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Visual supports

Visual supports can be used to help people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They are
adaptable, portable and can be used in most situations.

We see and use visual prompts every day, for example road signs, maps and shopping lists. They help us to
function, to understand the world around us, and provide us with valuable information.

Many people with an ASD are thought to be visual learners, so presenting information in a visual way can
help to encourage and support people’s communication, language development and ability to process
information. It can also promote independence, build confidence and raise self-esteem.

“I think in pictures. Words are like a second language to me…when somebody speaks to me, his
words are instantly translated into pictures… One of the most profound mysteries of autism has been
the remarkable ability of most autistic people to excel at visual spatial skills while performing so
poorly at verbal skills.” (Grandin, 1995. p19)

All people with an ASD can potentially benefit from using visual support, regardless of their age or ability.
It’s an opportunity to communicate without complications.

General information about visual supports

Whichever visual support you decide to use, make sure it’s appropriate to the person with an ASD and in
line with their needs and current stage of development. Visual supports are very personal and what
works for one person may not work for another. Once you choose a type of visual representation (for
example, line drawings), use it consistently so that the person with an ASD becomes used to it.

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Introduce visual supports gradually: it is best to start off with one symbol and then build up a collection. You
may find that it’s best to use more than one type of visual support (see below) which again, should be
introduced gradually.

Types of visual support

• Real objects
• Tactile symbols/objects of reference, for example swimming trunks, packaging, food labels*
• Photographs
• Miniatures of real objects
• Coloured pictures
• Line drawings
• Written words.

*Remember that some people with an ASD have difficulties generalising and may only focus on a particular
detail. For example they may not realise that a Hula Hoop packet symbolises all crisps.


Here are some ways in which you can present visual supports – depending on the preference of the person
using them.

• Vertical or horizontal – both are effective. However, it has been suggested that vertical presentation
of symbols can be more effective because people tend to naturally work downwards, treating
information like a list.
• Schedule – a row of symbols that illustrates a whole day of activities.
• Single symbol – placed in a pocket or on an object, a symbol can act as an immediate source of
• Laminate – laminating visual supports makes them more durable.
• Board – symbols are often attached to boards so that people know where to go to look at them.
• Velcro – Velcro strips can attach symbols to a board. This allows schedules and activities to be altered
easily, possibly with activities being removed once completed.
• In a folder – so that visual supports are always available, put them in a folder that the person can
carry with them.

Over time the way in which you present visual supports might change. You might also use different types and
sizes of symbol – it depends on what suits the person using them.

You can use visual supports:

• in prominent places at eye level

• on an actual object
• throughout particular environments, eg objects and areas in the classroom and at home could be

Visual supports can be used by families, friends and professionals, who can all help by:

• being involved in producing visual aids

• using visual supports consistently
• using a visual timetable that shows what they’ll be doing, when
• being creative, for example in the way that they present visual supports. If a person likes rockets, a
visual timetable could be made in the shape of a rocket, to help capture the person’s interest

• keeping a ‘mood chart’ to illustrate their feelings.

Areas where the use of visual support may help people with an ASD

• Timetables/schedules
• Helping with sequencing
• Transition and change
• Starting and finishing activities
• Introduction of new activities or situations – general knowledge, curriculum subjects, news
• Instructions/reminders
• Choice
• Understanding emotions and expressions
• Sharing information
• Behaviour – praise, demonstrate what’s appropriate, stop inappropriate behaviour
• Behaviour strategies
• Social skills
• Locating people and places
• Safety
• Structuring the environment
• Independent living skills
• Sex education
• Health.

Timetables/schedules – daily, weekly, monthly

Timetables and schedules are a good way of helping to create structure and routine, which take away
uncertainty and help to make daily life more predictable for people with an ASD. When producing a
timetable or schedule, it can be a good idea to place an activity that someone enjoys doing after a work-based

Æ Lunch
‘ +
Music Home
Worksheet Computer Art

Helping with sequencing: first - then

Sequencing is important to people with an ASD. It may help to relieve anxiety and reassure them about what
is going to happen next.

