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Post task - Designing a lesson plan 1

Post task - Designing a lesson plan

Luis Felipe Duarte Rojas Code: 11228123

Group: 1


Author Note

Activity submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Teacher Development

course 551023A_763 tutored by Dina Esperanza Bonilla

Bogota, August 2020

Post task - Designing a lesson plan 2


a. How important do you think a lesson plan is to a successful lesson?

Answer: It is important since in the lesson plan a teacher facilitates by means of a written record

how the class is structured for each lesson as well as the progress of the students of what has

been taught, it must be organized having clear the subject, content, Materials, sequence,

difficulty and time, as well as general security and knowledge of the subject to the teacher, are

not improvised, they can also be useful at the time of a replacement, a lesson plan guarantees the

teacher greater clarity in the content, materials, the sequence

What features do you think a lesson plan should include?


1. clear lesson objective is where we need what we want our students to learn through the focus

and direction of our lesson, as well as making clear the roles of the tutor and student, Warm up


2. Determine the activities, rhythm, difficulty and learning procedure

3. Establish and execute the evaluation method

4. Develop stimulation, participation and follow-up of the lesson in the students

b. Do you think it is a good idea to strictly follow a lesson plan? Why?

Answer: Yes, from the lesson plan is well planned, structured and thinking about the type of

student population, taking into account the different factors that may occur in the development of

the lesson
task - Getting Ready to Start 3

c. Some people think that lesson plans severely restrict teacher creativity. Do you agree?

Explain your answer.

Answer: No, since if the lesson plan is designed for the teacher, they have organized their way

of learning, just as these lesson plans can be improved through the teacher's experience, what is

important is the tutor, I did not mechanize to just fulfill the lesson plan monotonously without

innovation and improvement plan.

task - Getting Ready to Start 4
Post task - Designing a lesson plan 5

Background Date: 03 August 2020
Course Level: 6 th Grade

Time: 90 min
Standard: A2 Basic
Main Aims At the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about daily routines and different times
of the day using the present simple tense, identifying key information in a simple text,
increase the vocabulary related to daily routines and actions
Materials: Flashcards, board, notebook

Stage time &

Interaction Aim Procedure (Teacher and student activity)

Divide the class into 4 groups of 5 students. The tutor gives 5 cards to each group of
vocabulary about daily activities such as: sleeping, eating breakfast, bathing, studying,
Prepare students
playing ... among others.
Warm Up/Review for the lesson of
(10 min) daily routines Each student in the group represents the card with the word in front of the group. The other
students try to guess the action, when they get the correct answer, they will write the word
on the board.
Each correct answer get a point, the group with the most points wins the game.
Consolidate and The tutor presents a text written on the board with illustrations of the different daily
identify words and routines.
actions on daily
(20 min) The tutor reads the text, then does it in stanzas and the students repeat

The tutor asks students to draw a vertical and horizontal line to create 4 equal squares and
task - Getting Ready to Start 6

label each square with "in the morning", "in the afternoon", "in the afternoon" and "at night"
identifying (writing and drawing) each action in the box that corresponds to it.

Identify and
recognize words
and actions about
(30 min)
daily routines

Assessment To assess the The tutor walks around the classroom reading the texts of his student texts making
(20 min) understanding of corrections and generating a grade by placing a seal.
the lesson after the
writing and reading

Assignment The tutor asks students general random questions about daily routines.
(20 min)
To give feedback Who makes the bed?
on the lesson after
Who has breakfast before showering?
the writing and
reading activity. When do you play or study?
At what time do you watch television?
Post task - Designing a lesson plan 7


Taking into account what Cordingley exposed in 2015, research in the learning process is very

important since there is no source for improving the teaching-learning process, improving the

quality of education, executing and implementing new teaching strategies in a new generation

student society and innovation with the use of technology, these efforts in search of the

improvement of education is reflected in the scientific research and analysis processes, it is

firmly established that education is a fundamental axis in the society development.

One of the factors of the research is that one should not believe in everything in the network, but

rather with studies carried out in the student population, a more real result is obtained in the

context of the student population, it may vary, in the case of the Bachelor's degree in English as a

foreign language is important in these research processes, since many teachers are used to

traditional teaching methods. When carrying out the research processes, readings are made,

analysis of new teaching strategies or seeing and understanding the tutor process. - student, for

this reason every time you learn something new.

Another important factor in the research process is that it can generate research groups and is of

great help since it can obtain different points of view of a problem or some improvement process

related to education or in the professional learning process of the teacher, generating a student

quality, I think that one of the most important steps is to remove the stigma that the research

processes are tedious rather dynamic, thereby generating more initiative in generating research

spaces or hotbeds seeking the general good of education.

task - Getting Ready to Start 8


Cordingley, P. (2015). The contribution of research on teachers’ professional learning and

development. Oxford Review of Education, 41(2), 234–252.

Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2006). Estándares básicos de competencias en Lenguas

Extranjeras: Inglés- Formar en lenguas extranjeras, el reto- Revolución Educativa. Serie

Guía 22. Bogotá. Recuperado de


Richards, J. C., & Lockhart, C. (1994). Approaches to classroom investigation in teaching. In

Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms (pp. 6–28).Retrieved from



Richards, J., & Farrell, T. (2005). Action research. In Professional Development for Language

Teachers: Strategies for Teacher Learning (Cambridge Language Education, pp. 171-

194). Retrieved from https://www-cambridge-



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