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Monday, November 30th

Today’s Announcements:
✓ Please reach out if you’d like an extra math practice or challenge booklet! If you
get one and your child completes it, let me know—I have more!
✓ Our science experiment this afternoon requires boiling water – either on the
stove or using a kettle. Please be available to help your child with this experiment!

Extra Materials/Resources Needed Today:

 3-4 glasses or containers to hold water
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:15 Language Arts: Writing: Writers Fix Up Their Writing by Pretending to be
the Reader
We’ve talked about this strategy before, but it’s time to revisit it!
Writers fix up their writing by reading it! Especially reading it out loud.
When we read over our writing, we can catch mistakes and spots where
we need to do some fixing! Maybe we need to add some information.
Maybe we missed a word. Maybe our sentence doesn’t make sense.
These are all things we can learn by reading our writing!
9:15-9:45 Independent Work Time
Students can:
- Brainstorm topics they can teach about, using the hand model
graphic organizer
- Begin writing! Write one fact on each page. Draw pictures to
illustrate your facts.
- Add to your illustrations. In what ways can you make it a non-
fiction illustration?
- Challenge themselves to use fancy words in their writing, then go
back to edit for the correct spelling
- Read their story aloud (or have someone else read it) and add
details where information is needed or subtract details that don’t
make sense in that section of story.
- Write more about their topic, turning their book in a chapter book
with a table of contents.
- Add details and description to their writing by including comparisons.
- Add an introduction and/or conclusion to their story.
- Pretend their the reader of their writing and look for things that
need fixing.
9:45-9:55 Share
Students may share what they have been working on lately in writing.
9:55-10:20 Independent Work Time:
Continued from above.
10:20-10:30 Share
Students may share what they have been working on lately in writing.
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:10 Language Arts: Reading
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
11:10-12:10 Independent Work Time One-on-one
Suggested allotment: reading time!
✓ 20-30 minutes of reading to self, reading to Stay close to
someone, or listening to reading (this would include the computer
recording yourself reading a book on RAZ Kids). just in case I
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing reading snap words call.
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing writing snap words
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based games (Teach
Your Monster to Read, Dreamscape, ABCYA, etc.)
12:10-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:23 Science: The Water Cycle!
I will introduce the Water Cycle! Students will watch a video about the
Water Cycle:
1:23-1:30 Science:
Students will watch the Water Cycle Video found here:
1:30-1:40 Science Experiment: Making Steam (a Mini Water Cycle)
I will introduce the experiment. Students should complete this
experiment under adult supervision.
1:40-2:00 Science: Independent Work Time:
Students will complete the Making Steam experiment. The steps are as
1. Boil water on the stove or using a kettle.
2. Once the water is boiling, observe the steam coming from the
water. What is happening? The water is evaporating and creating
water vapour.
3. Hold a metal ladle or spoon over the steam for a while and
observe what happens. Water droplets should form on the ladle.
Why does this happen? The water is condensing back to a liquid.
4. What would happen if you held the ladle over the water for a long
time? The water on the ladle would gather and drop back into the
pot. This is called evaporation.
2:00-2:10 Science Experiment #2: How quickly will water evaporate?
We will brainstorm and make predictions for our next experiment!
2:10-2:35 Science Experiment:
Does water evaporate faster in some places than in others? We will test
to find out! For this experiment, you will need 3 to 4 cups to hold water.
Measure at least 1 cup of water into each container (keep the
measurements consistent, we will need to compare them!) Place each
cup in a different spot in your house (maybe on in the furnace room, one
in the fridge, one by the window, and one on the kitchen table?). We will
come back to this experiment tomorrow!!
2:35-3:25 Family Check-Ins
2:35-2:45: Ishika
2:45-2:55: Holden
2:55-3:05: Domeiko
3:05-3:15: Ursula
3:15-3:25: Alec
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of your child’s writing today.
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been
 A picture of your ladle with water on it (or completing the experiment in general)