First Then

Transition and change

Many people with an ASD dislike change and rely on routine. Visual supports can be a good way of
introducing change, helping during periods of transition and, perhaps, helping people to become more open
to the idea of change. Situations where visual supports could be useful include:

• moving between different work activities

• moving from playtime to lesson time
• going on holiday (see calendar below – days are ticked off as they pass so that the person can see how
close they are getting to going on holiday).


Monday 63 133 20 27
Tuesday 73 143 21 28
Wednesday 13 83 153 22 29
Thursday 23 93 16 23 30
Friday 33 103 17 24 31
Saturday 43 113 18 25
Sunday 53 123 19 26

Starting and finishing activities

It is important for people with an ASD to know when an activity or event starts and finishes, particularly
when it finishes. Without this knowledge, it may be difficult and confusing for people to move on to another
activity. Here are some ideas on ways to show an activity has ended (or when it will end).

STOP A stop or finish sign

A cross

" A finish box, envelope or folder

… Cover up the symbol with a blank square

Finish Write ‘finish’

i 2:30 Clock face or digital time

A symbol of a timer

Introducing new activities or situations

Explaining a new activity or situation visually can help a person to understand what will happen, and
hopefully reduce anxiety.

An example could be going to a wedding.

‘ +
General knowledge

In daily life, we regularly use our general knowledge of familiar places and objects. So we intuitively know
where to go to, for example, find milk for our coffee (the fridge in the kitchen) or buy a newspaper (the local
shop). Visual supports can help some people with an ASD to carry out daily tasks more easily or effectively.
You might have a picture of a place; or a series of pictures which illustrates how the person will get to that
place and what they’ll do once they reach it.

Curriculum subjects

For students, all curriculum subjects can be illustrated with a variety of visual supports. For example:

• literacy – objects of reference can be used to help a person to understand the content of a new
reading book
• science – symbols can be used to indicate and clarify what the teacher wants you to do in an
• geography – maps can help people to locate the areas being discussed in the lesson.


You can make new stories more digestible by using visual supports. This may help people to gain an
understanding of current affairs and feel a bit more involved with what’s going on in the world.

Instructions and reminders

Write out simple instructions – backed up by visual supports – to remind people of the steps they need to
follow to complete a task. The tasks that you illustrate could include different aspects of personal care, such
as washing, going to the loo, hair brushing, and getting dressed.

However, instructions (or ‘reminder strips’) can be used in lots more situations. For example:

My lunchbox pencil book go in my school bag.


Get people with an ASD involved in making decisions – and help them to become more independent – by
getting them to choose what food to eat, what activities they would like to do, what to wear and how to
travel. Visual supports can help people to choose. Initially, limit the choices to just two or three. This will
avoid unnecessary confusion and anxiety.

Would you like to travel by…

Bike Train

Understanding emotions and expressions

People with an ASD don’t always find it easy to express their emotions, or tell people how they’re feeling.
Visual (or written) supports can help with this. You will be able to better understand how the person is
feeling at different times of day or in different situations.

Basic written scale

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1=very happy/relaxed; 10=very unhappy/anxious

Registration – 4
English – 6
Maths – 2
Lunch – 8
Science – 5
Art – 8
Home – 3

Basic visual symbols

☺ good bad okay

Ask a person to put a symbol next to each activity they take part in. This will help you to understand parts of
the day that are good and bad.

Thermometer symbol

A thermometer symbol is also a common way of ‘measuring’ emotions. If the temperature is quite low, the
person is happier and more relaxed. An increase in temperature indicates that the person is becoming less
happy, or anxious.

Sharing information

It is often difficult to gather information from people with an ASD. Visual supports can help people with an
ASD to share information and talk about their experiences. You might use a number of symbol cards, or
have one large card with lots of choices (eg activities, people, animals, transport), on which people can circle
or tick specific activities or symbols. Some titles for cards could be:

• What did you do today?

• What did you see?
• How did you get there?
• Who did you go with?

Visual supports can be very useful in relation to all areas of behaviour. They can help to establish
boundaries and rules, or to give praise. Here are some examples of how visual supports can be used in
this context.


Good 2Listening
Demonstrate appropriate behaviour

c y 1 2
When the teacher talks I must be quiet, look and listen.

