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8 = @ ovish national republic federal government > ~ Societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ moorish divine and national movement of the wort northwest amexem / northwest atvica / worth america / ‘the north gate’ adjoining atlantis and americana islands <> ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ > the true ani be jure natural peoples — heirs of the land & ~isLa. ~e notification of affidavit of uccl financing statement (exercise of constitution for the united states of ame sured rights) WU-23- WYO \ 2020 © LIBS TOWING IEEE FOSTER 6380 marcus street Plymouth michigan 48211 notice to agent is notice (o principal and notice to principal is notice to agent gree prins noble james bey. proprio solo in proprio here moorish american national, in capit is nolo. in propria persona, st juris, in i am an aboriginal indigenous sovereign white moorish american national and iam exercising all my rights at this time and at all points in time. \wherens you JEFF FOSTER LIBS TOWING have been found in violation of the treaty of peace and friendship of 1786 and 1836 and the constitution for the united states of america 1789 and 1791 you are hereby notified that an affidavit of placed on you in both your personal and prof statement lien has been tached for further attached are the following ali filing, land and commercial fi of written initial universal commercial code financing statement - fixture affidavit of ucct financing statement [LIJBS TOWING] Kk to actual document from source of link, ete. website, seri om or calameo for the “supreme kiws of the land” and addition onsulate supporting lawful comma org and download the following: ds and directives visit website ocumenis:aortwext amexem / worth altica worth america the moroccan empine uot’ Hom ~ desi, on — resem, monrsubjeet~ being the righ inheritors oF the lan, 1d due process 0 Fxvenn6563 fidavit of ec! financing statement macn- @ 100000390-aftidavit-of-soverei sigu-american- % affidavit of sovereign american gold standard lawful command [credit instrument number 201908020729 08.02.2019] hitps:// gold-standard-lawul-command-eredit-insttument-num! % 2018-01-04 termination of corporate trusteeship hutps://www.seribd.con/document/409886429/macn-r0(00000 102. trusteeship > 2018-06-09 no htps://www.seri american-consulat © of existence of the moorish american consulate at northwest amexem convdocument/409861218/macn-r000000 I 18-notice-of-existence-of-the-mooi treaty of peace and friendship between morocco and the united states of america 1787 and 1836 still in force [1787/1836 morocco empire treaty of peace and commerce between the moorish empire and the united states yovernment service corporation} hitps://www. scribd com/document/409862273/macn000000129-treat -of-peace-and-friendship-1787- ul-1836-with % avinust macn-1333333333 trust declaration of the moorish divine and national movement of the world, j january 21, 2018 https:/Avww. scribd .conv/document/409887283/macn-1333333333-Lrust-declaration-moori jonal-movementof-the-sworkdjan-21-2019 * vollongP rca + macn-r0000001 1791 Ihups://www.seribl,convdocument/412374087/macn-1000000 199-the-dee for-the- 1716 ‘maaen-+000000200 the original constitution for the united states of america 1789 and 1791 hutps:// 3/macn-1000000200-th tunited-states-of-america-1789-and-1791 4 macn-1000000193 the zodiac constitution by em hutps://www.seribd ,com/document/4123632.14/macn-1000000 193-zodiae-constitution-by + macn-100000021 | articles of confederation of 1777 hups:/ 11000000211 ration-of-independ m-bey, jeralion-of-1777 nothing in this lawful document is consent to any jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction of my ancestral moorish estate. upon my inherited status, i prins noble james bey. being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other respect known as amet al morocean — moor, standing, squarely affirmed upon my oath to the “five points of light” ~ love, tut, peace, freedom. and justice: be petent (in my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which i place my autograph: whereas. i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be tr correet, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, “colored” or improper use ‘or purpose. all sovereign original indigenous moorish american autographs for this document and all vereign moorish national republic federal government documents are on the pt is at america, Rees mente os ‘ins noble james bey. nolo uris omnia iura reservantis: ‘email: tanta nen ico vos use anno vobis, ue inkcrtors ote Lan page 2 of 2 macn-a035 notification and due process of affidavit of weet fin een n6563 oe! asi a 8 = & moorish national republic federal government so ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ ~ moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america / 'the north gate" adjoining atlantis and americana islands ‘> ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ > the true and be jure natural peoples — heirs of the lant > ~is.Lam.