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Tell me about yourself

I am an innovative web developer. I have worked some full stack website. I love
problem solving with web technologies. Currently I am working with JavaScript,
react, nodejs .My goal is to become a full stack developer.
Best project
I have done a full stack project that’s provide different service. In this project there
two different rule user and admin.Identify user or admin it was difficulty part in
this project. I have done also some project that I worked with User registration,
admin panel handling database, different log in system, responsive design etc.
Next five years
My main focus is acquire knowledge about web technologies, problem solving
and implementing those idea.
Why Should They Hire You?
I'd love this position as Frontend developer because I know I have the skills to
manage projects and I'd like to do that for your company.
What are the falsy values in JavaScript?
Falsy values are values that when converted to Boolean becomes false.

What is the difference between span and div?

Span is an inline element. Span are used to wrap small portion of text images
Div is a block element.div are used to wrap a document.
The difference between visibility: hidden; and display: none?
Visibility: hidden- It is not visible but gets up its original space whereas,
Display: none- It is hidden and takes no space.
The difference between Null and Undefined?
null and undefined both represent empty value. When define a variable but
not assign a value it is by default undefined
typeof(undefined)=undefined; typeof(null)=object

Difference between “==”and “===”?

== Compare value
=== compare value and type

What is Hoisting?
Hoisting is the term used to describe the moving of variables and functions to the
top of their (global or function) scope on where we define that variable
or function.

What is create-react-app?

create-react-app is the official CLI (Command Line Interface) for React to create
React apps with no build configuration.

What is a higher order component?

A higher-order component (HOC) is an advanced technique in React for reusing

component logic. HOCs are not part of the React API

What’s the main difference between props and state?

State describes a default data value in a React component that can change over
time . State is mutable

Props (or properties) describe the way a React component is configured. Props
are immutable;

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