Stop inappropriate behaviour

do not hit

Behaviour strategies

Difficulties in communication can on occasions result in negative behaviours. It is also difficult to get a
message across verbally when you are upset, anxious and/or confused. Visual behaviour strategies could
provide the individual with an alternative method of communicating at different levels of behaviour. By
removing all the ‘grey areas’ at a vulnerable time it can help to simplify a message and reduce anxiety. See the
following examples.

Traffic lights

This system uses both visual and written instructions to indicate the type of behaviour and actions that need
to be taken.

Red I have blown!

I need to find a space where I am safe

Amber I need to find a person to talk to and ask for help

Hands down (ie, I will put my hands down if I flap them, as a coping method) Coping
Methods – headphones, find a quiet space, stress balls

Green I am okay

It can be useful to incorporate a person’s special interest in their visual behaviour supports.
For example, use a picture of the special interest to divert a person from getting upset: ‘When I start to get stressed
I will look at pictures of my special interest and take deep breaths’.

Football card system

2 x yellow cards = red card

The football card method can be used in two ways. People with an ASD can use the cards to indicate when
they are struggling. Alternatively, a carer or professional can use the cards to indicate when behaviour is not

Reward charts

Reward charts are an excellent way of demonstrating how well someone is doing, and reminding them that
they’re working towards a reward.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

• • • •
• • •
•x10 = 30 minutes extra + listening2to your music‘

Social skills

Illustrating the ‘rules’ of social interaction can help a person with an ASD to understand the concept. A basic
example is below.

I must not interrupt

In addition, visual supports can be used to help illustrate a conversation or review an incident. See the section
‘Comic strip conversations’ on page XX for more information.

Locating people and places

People with an ASD can find it difficult to ‘place’ their family and friends when they are not with them.
Using symbols, photos, and maps can be reassuring. Here are some examples.

• My mum is at work [picture of mum at work]. I will see her at ………………….

• My friend Bethany lives here [photo of Bethany’s house].
• I go swimming on Thursdays with my brother [photo of swimming pool].
• My new school is in Edinburgh [map of Scotland with a coloured mark where Edinburgh and the
school are].

Many people with an ASD have a limited sense of danger and may not predict, or understand, the
consequences of their actions. It is important to make them aware of potential dangers at home and in
other places, such as schools or offices. Here are some ways you can do this.

Single symbols

Have a single symbol on or near an object, eg cookers or electrical sockets. This symbol could just be a
colour (red); a symbol; or some simple words, such as ‘No touch’, ‘Hot’, or ‘No entry, Ben’.

don’t touch

A sequence of symbols

Fire safety

If you hear a fire alarm leave the building

and go to a safe meeting place wait until you are told it is safe to go into the building by a

fireman .

Structuring the environment – classroom, home, work

You can take simple steps in all environments to help people with an ASD to orientate themselves and
carry out day-to-day tasks with a greater level of understanding. For example:

• label objects and work trays clearly

• place visual markers on floors or other surfaces to ‘map out’ specific areas. Use pictures or real
objects, eg spoon=kitchen; book=library
• use different textures or colours. For example, a white tablecloth on a table could mean it’s dinner
time; whereas a blue tablecloth could mean it’s time for colouring or model making
• at school, put mats on the floor to indicate that it’s circle time/story time
• keep visible lists of class or house rules and reminders.

Independent living skills

Visual supports can be used to promote independent living skills and encourage people with an ASD to
carry out household tasks alone.

When I go to the shops

I need to buy

I must remember to take money to pay for the food and drinks

Sex education
Sex education is a very sensitive and complex area and it is essential that people with an ASD are given
as much information as possible. Visual supports can help to create a greater understanding. For

• use a body map (see the example we have used in the ‘Health’ section on page XX) to indicate areas
where changes may take place
• use real objects to indicate appropriate clothing – bra, underwear, etc
• have a list or pictures of places where people may touch themselves – it’s important to connect this to
a list of when it is appropriate to do so, ie in private, but not on public transport. Our information
sheet Sex education and children and young people with an ASD, available at has
more information
• use coloured circles to indicate some appropriate behaviour, for example holding hands, hugging or
kissing certain people is OK.

It is sometimes difficult to know whether a person with an ASD is unwell or hurt. Using visual supports
people may be able to indicate an area of their body that hurts, or describe the pain. See example

Where do you hurt?

