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For the Pilot Project with the Action Facebook page at the heart of all communications, our primary

objective will be to build up a community of audience around this page and create conversion along and
through these audiences to keep action rate high.

We would include activities to bring the users of the following demographics, interest and behavior:

Gender: Male

Location: All Metro Cities of Bangladesh

Age: 22 to 40 years

Interest Segment: Public Transport, Bus, Commuting

Behavior: Commuters, Frequent Travelers

Audience Size: 2.2 Million

The activities that we will run to garner these audience around the page include:

Paid Like ads with the below contents:

 FB Audio Visual creating awareness of what harassment issues are and how you can take action
to mitigate it
 FB Static Image creating awareness of what harassment issues are and how you can take action
to mitigate it

Paid Traffic Ads with below contents:

 Google Display Banner Ads creating awareness of what harassment issues are and how you can
take action to mitigate it

Earned Media through Partnership:

 Run a partnership with FB Groups such as DSD (Audience size of 403,000) to actively ask
audience to join the FB Community to drive conversation around harassment
 Run a special fixed banner ad around Prothom Alo, Daily Star, Kaler Kontho, news
sites under harassment news with a CTA to unite against such practices by joining the

Once this audience is within this community, the next step will be to educate them about what
harassment is and to generate conversation around harassment to induce engagement:

Paid and Earned Media:

 Create a series of Web video where we bring in social celebrity endorsers to talk about the
different forms of harassment: amplify the Web video through partners such as Prothom Alo
and through Social endorsers
 Inbox us any news/write up/video on harassment and Action FB page will amplify it across
Social Channels

Paid Media:

 Run YouTube Bumper ads and banners across contents of or related to harassment and social

Our secondary objective is to bring a set of volunteers along who are ready to work in the cause.
Traditionally, the targeting to bring such audience has been across young students who have the time to
provide on the cause.

We would include activities to bring the users of the following demographics, interest and behavior:

Gender: Male & Female

Location: All Metro Cities of Bangladesh

Age: 16 to 24 years

Interest Segment: Bullying Awareness | Harassment | Women Abuse

Behavior: University Students

Audience Size: 400 K

 We will run paid sign up ads to these audience and the call for action will be conducted through
the Social endorsers in Paid media in FB and Google and also through social handles of the

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