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COMM 202:


T24 | T29 | T31 with

Samyta Rai
Our Agenda for Today

1. Mock Interview Details

2. Interview Questions
3. Interview Prep Resources
Course Timeline

Week 9 Week 10 Week 11

• TUTORIAL: • TUTORIAL: Resume • Lecture: Interview
Employment Interview and Cover Letter Part 2 Skills and Panel

This week with cover EVENT: Mar 18
the employment
assignment. In Week
12 we will have
another tutorial about
interviews to prepare
you for the real thing
What to expect for the mock interview?

When: April 6th – 9th (as per your time slot)

Mandatory items to print:

• Resume (PRINT) 20% of your
• Cover Letter (PRINT) grade
• Job Posting (PRINT)
Optional items:
• Padfolio (keep it simple) *NO PRINT-OUTS OF
• Research notes = -10 per document

*We have a seating area to put your bags, but do so at your own risk*
What to expect for the mock interview?

Be EARLY! – Ideally by about 10 minutes. If you’re not there by

your scheduled interview time, you will receive an automatic 0!

• Check in with the ”reception” in Birmingham (It is the student’s responsibility to find
the check-in desk. There will be signs everywhere so it will be very obvious)

• Interview will be exactly 30 minutes with one BCC coach or external consultant =
25 minutes interview time + 5 minutes feedback

• Make sure you have your PRINTED documents (resume, cover letter, job posting)
What not to do? Ways to automatically fail.

• Inappropriate physical contact

• Inappropriate questions
• Late for interview
• Not checking in at reception
• Missing documents (resume, cover letter and
job posing) (-10 per each document missing)
How about dress code? Business Formal.

Dress Code:
Business Formal

Note: We’ve seen students wear fancy

sneakers – this is NOT acceptable
What to expect? Interview Questions.

1. Tell me about yourself

2. Strengths

3. Weaknesses

4. Tell me about a time when….

5. EQ question

6. Wild Card
Tell me about yourself.
• Most common question you’ll get asked during an interview
• Can be asked in several different ways
-“Tell me about yourself”
-“What’s your story?”
-“Walk me through your resume”
• PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! (with Interview Stream)

• Keep it between 90 - 120 sec

• Brand yourself – give them something to remember you by
• Sound natural – don’t sound like you’re reading off a script
• Skills & accomplishments – briefly touch on these aspects
• Show your passion & authenticity
• Provide a well-rounded picture of who you are as a person
How do you best tell your story? Structure it.

The The Growing The Future Why Are

Beginning Spark Interest You Here?

Introduction Realization Your formula Where do you How this

that this is the and how it see yourself in position ties
right career has helped the future into it all
for you lead you to (in 5 years, in 10
this role years, etc.)

GOAL: Tell them a story that no one else can replicate and impress them in the first 2 minutes
How do you best tell your story? Structure it.



Grading Criteria
• Remember to tailor your TMAY to the job

• This particular question will always be changing and it will take

you time to come up with a TMAY that you’re happy with!

Keep working at it!

What are your strengths? You’re good at ___!

What’s the point?

• A way to see if you really know yourself
• May also be asked in different ways (listen carefully)
• “What can you bring to the table?”
• ”Why should I pick you over other candidates?”
• “What would your colleagues/friends say about you?”

• Around 90 sec
• Mention 2-3 (but prep 4-5 in case)
• Provide a bit of proof but don’t go too much into detail
• Tactfully relevant to the job you’re applying for
(look at the job description!)
Grading Criteria

Look for a blend of quantitative and qualitative traits

(refer to your Skills Matrix and/or ECR Report if you need to)
What are your weaknesses? You’re not as ____!

What’s the point?

• A way for the interviewer to see if you are able to
identify weaknesses and have a plan in place to
improve them
• Assess self-awareness and spot red flags

• Around 90 sec – 120 sec

• Mention 1 (but prep 2-3 in case)
• Best to give an example
• Talk about weaknesses that would not hugely
impair you from doing the job you are applying for
• E.g. not the strongest quant – for investment
What won’t work as good weaknesses?

PSA: Avoid clichés!!

“I work too much”
“I’m such a perfectionist”

Flipping strengths into

“I’m TOO detail-oriented”
Grading Criteria
Behavioural Questions. Tell me about a time when….
What’s the point?
• To test if you have the necessary skills/experience
for the job
• To look for your thought process in given situations

• Around 2 mins
• Demonstrates the skill with the right answer
• Doesn’t re-use the same experience too many
• Clear & concise

Review Skills Matrix
Examine job posting
What’s the structure? Use STARL

S What position and where were you?

T What was the challenge you faced?