The key ways visual supports may help:

• they provide structure and routine

• they encourage independence
• they help to reduce anxiety
• they improve people’s understanding
• they offer people opportunities to interact with others.

Approaches that use visual supports

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECs)

This approach is widely used, often alongside behaviour-based interventions. PECS encourages a person to
communicate their needs, wants and desires by exchanging a picture card for a desired item or activity. In
time, the type and number of picture cards used by the person increases.

Makaton uses a combination of gestures, signs and symbols to help people with learning difficulties and
communication impairments to communicate.

Social stories
Introduced by Carol Gray in the early 1990s, social stories are short (written) descriptions of a particular
situation, event or activity, which include specific information about what to expect in that situation and why.
They can provide a person with an ASD with some idea of how others might behave in a particular situation.
They can also introduce a new social skill. Social stories can be strengthened by using visual supports, such as
symbols or illustrations.

Comic strip conversations

Also developed by Carol Gray, comic strip conversations are a way for people to exchange information and
express themselves during a conversation. Colour, symbols, drawings and written words are used, alongside
speech, to help people understand the ideas and emotions being expressed. Comic strip conversations can
also help people to understand past incidents or conversations.

TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped

TEACCH is widely used in specialist education services – and also in adult services. Fundamentally,
TEACCH focuses on altering the environment and using visual supports (timetables and schedules) to help
provide structure, reduce stress and improve understanding. The ultimate aim is to increase people’s

“It is an approach which can help pupils with autism access the curriculum. It does this by focussing
on visual rather than verbal input and by providing a visually structured framework to help organise
themselves, to know what to expect, to learn, and to learn to work independently.” Hull et al (1996, p.

Sources for symbols/pictures

There are lots of basic symbols in Microsoft Word. Go to ‘Insert’, then ‘Symbol’. Webdings has the most.
Here are some examples: i ☺ …"+2Wyb ÆlEv

Widgit Software Ltd
26 Queen Street
Leamington Spa
Warwickshire CV32 7NA

Tel: 01926 333 680

Fax: 01936 885 293

Pyramid Educational Consultants UK Ltd

First Floor
Queens Park Villa
30 West Drive
Tel: 01273 609555
Fax: 01273 609556

31 Firwood Drive
Surrey GU15 3QD

Tel: 01276 61390


Websites for symbols and pictures

• - a useful website which has printable blank schedules and picture cards.

References and recommended reading

• Bondy, A. and Frost, L. (2002). A picture’s worth: PECS and other visual communication
strategies in autism. Bethesda, Maryland: Woodbine House
• ÏÏFreschi, D. F. (2003). ‘Schedules, schedules, schedules: tips for teaching, tips for using’.
Autism Asperger’s Digest (July – August), pp: 10 –11, 18
• Fullerton A., Stratton, J., Coyne, P., and Gray, C. (1996). Higher functioning adolescents and
young adults with autism : a teacher’s guide. Austin, Texas: Pro-Ed
• ÏGrandin, T. (1995). Thinking in pictures and other reports from my life with autism, New York:
Vintage Books
• ÏÏGray, C. (1996). ‘Social Assistance’ in Fullerton A. Stratton J. Coyne P. Gray C. (1996)
Higher functioning adolescents and young adults with autism: a teacher's guide. Austin, Texas:
Pro-Ed, pp. 71-90
• ÏHannah. L. (2001). Teaching young children with autistic spectrum disorders: a practical guide
for parents and staff in mainstream schools and nurseries. London: The National Autistic Society.

• Hodgdon, L. A. (1999). Visual strategies for improving communication: practical supports for
school and home. Troy, Michigan: QuirkRoberts Publishing
• ÏÏHull, A., Andrews, C., and Sanderson, N. (1994). ‘Classroom management through the use of
the TEACCH programme’. In Shattock, P. and Linfoot G. (eds.) Autism on the agenda: papers
from the National Autistic Society Conference 1994. London: National Autistic Society, pp.151-
• ÏSavner, J. L. and Smith Myles, B. (2000). Making visual supports work in the home and
community: strategies for individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome. Shawnee Mission,
Kansas: Autism Asperger Publishing Company

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Last updated: September 2011

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