Tuesday, December 1st

Extra Materials/Resources Needed Today:
 Three or four small towels (i.e., facecloths, dish towels, paper towels)
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:05 Language Arts: Reading
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
9:05-10:10 Independent Work Time One-on-one
Suggested allotment: reading time!
✓ 20-30 minutes of reading to self, reading to Stay close to
someone, or listening to reading (this would the computer
include recording yourself reading a book on RAZ just in case I call.
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing reading snap words
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing writing snap words
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based games
(Teach Your Monster to Read, Dreamscape,
ABCYA, etc.)
10:10-10:30 Whole Class Reading Activity: The World According to Humphrey
We will read chapter 5 of The World According to Humphrey and discuss
as a class.
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:20 Math Mini-Lesson: Two Digit Addition WITH regrouping
Brace yourselves—this is some tricky math! Having basic facts helps SO
MUCH with student confidence in adding two-digit by two-digit numbers.
If you child DOES NOT HAVE their basic facts down. Go practice NOW.
Using manipulatives are also a great strategy to help students with this
tricky math! Please let me know if you are struggling – I can lend out
beaded number lines which can be a LIFESAVER in math!
I will introduce students to addition with regrouping
11:20-12:25 Math Independent Work Time
Students will complete pages “Superhero Addition” I and II as well as
“Two Digit Addition” III and IV. Take breaks as needed. Please call me
if you need support or re-teaching!
With remaining time, students can go on XtraMath, practice flashcards,
play Prodigy, or other math practice.
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:25 Science: How quickly does water evaporate? Part 2
A brief introduction/explanation of the second part of this experiment!
1:25-1:50 Science: How quickly does water evaporate?
Retrieve your 3-4 glasses from around the house. Measure how much
water is left in each glass to determine how much water evaporated
from them over the past 24 hours. Which spot evaporated the most
water? Least? Why?
1:50-2:00 Science: Share
Students will share their findings from our science experiment!
2:00-2:05 Science: The Wet Bathing Suit
Imagine this, you just got home from swimming and your bathing suit is
soaking wet! What do you do with it? We are going to test what the
most efficient way to dry your bathing suit is!
2:05-2:35 Wet Bathing Suit Experiment
Wet four cloths. Place them in different positions and in different
situations (i.e., balled up, spread out on a plate, hanging, in front of a fan,
by the window, etc.). Set each cloth out and check every 5 minutes to
see which one dries the fastest!
2:35-3:25 Family Check-Ins
2:35-2:45: Andreas
2:45-2:55: Callen
2:55-3:05: Zachery
3:05-3:15: Saphera
3:15-3:25: Mara-Jade
3:25-3:35: Linnea

Work to be Submitted
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been
 Superhero Addition I, Superhero Addition II, Two-Digit Addition III, and Two-Digit
Addition IV
 A picture of the glasses that you used for your water evaporation experiment
 A picture of your child completing the wet bathing suit experiment

Wednesday, December 2nd

Today’s Announcements:
✓ Introducing Genius Hour! Through the month of December we will be celebrating
student interests through Genius Hour/Passion Projects! Here is an article with a
bit more information about what we’ll be doing and why we’ve decided to take
some time in December to focus on it!
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:05 Language Arts: Reading Mini-Lesson:
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
9:05-10:10 Independent Work Time One-on-one
Suggested allotment: reading time!
✓ 20-30 minutes of reading to self, reading to Stay close to
someone, or listening to reading (this would include the
recording yourself reading a book on RAZ Kids). computer
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing reading snap words just in case I
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing writing snap words call.
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based games (Teach
Your Monster to Read, Dreamscape, ABCYA, etc.)
10:10-10:30 Whole Class Reading Activity: The World According to Humphrey
We will read chapter 6 of The World According to Humphrey and discuss
as a class.
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:20 Language Arts: Writing: Writers Do Research to Help Them Say More
Often, writers pick a topic to write about because they are an expert on
it! But what if they want to do more? They can! By doing research!
Research is when we use the internet or other books to help us learn
more about our topic. Then we can use what we’ve learned in our book!
It’s important that we don’t copy someone else’s work word-for-word
though! That’s illegal!
11:20-11:55 Independent Work Time
Students can:
- Brainstorm topics they can teach about, using the hand model
graphic organizer
- Begin writing! Write one fact on each page. Draw pictures to
illustrate your facts.
- Add to your illustrations. In what ways can you make it a non-
fiction illustration?
- Challenge themselves to use fancy words in their writing, then go
back to edit for the correct spelling
- Read their story aloud (or have someone else read it) and add
details where information is needed or subtract details that don’t
make sense in that section of story.
- Write more about their topic, turning their book in a chapter book
with a table of contents.
- Add details and description to their writing by including comparisons.
- Add an introduction and/or conclusion to their story.
- Pretend their the reader of their writing and look for things that
need fixing.
- Do research to learn more about their topic or research a new
topic to write about!
11:55-12:10 Share
Students are invited to share their most recent pieces of writing.
12:10-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:30 Social Studies: Introducing Genius Hour
Genius Hour Projects are opportunities for students to research a topic
of their interest and then create a way to share their knowledge with
the class. Many times, Genius Hour topics come about through
wonderings and curiosities. Sometimes they’re about topics of great
interest. Whichever your child would like to pursue, they are invited to do
so! There will be FOUR afternoons (1:20-2:35) dedicated to working on
Genius Hour projects. In our last week before the break (Dec 14-18) we
will have Genius Hour presentations where students will share what they
have been working on.
Genius hour products can come in many different forms including
posters, books, PowerPoints, dioramas, videos… the list goes on and on!
This project is all about pursuing student interests and showcasing
Students are encouraged to be specific in their topic (i.e., rather than
choosing “animals,” students are encouraged to select a specific animal

to research). I will be available to help students develop their topic
and/or question. I can also provide some supplies with enough notice.
1:30-2:35 Genius Hour!
Time to get to work on your Genius Hour project! I am available for
some coaching if you are stuck!
2:35-3:25 Family Check-Ins
2:35-2:45: Olivia
2:45-2:55: Paulinda
2:55-3:05: Harper
3:05-3:15: Macey
3:15-3:25: Eloise
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of the writing your child has completed today.
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been

