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An Intelligent Road Traffic Management System Based on a Human

Community Genetic Algorithm

Conference Paper · April 2019

DOI: 10.1109/JEEIT.2019.8717388


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4 authors:

Adnan Hnaif Nagham Azmi AL-Madi

Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan


Mohammad Abdul Jawad Amal Ahmad

Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan


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2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT)
2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT)

An Intelligent Road Traffic Management System

Based on a Human Community Genetic Algorithm
1st Adnan A. Hnaif 2ed Nagham AL-Madi 3rd Mohammad Abduljawad 4th Amal Ahmad
Computer Science Software Engineering Computer Science Computer and Communication
Al-ZAytoonah University of Al-ZAytoonah University of Al-ZAytoonah University of Engineering
Jordan Jordan Jordan Al-ZAytoonah University of
Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

Abstract—Traffic congestions recognized as a significant A. Traffic Congestion Problem

problem in modern urban cities. Jordan considered as one of the Traffic congestion is a condition which occurs on the
top countries worldwide in terms of frequency of traffic
transportation networks when demand increases and
accidents where the increase in the number of vehicles had led
to the rise in the number of traffic incidents, involving the characterized by a reduction in speeds, and consequently, an
increase in fatalities and injuries, but the fixed timers still increase in the trip time that leads to long vehicular queuing
control the current traffic signals system in Jordan. In this lines.
paper, an Intelligent Road Traffic Management System based Many solutions are proposed and are applied to solve the
on Human Community Genetic Algorithm (IRTMS) proposed. traffic congestion problem [10]. Some of these solutions
The IRTMS compared with the current traffic system in the focus on dynamic control signals to solve the traffic
Hashmet Kingdom of Jordan, which concludes that it has the congestion problem in an isolated intersection [11]. It is
minimum total time and waiting time compared with the highly essential to make sure that traffic signals are
current traffic lights system.
interacting with each other in the road network [12]. In other
Keywords— Traffic Congestion, Intelligent Road Traffic words, Fuzzy logic signal controllers use a set of rules that
Management System, Human Community Genetic Algorithm. can determine the preferred action of a traffic signal based on
some inputs that are set by the user [13]. While the research
I. INTRODUCTION shows that these methods are capable of an effective control
The smart city concept began in the early 1990s with the within small networks, the use of a static rule-base means that
rise of new technologies transportation and communication, further updates to the system required over time. Further, as
such as mobiles, wireless networks, Global Poisoning System noted by [14], it is difficult to generate an effective rule-base,
(GPS), and the Internet of Things (IoT) [1]. These are particularly, for complex intersections containing a high
examples of the main concepts of the smart city. number of possible phases [15].
Organizations and government agencies began using these The traffic signals are not capable of solving the problem
new technologies to enhance the quality of life, and to provide of congestion by using the same techniques [11]. Hence, it
efficient mobility of people and goods [2] [3] [4]. In the past becomes necessary to develop intelligent traffic signals that
few years, the number of the vehicle has increased can overcome traffic congestion. Furthermore, traffic
considerably [5]. According to the Bureau of Transportation congestion also causes higher noise and pollutant levels that
Statistics (BTS) in 2017, there are more than 254 million are considered to be harmful to people and the environment.
registered passenger vehicles in the USA [2]. B. Traffic Congestions Problem in Jordan
In particular, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has the
Most cities expanded around the ancient centers which did
same problem with the increase in the number of vehicles as not account for the rapid increase in the transportation demand
the latest statistics mentioned that the number of registered [16]. In Jordan, the increase in the number of vehicles has led
vehicles data reported at 1,583,318.000 Unit in Dec 2017 [6]. to an increase in the number of traffic causing many severe
There are a lot of software programs that can be used to traffic incidents, which involved the increase in fatalities and
retime traffic signals to alleviate congestion and delays within injuries [4]. Unfortunately, Jordan considered as one of the top
the road network. These programs commonly used for straight countries worldwide in terms of the frequency of traffic
traffics. However, this conventional type of traffics is not able incidents [6]. The current traffic signals system in Jordan is
to face the challenge incurred in urban areas with a high still using fixed timers.
number of traffic signals. In other words, changing the traffic
conditions requires more research effort to reduce the amount C. The Human Community Based Genetic Algorithm
of trip time, and to reduce the number of traffic signals [7]. The reason behind concentrating on the Human
Current research on these problems should focus on solving Community Based Genetic Algorithm in [8] is that this model
traffic congestion, particularly, during peak times [4]. Hence, is understandable in terms of the way the genetic algorithm
this research proposes a system that integrates the use of the has the possibility of managing the issue of traffic signals
Human Community-based Genetic Algorithm [8] [9] to congestion and its fast processing speed.
reduce the encountered roadway traffic lights within a
particular city.