~ 9 notification of affidavit of uccl financing statement (exercise of constitution for the united states of america — secured rights) 1-25-1490 1 prins noble james bey 2020 25120 lois lane southfield michigan ‘ to DETROIT POLICE 12TH DISTRICT DESHAUNE SIMMS/KEITH BUCKMAN 1441 west seven mile Detroit michigan 48203 notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent greetings, i am prins noble james bey, a moorish american national, in capitis nolo, in propria persona, proprio solo in proprio heredes ui juris, in i am an aboriginal indigenous sovereign white moorish american national and i am exercising all my rights at this time and at all points in time. whereas you, DESHAUNE SIMMS/KEITH BUCKMAN DETROIT POLICE 12TH DISTRICT have been found in violation of the treaty of peace and friendship of 1786 and 1836 and the constitution for the united states of america 1789 and 1791. you are hereby notified that an affidavit of universal commercial code 1 financing statement lien has been placed on you in both your personal and professional capacity see attached for further det: attached are the following affidavit of written initial universal commereial code finan filing, land and commereial liens tatement - fixture affidavit of ucet financing statement [DETROIT POLICE "*DISTRICT] link to actual document from source of link, ete. website, or calameo for the “supreme laws of the land” and additional supporting lawful commands and directives visit website and download the following: “ahoriginal and figenows peoples documents: worlhwest amexem/ worth aftica /aorth america the moroccan e ‘continental united states: temple ofthe moon and oun’: non ~ domestic, non ~ resident, non-subject~ being the right inheritors ofthe land, sand page 1 of 2 macn-a035 notification and due process of affida FEAARXOSS6 of ucel financing statement maen- be] ae a 8 >» w@ ‘> affidavit of soverei 201908020729 08.02.2019] gold-standard-lawful-command-credit-instrument-number-201908020729-08-02-2019 4 2018-01-04 termination of corporate trusteeship hips://www.seribd,com/document/409886429/macn-r000000102-affidavit-of-termination-of- tu % 2018-06-09 notice of existence of the moorish american consulate at northwest amexem hittps:// 12 18/macn-r000000 1 1 8-notice-of-existence-of-the-moorish- an consulate treaty of peace and fi force [1787/1836 morocco empire treaty of peace and commerce between the moorish empire and the united states government service corporation] ribd,com/document/409862273/macn000000129-treat and-1836-with-certified-cover avirust in gold standard lawful command [credit instrument number ndship between morocco and the united states of america 1787 and 1836 still in 4 macn-r333333333 trust declaration of the moorish divine and national movement of the world, january 21, 2018 and-national-movement-of-the-world-jan-21-2019 * macn-999999999 declaration of trust of the moorish national republic federal government https://www. scribd com/document/409887923/macn-r999999999-declaration-of-trust-of-the-moo! national-republic-federal-government 4“ macn-r000000199 the declaration of independence and the constitution for the united states of america 1791 https://www, 199-the-declaration-of-i and-the-constitution-for-the-united-states-of-america-176 4 macn-r000000200 the ori stitution for the united states of america 1789 and 1791 13/macn-r000000200-the-original-constitution-for-the- united america-178: 7A + macn-1000000193 the zodiac constitution by cm bey hitps:// 23632 4/macn-r000000193-zodiac-constitution-by-em-bey 4 macn-1000000211 articles of confederation of 1777 hitps:// || -articles-of-confederation-of-1777 \dependence- nothing in this lawful document is consent to any jurisdiction other than the jurisdi moorish estate, jon of my ancestral upon my inherited status, i prins noble james bey, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other respect known as american — al moroccan — moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the “five points of light” — tave, twit, peace, freedam., and justice: being competent (in my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which i place my autograph: whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true. correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, “colored” or improper u or purpose. all sovereign original indigenous moorish american autographs for this document and all sovereign moorish national republic federal government documents are on the publigasggggds at ameri iam: fan mott - prins noble james omnia iura reservantis, email: ‘tantum est umum exitum amen, dco vobis. quccumaue allgaverts super terram erunt liga et ego in cael et quaccumgue solves super terram e ‘amen, deo sobis quccumgue allzaverts super terram erut liga ct ego in cael et quaecumguesolveits super tram amen, dico sobisqueeumdue