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Implementing Analytic View on Plan Copa Data

Analytic view:

 Analytical views are the multi dimensional objects and in the form of star schema where
we join one fact table to multiple dimension tables.
 It is executed on olap engine

click on start<type mstsc<click on mstsc

Enter IP address and click connect

Click on start<click on SAP HANA studio

How to create a package:

Expand best system<right click on content<new<click on package

Provide name<provide description<click ok

How to create a sub package:

Right click on package<new<click on package

Enter sub package FI and description and click ok

Create another sub package HR and click ok

Create another sub package sd and click ok

Right click on Analytic view<Click new

Provide name as AN_PLAN_COPA_DATA<Click finish

Click on data foundation + icon to add tables

Select table and click ok

Select required fields for output

Drag and drop required attribute view elements to Star join

Define relationship between data foundation foreign key of KNDNR to CUSTOMER primary

Define relationship between data foundation foreign key of BUKRS to COMPANYCODE

primary key BUKRS
Define relationship between data foundation foreign key of KNTNR to MATERIALprimary key

Define relationship between data foundation foreign key of HZDATto TIMEprimary key
Click on star join<click on free space<go to properties

Analytic view executes on olap engine so check whether the column engine is OLAP engine or

 This engine will be called in the backend whenever we run any queries on Analytic
Views in SAP HANA.
 If there are no additional calculations performed like calculated columns, restricted
measures and counters, then everything will be processed in OLAP Engine.
 OLAP Engine acts as join engine for those Attribute Views used in Analytic Views,
without any calculated columns
Click on calculated columns<new calculated columns

Provide name and label and data type as DECIMAL

Drag down and expand columns select VVOI0001-VV070001 to calculate net revenue

Click on semantics<save and validate<save and activate

Click on data preview<raw data

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