978-1-5386-7942-5/19/$31.00 ©2019
978-1-5386-7942-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE IEEE 355
2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT)

The genetic algorithm chooses the fittest (the best choice) III. IRTMS METHODOLOGY
chromosome of a given randomly generated population,
The intersection is an area shared by two or more roads.
which consists of many solutions for complicated problems
The aim of traffic signals system retiming is to respond to the
[8] [9] [17].
demands of all types of vehicles.
Accordance to the traffic signals congestions, the fittest
choice (the best priority choice of that number of vehicles in When a traffic state is represented based on traffic
a part of the intersection, can be selected by a built-in street measurements, several traffic variables used for describing
camera, from a high given random number of vehicles in the such a traffic state, accordingly, this section introduces a brief
entire traffic light intersection (i.e., random populations as description of the most important traffic parameters
per) to the genetic algorithm principle) are provided with (variables). In particular, parameters can mainly classified as
many proposed solutions that can overcome the issues measurements of the quantity, which includes density and
encountered from the basis with the high number of moving vehicle flow. IRTMS focused on three essential
vehicles. characteristics, which based on the macroscopic parameters.
In other words, to comply with the Human Community These comprise; the mean speed, traffic flow, and traffic
Based Genetic Algorithm in [8], the given random number of density.
vehicles of an intersection represents the concept of a given A. Mean Speed
random number of chromosomes within a population. The mean speed of vehicles is another important measure
II. RELATED WORKS that can assess the traffic situation. The mean speed of
vehicles defined as the average speeds of all vehicles passing
The main problem encountered in the optimal control
a certain point (the sensor) on the road over a specified period
traffic lights at the crossroads, or many other places.
expressed in kilometers per hour (km/h) [22]. The mean
Intersections which can regulate the traffic flow of vehicles
speed can be measured (e.g., using radar guns or speed
and can eliminate conflicting traffic flows that used are
important elements of the urban traffic network. As bad as camera) for each lane separately or all the lanes together. It
traffic lights controlled, they lead to cause severe traffic considered as a quality measurement of travel that defined as
congestions [18]. Therefore, one of the most challenging the rate of motion in the distance per unit of time. The
issues in the field of traffic lights is to control and to manage mathematical mean speed is given by Formula (1) as follows:
the traffic going through. Optimal timing of urban 𝑆= (1)
intersection traffic lights with intelligent and advanced
installation and reduced delay, queue length, stop vehicles, Where S denotes to the speed of the vehicle in meter per
resulting in reduced fuel consumption and mitigate the effects second, d denotes to the distance traveled in meters, t
of pollution and environmental degradation due to excessive denotes to the time in seconds [20].
stopping vehicles is a traffic light intersection.
B. Traffic Density
In practice, Jordan suffers from a serious road safety
problem that must have more attention from the decision Traffic density defined as the number of vehicles on a
makers [6]. The magnitude of the problem requires the given length of road at a certain instant time. It is expressed in
researchers and the decision makers to provide approaches vehicles per kilometers per lane (veh./km/lane). The sum of
the lane traffic densities represents the total traffic density
that can reduce the overall number and severity of incidents.
resulted in the roadway. The traffic density is very commonly
Nevertheless, the implementation of the roadway safety used as a traffic measure since it provides a better indication
measures interacts with a lot in various stakeholders with a of the traffic flow quality rather than providing the traffic flow
multitude of interests leading to the development of what and mean speed [21]. As for Formula (2), where the length of
termed the “Best Practice” strategy for roadway safety. [19] road x counts the number of vehicles 𝑥𝑛 , and the density K.
elaborate on the concept of this strategy. Besides, this The density has an importance that is the same importance of
strategy presents the number of roadway safety, which the flow, but from a different angle. It is one of the most
measures and assesses them to identify the most promising measurements that is directly related to the traffic demand. In
sets of investments under the Jordanian roadway and traffic particular, it measures the proximity of vehicles in the stream,
conditions. The assessment process is facilitated based on the which in turn affects the freedom to ensure a manoeuvre and
use of some developed selections where the measures ranked a comfortable driving. The traffic capacity is an important
in the final output of their study that provides all parties evaluation index of the degree of saturation at an intersection.
involved in the traffic roadway safety. This based on a best 𝑥𝑛
practice guide and a comprehensive roadway safety strategy 𝐾𝑡 = (2)
to assist them in their initial strategic choice of the cost- IRTMS aims to manage road traffic signals, which based
effective investments that aim at improving road safety. on the priority for each traffic signal on the intersection, which
A simple system was proposed to count the number of taken into account based on different parameters, such as the
vehicles on each traffic light intersection using an infrared number of vehicles, road density. The vehicle's number is
sensor, and also take the length of the vehicles into account. assumed to be counted by a camera (See Fig. 1) to use it in the
The purpose of the proposed system is to statistic and obtain human community-based genetic algorithm, which decides in
the number of vehicles on the traffic light and its direction the intersection.
[23]. The intelligent traffic lights management system, based on
the human community genetic algorithm [2], which created to
solve all of these complexities and issues in MATLAB.