aligaveritis super trram erunt gata et epo in cato et quaecumaue solvers super term erunt solu ci eaclo™ und Andigenous peopl ss worthwest amexem 7 worth altica/ worth america ‘continental united states: "temple of the moon and sun non domestic, non ~ resident, non-subjeet — be inheritors oF the the rightful heirs and page 2 of 2 macn-a035 notification and due process of affidavit of uccl financing statement macn- Fxxnxx6556 : atm moorish national republic federal goverinteit »-sorietasrepublicaeea al maurikanos~- moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and americana islands o~ is.Lam, ~ affidabit of turitten initial universal commercial code financing statement fixture filing, land and commercial lien national safe harbor program ucc § 9-521 whereby nationals who file written ucci claims can file uccs in any state. I [(-2s- 2020, | ‘To: [DETROIT POLICE 12'"* PRECINCT] and all deri s thereof DESHAUNE SIMS/Deshaune Sims dba COMMANDER and ail assigns, agents and heirs and derivatives thereof. JOE TUCKER/Joe Tucker dba CAPTAIN and all assigns, agents and heirs and derivatives thereof. SHERLEY BLEDSOE/Sherley Bledsoe dba and all igns, agents and heirs and di ives thereof. MICHAEL CROWDER/Michael Crowder dba POLICE OFFICER and all assigns, agents and heirs and derivatives thereof. LASHANNA MCGHEE/Lashanna Meghee dba POLICE OFFICER and all assigns, agents and heirs and derivatives thereof. KEITH BUCKMAN/Keith Buckman dba POLICE OFFICER and all assi derivatives thereof. ROMELL RANDOLPH/Romell Randolph dba POLICE OFFICER and all assigns, agents and heirs and derivatives thereof. NATHANIEL WOMACK/Nathaniel Womack dba POLICE OFFICER and all assigns, agents and thereof. ns, agents and heirs and igan 48203 4.431947 -83.118776 Email/mail documents or requests for copies can be submitted to: ce: [MAYOR MURIEL BROWSER] JOHN A. WILSON BUILDING 1350 pennsylvania avenue nw (ade.wov 7019 0700 0001 4558 6556/9590 9402 54929249 4111 34 ce: [DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT CORPORATION] RECORDER OF DEEDS {HOTA streets 3 lor weton de, 20024 ce: [OFFICE OF TAX AND REVENUE] 1 maen-resssexs¥4 affidavit of universal commerical code 1 financing staement{DETROIT POLICH ENTERPR aboriginal PRECINCT AND LL.BS. a on ors ars ein the dyes amesem /nntves fica / mt america ‘he north gate” ~the moroccan empire isan tre sla non = do resident, nom =o Jal its nd prgcntae bight inert ofthe land JEFFREY DEWITT 1101 4™ street, sw, #270 Washington de, 20024 from: moorish american consulate moorish national republic federal government prins noble james bey care of 14700 harding street near. [oak park michigan republic zip exempt] affidavit of writter $2 ial universal commercial code financing statement fixture filing 521. universal form of w 02, § 28:9-516a, § 28:9-516b, § 28:9-5206, § 28:9-521 and all other applicable codes concerning secured party creditors and initial filings, § 28:9-521 universal form of written financing statement - a filing office that accepts written records ‘may not refuse to accept a written initial financing statement in this form and format except for a reason set forth in § 28:9-516(b) entitled “what constitutes filing: effectiveness of filing”. (a) except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), communication of a record to a filing office and tender of the filing fee or acceptance of the record by the filing office constitutes filing. § 28:9-501 filing office. except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), if the local law of the district governs perfection ofa security interest ot agricultural lien, the office in which to file a financing statement to perfect the security interest or agricultural lien is (1) the recorder of deeds, if (b) the financing statement is filed as a fixture filing and the collateral is goods that are or are to become fixtures; or (2) the mayor in all other cases, including a ease in which the collateral is goods that are or are to become fixtures and the financing statement is not filed as a fixture filing. (b) the office in which to file a financing statement to perfect a security interest in collateral, including tures, of a transmitting utility is the office of the mayor. the financing statement als tesa fixture filing as to the collateral indicated in the financing statement which is or is to become fixtures. § 28:9-515 duration and effectiveness of finaneing statement; effect of laps tatement. (1) if ‘a debtor is a transmitting utility and a filed initial finaneing statement so indicates, the financing statement is effective until a termination statement is filed. consti § 28:9-521: universal form of written financing statement and amendment. ucel financing statement following instructions a. name & phone of contact at filer (optional) prins noble james bey b, email contact at filer (optional) noblejamesbey’ c. send acknowledgement to: (name and address) mooris hameriean consulate moorish