A What did YOU do and HOW did you solve the problem?

R What was the accomplishment and the impact?

L Link back to the job and why the story is relevant!


Some interviewers will cut you off.
Grading Criteria

Use your Skills Matrix as a practice tool!

EQ Questions
Examples of EQ Questions
• Tell me about a conflict you were involved in, either
with your peers or a co-worker. How did you
manage that conflict, and what did you learn about

• Tell me about a time you tried to do something and

failed. What did you learn about yourself from your

• Tell me about a time you made a mistake at work.

What did you learn about yourself from the
Grading Criteria

Facing adversity and learning about it

Wild Card Questions
What’s the point?
• Could be industry/job specific… or a surprise!
• Random questions that you cannot prepare for
• To test how you react under pressure & deal with uncertainty
• To see how you think your way through a problem

• Tell them what you’re going to do, do

it, then tell them what you just did
• If it’s a joke question, take it easy and
be personable
• Stay professional
• Don’t panic!
Wild questions we’ve been asked

Examples of wild card questions

• Pitch me a stock

• Sell me this pen

• What would be your ted talk topic?

• How many chairs are there in Birmingham?

Wild questions example

How many toasters are purchased in Canada each year?

Wild questions example

How many toasters are purchased in Canada each year?

1. How many people in Canada? 38 Million

2. How many people per household? 3
3. How many toasters per household? 1
4. How long does a toaster last? 5 years

Answer: 2.5 million toasters

Grading Criteria
Do you have questions for me?

Always prepare at least 2 questions!

• Avoid asking questions that can easily be found on Google

• Do not asking something that has already been addressed
in the interview – unless it’s a specific follow-up question
• Always safe to get them talking about themselves – e.g.
ask something directly related to their job/industry
• Example: “What specific traits and qualities do you look
for in a successful candidate?”
• Another example: “What do you think about the xyz trends
in the industry? Do you think they’re just a fad?”

*Expected in the employment interviews next week!


• Thank them for their time

• Reiterate your interest
• End with a FIRM handshake
• Ask how you can best follow up
• Use their name

PSA: No floppy fish handshakes

Following up with your interviewer

• Send an email or handwritten card

• Reference the interview – something *On the day of the mock
you want to emphasize or something interviews:
unsaid that you want them to know
• Reiterate your interest in the position We will give you ‘fake’ thank-you
cards AFTER your interview.
• Thank them for the opportunity
• Reference an answer or insight they DO NOT expect this in real life!
gave you during the question period
• If you interviewed with multiple people, DO NOT send a real email to your
make sure the follow-up is mock interviewer
personalized to each person

* Remember the 24 hour rule!

How to crush the interview? General tips.
• Listen to what they’re asking
Stay alert, don’t be afraid to ask them to clarify

• Answer the question

Do not beat around the bush

• Take your time if you need to

“Great question– may I have a quick minute to collect my thoughts?”

• Smile & keep up the energy – they’re human too

They want you to do well, so show your personality!

• Use a spreadsheet to write down your answers - (don’t take these to the actual
interview), practice with your friends, utilize Interview Stream

• Interview ends when the interviewer says “thank you” and wraps it up. Mock interview
ends when you send in your thank-you card!
How to crush the interview? General tips.
If you don’t bring your printed documents (resume, cover letter, job

If you are late (try to arrive 10 minutes early)

If you don’t check in at reception (before your interview!)

Inappropriate behaviour

Inappropriate questions
What are the five ways to automatically fail the
mock interview?
Interview Prep Resources

• DLam Library – company profiles, reports, SWOTs, etc.

• Company annual report
• Glassdoor
• Interviews: can find tips or interview experiences of
past candidates
• Company review: get a better sense of workplace
• Your network
• Look on LinkedIn to see if any UBC alumni work
there or have worked there (potential 2nd degree
connection) or anyone else you know who you can
reach out to for an informational interview
What are some interview prep tips? PRACTICE!

• Practice, practice, practice, practice!

• Do mock interviews with a friend, a BCC coach, etc
• Get their feedback and keep working on it!
• BCC: Interview Stream, Interview Toolkit, Coaching
• Leverage your Skills Matrix
• Practice in front of a mirror or film yourself to watch for any
distracting body language
• Prepare multiple stories for each skill that the job
description is looking for
• Always good to have a variety of experiences + stories
to pull from as it is possible for interviewers to ask
questions about the same skill multiple times
Upcoming Action Items

1. Company Research Assignment: due March 22nd at 11:59pm

2. Resume and Cover Letter: due March 29th at 11:59pm

3. Mock Interviews: April 6-9th

4. See you in tutorial next week


Have a great

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