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Bayfield School District Unified RtI & PBIS Academic/Behavioral Action Plan for 2020-2021

Mission Statement:​ Academic: The School District of Bayfield will support the educational and developmental growth of each and every student while utilizing
available resources in a respectful and prudent manner. School Climate and Behavior: Decrease the number of in-school and out-of-school suspensions by 25%
in the 2020-2021 school year and by 50% in the 2021-2022 school year.

School Improvement Goal:​ The School District of Bayfield will begin a unified RtI/PBIS Team at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. A unified RtI/PBIS
Team will allow staff and administration to look at both student academics and behavior “as a whole” and within a multi-level systemic approach to students’
progress in school. Full implementation of both RtI and PBIS will be in place in the 2020-2021 school year as measured by the RtI Staff All-Perception Survey,
PBIS Self Assessment Survey (SAS), RtI School-wide Implementation Review Survey (SIR), PBIS Benchmarks of Quality Survey (BOQ), and the Tiered Fidelity
Inventory Survey (TFI).

Vision Statement:​ The School District of Bayfield is a data-driven learning organization committed to educating students in a safe environment that encourages
and values the individual learner. District education is grounded in respect for diversity, reflecting, exploration and action.

A Strategic Priority:​ Academic achievement and rigor, combined with our school-wide behavioral expectations, will prepare our students to be engaged citizens.

Area of Need Action Needed When Who Outcome/Success

Use a process to ensure 1. Continue regular educator 1. 2nd Semester 1. Teachers/
that our universal classroom walk-throughs Admin
curriculum and 2. Review guarantees with 2. Fall Inservice 2020 2. Admin
instruction are delivered new and current staff
with fidelity.

Provide additional 1. Update GT procedures and 1. 2020-2021 School 1. Admin

challenges relevant to protocols in RtI Staff Year 2. RtI Coordinator
the cultural beliefs, Handbook 3. RtI Committee
practices and
experiences of our
students exceeding

Use a process to ensure 1. Structure observations 1. End of 1st semester 1. Math/ELA/

that our during intervention 2. Fall, 2020 PLCs
interventions/challenges 2. Troller Times are in place 2. Admin
are delivered with K-5
fidelity (i.e. as intended). 3. Middle and High School RtI
time continues to be held at
the end of the day as part of
the multi-leveled systems of
4. ACP has been incorporated
into the Middle and High
School RtI time frame
5. Restructure Collaboration
Calendar to provide monthly
meetings for all school
levels, i.e. Math PLC (K-5)
(6-12), RW PLC (K-5) (6-12)
to focus on needs at each
level (example: Progress
Monitoring, etc.)

Expected student 1. Staff are to refer to the PBIS 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. All staff
behaviors are taught Staff Manual
directly by staff.

Expected student 2. Refer to PBIS Staff Manual 2. Beginning Fall, 2020 2. All staff
behaviors and routines
in classrooms need to

be stated positively and

defined clearly to our

Teachers are asked to 3. “StriveTime” behavioral 3. PBIS

3. Begin Fall, 2020
teach the expectations booster lessons will be Coordinator
in class at the beginning emailed to staff on a weekly and Coaches
of the day on Mondays basis. Staff are encouraged
and Wednesdays during to reteach these booster
the first ten (10) minutes lessons and behavioral
of class. A kick-off expectations to students
schedule is set up so all throughout the school year.
staff are teaching the (The PBIS Coordinator and
same expectation that Coaches should refer to the
week. Teachers are PBIS Staff Manual for past
asked to develop “Strive Time” examples and
booster lessons a “Strive Time” schedule.)
(extended lessons) to
reinforce the
expectations in their
classrooms. Data will
be monitored and, when
needed, staff will be
asked to concentrate on
universal issues that are

The Second Step 4. K-5 teachers are expected 4. K-5 classroom

program will be taught to teach the Second Step teachers
at the K-5 levels as program throughout the
approved by the school year to students to
Bayfield School Board. assist with emotional/social
and behavioral

Expected student 1. All staff will reward students 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. All staff
behaviors are rewarded regularly for expected
regularly. student behavior.