national republic federal government prins noble james bey, mohammedan vizir [judge] re of 25120 lois lane near [Southfield michigan republic] zip exempt north america he above space is for “filing office only 1. debtor’s name: provide only one debtor name (1a or 1b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the debtor’s name); if any part of the indi 2 maciernvsuucnan_affidavit of wniversalcommeriel code financing statement[DETROIT POLICE 12TH PRECINCT AND LLABS ENTERPRISES} sborginal and indigenows peoples” documsns:nohwest amexem /nohves fies /noeth america ‘the nomh pe -the moraccan empie = ‘concn unicast temple ofthe mon and sun tut sana n= domes, now resident non ~ subject ors murs being heigl eis al primogenitur itright inheritors ofthe an om S 8 ’ will not fit in line 2b, leave all of item 2 blank, check here |_| and provide the individual debtor information in item 19 of the finance statement addendum form (form ucelad) 1a, organization’s name DETROIT POLICE 12th PRECINCT. or Ib. individual’s surname first personal name DESHAUNE SIMS/Deshaune Sims dba COMMANDER and all assigns, agents and heirs and derivatives thereof. additional name(s)/initial(s) that are part of the name of this debtor suffix Je. property address 1441 west seven mile Detroit Michigan 48203 42.431947, -83.118776 2, debtor’s name: provide only one debtor name (1a or 1b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the debtor's name; if any part of the individual debtor’s name will not fit in line 1b, leave all of item Iblank, check here |_| and provide the individual debtor information in item 10 of the finance statement addendum form (form ueclad) 2a. organization's name L.1J.B.S TOWING or 2b, individual’s surname first personal name JEFF FOSTER/Jeff Foster dba PRESIDENT and all assigns, agents and heirs and derivatives thereof. 2c. mailing address 6380 marcus street Detroit Michigan 48211 42.395912 -83.035687 3. secured first party creditor (or name of assignee of assignor secured party): provide only one secured party name (3a or 3b) moorish national republic federal government 3a, organization’s name 3b. appellation Justus prins noble james bey additional name(s)/initial(s) suffix [DETROIT POLICE 12711 PRECINCT AND LA1.BS 3 maco-rvsscasetsaffidasit of universal commerical code 1 financing sat ENTERPRISE horginal genous paoples* documents northwest amexen/ northwest ic north esica/ the moh gale’ -the moroccan empite “Seminal wed sas: temple ofthe moon and sin tue rand’ non-domestic. non -Fesient, no ~ subject: or muurs- Being the ight heis and primogenitar irtright inheritors ofthe land oe S&S S ® 3c, mailing location 25120 lois lane state postal code country] near. [Southfield michigan] zip exempt without the united states of america 4. collateral: this financing statement covers the following collater: this financing statement covers the following collateral: the collateral covered by this financing statement is the indebtedness of the debtor to the secured (first) party creditor in the sum certain amount 0 $1,000,000,000,000,000 in gold backed lawful tender due for each parcel the debtor is foreign by origin and squatting upon the fraudulent and treasonous use of the Indian Appropriation Act 1871 & 1889 to sell and withhold the land to which prins noble james bey and all moorish american nationals of the moorish national republic federal government, the moorish american consulate and the moorish divine and national movement of the world are heirs to pursuant to the treaty of peace and friendship 1786 and 1836 and the american mandate for the land, previously held in the united nations trusteeship system (1946) in geneva switzerland, and the constitution for the united states:1791. nune pro tune. this true bill in commerce has been executed pursuant to the following universal commercial codes that govern the private secured first party creditor. charges are also calculated pursuant to the fraud and other violations committed against the moorish american nationals at north america as well as indebtedness for debt engaged into before the said constitution and for occupying the land of the moorish american nationals. the said treaty is the attached library of congress certified publication entitled the public statutes at large of the united states of america, volume 8 pages 100 through 105, certified september 26, 1990, signed and sealed by library of congress photoduplication service acting Chief Shirley M. Berry on november 8, 2007. charges are additionally calculated pursuant to all writs and affidavits (statements of truth in law, amity, trade & commerce) filed by the moorish american nationals where the abovementioned debtors have caused injury to the estate of the ecured first party creditor at any and all times on the land pursuant to the said treaty. proof of service of cach writ and affidavit is attached. creditors notice against the liable parties is the judgement. res judicata, stare