four concepts of nursing such as person which focuses on nursing care;
an example is Watson's Hypothesis of Human Caring sees the persistent
comprehensively, whereas Johnson’s Behavioural Framework show sees the
individual through a focal point of seven distinctive subsystems. Second is health
where it depends on the theorist, health and illness can be seen as two partitioned
developments of health and ailment is seen as a continuum. Third is nursing, it may
be a handle whereby nurses give care. The method changes based on the theorist
definitions of nursing, what nurses do, and how nurses connected with clients. And
lastly, environment: the person’s environment inside a global setting. It consolidates
components that impact individuals internally and externally. It implies not because it
was an ordinary environment but also settings where nursing care is given.

10. What are the uses of theory in everyday practice among nurses?

Nightingale's environmental theory was the basic in instructing nursing student’s

proper hand hygiene, sterile strategy, and utilization of individual defensive gear for
infection control. Nursing theories shape the supportive system where patient care
relies on daily basis. It has characterized the objectives and system of nursing that's
to convey nursing care for clients. Help clients achieve a maximal level of wellness
and to sustain the confidence in him so that the patient is optimistic about his health
and use of communication to help clients to re-establish adaptation to the
environment are the fundamental goals of nursing.
Prepared by:
Gina S. Cuenca
Instructor 1

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