Staff will follow the 2. Refer to the PBIS Staff 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. All staff
awards system outlined Manual.
in the PBIS Staff

Staff will make copies of 3. Staff will have Strive for Five 3. Begin Fall, 2020 3. All staff
tickets and hand them tickets available to hand
out to students who out to students for expected
demonstrate Strive for behaviors at the beginning
Five expectations. of the school year and
throughout the duration of
the school year.

When students reach 4. The PBIS Coordinator and 4. 2020-21 School Year 4. PBIS
their goals, awards days Coaches will organize Coordinator
will be organized. awards days for students and Coaches
following the expected
school behaviors. Staff
members are encouraged to
hold their own special
awards days in their
classrooms for their
students, as they deem

Distinctions between 1. Refer to PBIS Staff Manual 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. All staff
office vs.
problem behaviors are
defined clearly. All staff
is involved directly
and/or indirectly.

The PBIS Coordinator 2. PBIS Staff Manual 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. PBIS
and Coaches will focus refreshers are necessary to Coordinator
on teaching and going educate staff members on and Coaches
over sections (discipline discipline and procedures so
and procedures) of the that all staff continue to
PBIS Staff Manual to learn, practice, and
staff members at K-12 understand the important
staff meetings. sections of the manual
as they carry out our
district’s PBIS initiatives
and behavioral

PBIS data will be 3. 2020-21 School Year 3. PBIS

shared at monthly staff 3. ODR data is shared with all Coordinator
meetings by the PBIS staff so that staff can work and Coaches

Coordinator and/or with each other to develop a

Coaches at each school plan to help a student or
level (Elementary, students out if they are
Middle and High having discipline problems.

Recess rules and 4. Beginning of 2020-21 4. K-5 Teachers

expectations will be 4. Recess rules and School Year and staff
reviewed with expectations will be
elementary staff. reviewed by elementary
staff at the beginning of the
school year.
Bus Duty will be 5. 2020-21 School Year 5. K-5 Principal
reviewed by K-12 staff. 5. All teachers will have a and 6-12
minimum of one week of Principal
Bus Duty during the
2020-21 School Year.

Options exist to allow 1. Refer to Flow Chart in PBIS 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. All staff
classroom instruction to Staff Manual
continue when major
problem behavior

Use staff meetings to 2. Take time at monthly 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. All staff
discuss existing options school-level staff meetings
and procedures, and to discuss problem student
brainstorm with staff behavior
about additional options
so that
options exist to allow
instruction to continue
when a major
behavior occurs.

Refer to the Flow Chart 3. PBIS Staff Manual 3. 2020-21 School Year 3. All staff
for staff located in the
PBIS Staff manual. A
copy of this Flow Chart
should also be placed in
all staff’s classroom

emergency binders.

Problem behaviors in 1. Student Handbook and 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. All staff
the classroom receive PBIS Staff Manual
clear, consistent

Review Student 2. Student Handbook 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. All staff

Handbook, student
behavior expectations,
and the office vs.

See definitions and 3. PBIS Staff Manual and 3. 2020-21 School Year 3. All staff
T-Charts in PBIS Staff Student Handbook
Manual and Student

PBIS referral forms will 4. PBIS Staff Manual 4. 2020-21 School Year 4. All staff
be filled out and
returned to referring
staff ASAP.

Referring staff should 5. PBIS Staff Manual 5. 2020-21 School Year 5. All staff
call home by telephone
whenever possible.

Curriculum and classes 1. Second Step program and 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. All staff
are developed to teach Connect course
4K-12 students about
our expectations and
social emotional skills.
There is a required
Freshman Connect

The 6-8 Second Step 2. Freshman Connect course 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. Family &
program is being taught Consumer
in the 6th and 8th grade Science
classrooms during Teacher
Troller Time.

The Guidance 3. Second Step program 3. 2020-21 School Year 3. 6-8 classroom

department will also be teachers

available to help
integrate Second Step
and other social
emotional programs into
the curriculum.