Thursday, December 3rd

Today’s Announcements:
✓ Miss Bourassa will be unavailable from 2:45-3:15ish this afternoon as she
participates in an online teachers collaboration! Woohoo—learning new things!
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:15 Language Arts: Writing: Varying End Punctuation to bring out Meaning
Information writers, like all writers, vary their end punctuation to
reflect how they are trying to speak. We use periods when we are telling
facts, question marks when we are asking questions, exclamation points
if what we are saying is exciting and commas and colons when we make
lists. Usually, writers include these as they write, but sometimes we can
go back and edit them in.
9:15-9:45 Independent Work Time
Students can:
- Brainstorm topics they can teach about, using the hand model
graphic organizer
- Begin writing! Write one fact on each page. Draw pictures to
illustrate your facts.
- Add to your illustrations. In what ways can you make it a non-
fiction illustration?

- Challenge themselves to use fancy words in their writing, then go
back to edit for the correct spelling
- Read their story aloud (or have someone else read it) and add
details where information is needed or subtract details that don’t
make sense in that section of story.
- Write more about their topic, turning their book in a chapter book
with a table of contents.
- Add details and description to their writing by including comparisons.
- Add an introduction and/or conclusion to their story.
- Pretend their the reader of their writing and look for things that
need fixing.
- Do research to learn more about their topic or research a new
topic to write about!
- Vary their end punctuation (ask questions, include exciting facts,
make lists).
9:45-9:55 Share
Students are invited to participate in our mid-write share. Priority will be
given to students who have not yet had an opportunity to share their
work this week.
9:55-10:20 Independent Writing Time (continued from above)
10:20-10:30 Share
In our final writing share of the week, students are invited to share
something they’ve worked on this week. Priority will be given to students
who have not yet had an opportunity to share their work this week.
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
This is time to practice those addition facts! Whether you play a game
with your family, play a game online, do some extra practice worksheets,
or something else, this is your time to practice your addition facts!
Students in grade two are expected to have recall (memorization) of
addition facts to and including 5+5 (1+1, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4, 1+5, 2+2, 2+3, 2+4, 2+5,
3+3, 3+4, 3+5, 4+4, 4+5, 5+5). Grade 3 jumps to recall of facts up to and
including 9+9, so you can always get a start on those too. This is also
time you could use to practice adding two-digit numbers if your child has
their math facts down!
11:10-12:25 Addition Fact Practice Time!
I will be making calls to check in and quiz math fact recall!
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:25 Genius Hour:
Reminder of Genius Hour expectations.
1:25-2:35 Genius Hour!
Time to get to work!

2:35-2:45, Miss Bourassa’s Office Hours
3:15-3:25 Feel free to connect with me if you have any questions or concerns! I will
be busy from about 2:45-3:15 but will respond as soon as I can once I am
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of the writing your child has completed today.
 A picture of any games or worksheets your child used to practice their math
facts today.

Friday, December 4th

8:30-8:45 Math Mini-Lesson: Reviewing Subtraction: Solving Subtraction Problems
We will be reviewing subtraction! I will offer a quick review using a
crossing out strategy.
8:45-9:15 Math Independent Work Time
Students will complete page 20 and 21 (Solving Subtraction Problems I
and Solving Subtraction Problems II)With remaining time, students can
go on XtraMath, practice flashcards, play Prodigy, or other math
9:15-10:00 Fact Friday
Suggested allotment:
✓ 10-15 minutes practicing facts (flashcards, XtraMath, etc.)
✓ 10-15 minutes practicing tricky facts using a strategy
(manipulatives, fingers, number line, etc.)
✓ 10-15 minutes returning to practice facts (flashcards, XtraMath,
fact-focused game, etc.) to help consolidate practice
✓ 0-15 minutes playing Prodigy or another math game (not
necessarily focused on facts)
10:00-10:15 Snack and Physical Activity Break
10:15-11:35 Art & Resource Exchange
Stay tuned to our ClassDojo for what our art project will be this week!

At some point during this time, please make your way to your child’s
home school to pick up their package of supplies for next week!
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of your child’s reading log for the week.
 Solving Subtraction Problems I (page 20) and Solving Subtraction Problems II
(page 21)
 Evidence of completing Fact Friday activities.
 A picture of your child’s completed art project.

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