decisis. right of the secured party creditor. additionally, thi is filed pursuant to international commercial claims, aboriginal & imperial claims (antiquitous claims). this is a filing to encumber land, property. real estate, and all commercial transactions by Debtor (ALL Principals and Agents) also pursuant to *uce 9-607 collection and enforcement by secured party*uce 9-203 attachment and enforceability of security interest*uce 9-609 secured party’s right to take possession after default, all contracts with the United States Corporation Company are cancelled effective september 11, 2018. new contracts with the moorish national republic federal gove ernment for the debtors are as follows: all debtors named above have current contraets with the moorish american nationals at north america which s the treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836, the constitution for the united states 1791 and this ucc] financing statement whose document number is 7019 2280 0001 4558 6556 the moorish american consulate record number for this lawful document is maen-rxxxxx6556 and downloadable from the following website link: CALAMEO and/or SCRIBD the terms of your contract with the moorish national republic federal government, the moorish american consulate and the moorish american nationals is that the moorish american nationals are to be respected as the[DETROIT POLICE 12th PRECINCT and L.1.J.B.S ENTERPRISES|and all ofits intellectual property and holdings. contract particulars are to be discussed as soon as this notification is confirmed received by [ DESHAUNE SIMS/Deshaune Sims dba COMMANDER DETROIT POLICE 12th PRECINCT and JEFF FOSTER/eff Foster dba PRESIDENT L.1.J.B.S ENTERPRISES]the only flag that will fly at north america, morocco is the moorish american flag [red with five pointed green star] and all “US Banners Of Amity And Commerce” are outlawed and are ‘commanded to be ‘removed immediately. all indigenous people who are not of the moorish nation (melanin dominant) birthright and bloodline are subjects of the moorish american nationals. all immigrants who do not pledge sincere allegiance to the moorish flag will be arrested and detained and/or deported. all who pledge allegiance to the moorish national republic federal government and the moorish american flag will be made subjects and mandated to protect and serve the moorish american nationals upon our land. the property with all acreage is now the property of the moorish national republic federal government, the moorish american consulate and the moorish american nationals. the property is to be turned over to prins stolemen ]DETROFT POLICE 121 PRECINCT AND LABS 4 maca-revaasnsy_afidasit of universal commerical code finan ENTERPRISES} horiginal and idigenowspoopks” documents: northwest amex / northwest fica noth america “te nomh gate’ =the moroccan empite~ ‘omtinenal wited stu, Temple of Uh mon nu sun’ tute laa” ot = det on resident, non ~ sujet 0 ms imagenitur birthright ~ inheritors oF he ka. be & @ - @ noorish wational republic federal government >» ~ coctetas republicac ca at maurikanoe ~ wooriah divine and. national movement of, the world. morthacst amctom | wonthwcst afeiea | worth america | ‘the north gate’ adjointug atlantis and americana dslands ‘> ~ temple of the moon and. eae ~ the truce and. de jure aateral peoples — eins o, the land. wn cover letter for affidavit of ucel financing statement (exercise of constitution for the united stales of ameriew secured rights) prince noble james bey 201 lois ane Southfield mich 419174640085 noblejamesbeys nailcom notice {o agent is notice principal and notice fo principal is notice nef and additional supporting fayvTil ave.ore. ancl dove sand directives visit website *” Hidavit of sovereign american gold sandal kayhul eomu 201908020729 08.02.2019] 1} ermination of corporate (rusteeship WADOBBOA20n * wealy of peace and friendship between moracee and (he U free [1787/1836 morocco empire treaty Of peace and commerce between the moorish NOVO 129 alle poste master zenerh universile soveriegne governars seribd I 464097164 universe soveri ‘acouse unum sanctum seribd Hf AG3654289 universal soveriegne indigencious chiel executive oliver, chief financial officer, chief operating officer ¢ maen-1333333333 (rust declaration of the moorish divine and national movement of the world, january 2018 vine Senet cheat ies 140988 792.3/o ional republi 1990999000-dect federal goven Ivovivinal nl aligemons people’ documents worse anevent f went aie Zant amie he anne coun united states: Yemphe oF the amon a t's wo doa, reset wowesubjcet eine ther ae page ( of 2 cover letler for uffidavit macn-rO00000418, ¥ & @ maen-r000000199 the declaration oF independence sind the constitution for the united states of america 171 huips://wwwy.seribd.conv/ocument{4 1237408 7/. and-the-constilufion-for-the-united-stales-oFamerica-t 100000001 99-the-

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