Classroom teachers in 4. Second Step program, plus 4. 2020-21 School Year 4. K-5 classroom
K-5 teach the Second other social emotional teachers
Step program to their programs

K-5 Guidance program 5. Second Step program 5. 2020-21 School Year 5. 4K-8 Guidance
provides reinforcement Counselor
to the Second Step
curriculum bi-weekly.

Area of Need Action Needed When Who

Use a system to 1. Continue to utilize format for 1. End 1st qtr 1. Teachers
document student-level recording student
progress monitoring information
data and instructional
decisions for students at 2. Continue to utilize system 2. Quarterly 2. Teacher/Admin
the selected and for submitting recording
intensive levels of sheets for review
3. Continue consistent 3. 2nd semester 3. Teachers/
formative assessments Interventionist

4. Utilize trained staff and 4. 1st qtr. 2020 4. Teachers/

WisDash Local Interventionists/

5. Create electronic drop 5. 1st qtr. 2020 5. RtI Coordinator/

boxes for Middle and Coaches/Admin.
High School

6. Review our universal 6. 2020-21 school 6. RTI Coordinator/

screener (STAR) and year Coaches/
look at other options K-12 Staff/Admin
(MAPS, etc.)

The PBIS Team will 1. Data will be entered into the 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. Data entry
continue the following: WISEDash Local system on people
Status of student a weekly basis.
behavior and
management practices
(referrals) are entered
into the WISEDash
Local system on a
weekly basis.

Data on problem 1. Data on problem behavior 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. PBIS

behavior patterns are patterns are collected and Coordinator
collected and summarized on a monthly and Coaches
summarized within an basis within the WISEDash
ongoing system. Local system.

Patterns of student 1. PBIS coaches report out 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. PBIS Coaches
problem behavior are ODR data at monthly school
reported to teams and level staff meetings.
faculty for active
decision-making at
monthly school level
staff meetings.

The TFI (Tiered Fidelity 1. The TFI will be taken in the 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. PBIS Team
Inventory) Survey will Spring by the PBIS Team and
be taken in the Spring. and Administration. Administration

The SAS 2. The SAS will be taken in the 2. 2020-21 School Year
(Self-Assessment Spring by all staff. 2. All staff
Survey) will be taken in
the Spring by
school-wide staff.

The BOQ (Benchmarks 3. The BOQ will be taken in 3. 2020-21 School Year
of Quality) survey will be the Spring by the PBIS 3. PBIS Team
taken in the Spring. Team and Administration. and

Area of Need Action Needed When Who

Use a process to 1. Continue holding Family 1. 2020-21 school year 1. K-12 Staff
collaborate with and Nights
engage parents/
guardians of students 2. Continue to organize at 2. 2020-21 school year 2. K-12 Staff
receiving support at the least one family event at
selected level. Red Cliff

3. Parent/Teacher Academic 3. 2nd quarter 2021 3. K-12 Staff


4. Middle School/High School 4. 2020-21 school 4. 6-12 Staff

will collaborate year
with community
organizations for information
on community jobs during
their ACP time

Engage 1. Inform parents when student 1. End of 1st Semester 1. PST

parents/guardians as enters Tier II and Tier III
active team participants
at e
​ ach ​
step of the 2. Assure that Tier II letters are
problem-solving process going to parents when 2. Inservice 2020 2. Interventionists
for students receiving changes occur during the and Admin
support at the intensive school year

Use a process to 1. Utilize PST for deciding 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. PST
measure the student placement into Tier
effectiveness and III and possible Special
efficiency of our Education Referral
problem-solving team 2. PST will utilize data to 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. PST
for students receiving determine the effectiveness
support at the intensive of the programming


4K-12 Forums for 1. Collaboration with students - 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. Guidance
students to talk about Guidance Department Counselors
issues that exist.

Middle School - AODA 2. Student input, surveys and 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. Guidance
Group evaluation forms. Counselors

High School 3. Guidance Department 3. 2020-21 School Year 3. Guidance

Manaajitoon Crew will Counselors
be performing a play on
“Healthy Relationships.”

Use students as 1. Students are encouraged to 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. 6-12 Staff
connections and participate as
communicators on communicators on school
school climate. climate.

The Student Council 2. The Student Council 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. Mr. O’Neill
has developed a system President will complete a
to collect school climate report to share with the
data from students to PBIS Team one time each
share with PBIS Team semester.

The Native American 3. The Native American Club 3. 2020-21 School Year 3. Native
Club is involved with will complete a report to American Club
communicating with the share with the PBIS Team President
PBIS Team. one time each semester.

The 6-8 Student Council 4. Middle School Advisors will 4. 2020-21 School Year 4. Middle School
will develop a way to work on this with the 6-8 Student
collect school climate Student Council Council Advisor
data and communicate
it to the PBIS Team.

Staff development days 1. To continue fidelity of the 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. Administration,
should have an district’s RtI and PBIS RtI Coordinator
RtI/PBIS focus. programs, staff need to and Coaches,
continue to have and PBIS
“refreshers” on both RtI and Coordinator
PBIS expectations. and Coaches

A well-formed plan 2. Share PBIS Staff Manual 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. PBIS

should be developed for with all staff. Coordinator

staff in-service days and
given to staff at the
beginning of the school
year. (PBIS Staff

Area of Need Action Needed When Who

Our school-level 1. Continue RtI/PBIS 1. Fall 2020 1. Administration
leadership team meets coordinator/coach team with
regularly to oversee paid positions, one
implementation of our coordinator and two
school-wide RtI/PBIS coaches for both RtI and
Action Plan. PBIS

We use a process to 1. Develop action plan with 1. Summer 2020 1. RtI/PBIS

evaluate our short-term long and short term goals on committee
progress and long-term RtI/PBIS implementation
goals toward full
RtI/PBIS 2. Evaluate RTI/PBISAction 2. Summer 2020 2. RtI/PBIS
implementation. Plan committee

We use a process to 1. Reports will be provided 1. Monthly 1. RtI/PBIS

regularly communicate from RtI/PBIS team to be Coordination
our school-wide distributed to the Team
RtI/PBIS actions and stakeholders
results to multiple
stakeholder audiences,
including all staff,
families, School Board
members, and the

Continue Staff 1. All staff should be trained in 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. Administration
Development on classroom management
Classroom strategies, as necessary.

Training opportunities 2. New staff should be trained 2. 2020-21 School Year 2. Administration

will be available for in classroom management

staff. strategies as soon as

The Bayfield School 1. The PBIS Coordinator and 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. Administration
District PBIS and RtI Coaches and the RtI
Teams have access to Coordinator and Coaches
ongoing training and should have access to
support from district ongoing training and
personnel. support.

Implementation of PBIS 1. PBIS will continue the 1. Fall, 2020 1. PBIS

Tier 2 implementation of the Tier 2 Coordinator
process and Coaches

An overview with staff is 2. The current PBIS Tier 2 2. Fall Inservice, 2020 2. PBIS
required to explain the process needs to be Coordinator
PBIS Tier 2 process re-explained to all district and Coaches
(CICO). PBIS Staff staff. All CICO forms and
Manual their completion will be
explained to all staff.

PBIS Tier 2 Behavior 3. This Behavioral Support

Support Teams need to Team will respond promptly 3. 2020-21 School Year 3. Administration
be identified. to students who present
chronic problem behaviors.
The Behavior Support Team
will include an individual that
is skilled at conducting
functional behavioral

The Check-In, Check 4. CICO will be carried out by 4. 2020-21 School Year 4. All staff
Out (CICO) process will any staff needing to use this
continue to be behavioral system for
implemented. students who qualify after
reviewing behavioral data in
the WISEDash Local

PBIS Coordinator and 1. The PBIS Coordinator and 1. 2020-21 School Year 1. PBIS
Coaches will explore Coaches will receive training Coordinator
Tier 3 interventions. in and explore PBIS Tier 3 and Coaches
interventions and share out
with all staff.

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