2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT)

flow among the intersections. The results prove the efficiency

of IRTMS. IRTMS works as following:
Input; ID, S_ID, current vehicles, expected vehicle, expected
arrival time, the total number of vehicles (Traffic data).
Output; creating safe intersections.
1. Initialize the traffic signals.
2. Collecting traffic data by the smart camera.
If (traffic data received from the neighbors), then:
a) Recalculate the traffic data and priorities.
b) Compare the priorities of the human community
genetic algorithm.
c) Initialize the timers and take up a decision according
Fig. 1: The number of vehicles counted by a smart camera.
to the priorities.
This research uses the collected traffic data by cameras tod) Send the decision output to their neighbor’s intersections by
optimize the traffic signals and to provide real-world results. IRTMS.
The traffic signal scheduling is inflexible and produces traffic Else
problems. Therefore, a flexible algorithm must be utilized to a) Initialize the timers and decide according to the priorities.
adapt to the changing environment, which is efficient in most b) Send the decision output to their neighbor’s intersections
situations. by IRTMS.
IRTMS can work as follows: each intersection connected End;
with its own camera, where this camera collects the traffic data 3. Compute the waiting time
(number of vehicles on the road), as shown in Fig. 2. Waiting time= required time – total time
The code implemented on a personal computer with a 2.70
GHz Intel (R) core (TM) i7 CPU, and 8 GB RAM. Windows
7 operating system uses in the 64-bit version.
This section addresses two scenarios to describe the
performance of the IRTMS according to the following rules:
1. The traffic signal takes a maximum of 20 seconds to pass
its vehicles.
2. Each vehicle takes 0.5 seconds to pass the signal.
3. Two rounds are the maximum waiting rounds for each
Fig. 2: Vehicle counting phases
4. The number of the vehicle for each traffic signal included
in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 for each scenario.
After that, the collected traffic data will send the input data
to the Human Community Genetic Algorithm so that it can to Comparisons between the total time and the waiting time
take action (output). This procedure performed by the priority according to the number of vehicles in the IRTMS of the first
of the traffic parameters to open this road, particularly, by and second scenario see Table 2:
switching the traffic signal light from red to green, or by
providing it with another green-round slot. The priority of the TABLE 2. Comparisons of the total time and the waiting time according to
roads considers the macroscopic parameters, which comprise: the number of vehicles in IRTMS of the first scenario
Mean Speed, Traffic Density and Traffic Flow (or Volume). Traffic Number Number of Vehicles Total Time (sec) Waiting Time (sec)

In the Human Community Genetic Algorithm, the 1 70 65 30

chromosome represents the genomic information and 2 45 77.5 55

3 30 55 40
additional attributes that would help in simulating the human
4 10 60 55
community behavior. Table 1 illustrates the genetic
As observed in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, the results show that the
TABLE 1: The traffic data Representation
performance of the intersections of the first scenario, from
priority to traffic number influences the total time and the
Current Expected Expected Total number of Fittest waiting time.
vehicles vehicle arrival time vehicle selection For 70 vehicles, the total time reaches up to 56 seconds,
and the waiting time reaches up to 30 seconds. The waiting
time calculated as shown in Equation 3.
IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Waiting time=required time-total time………… (3)
An evaluation, which based on a real-time simulation
utilizes the Human Community Based Genetic Algorithm
presented. As mentioned previously, the main objective of
IRTMS is to build an intelligent traffic management system to
solve the traffic congestion problem by managing the vehicles

2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT)

Fig. 3: The waiting run time (sec) according to the number of vehicles in Figure 6: The waiting time (sec) in IRTMS according to the number of
IRTMS. vehicles in the second scenario

Comparisons between IRTMS and the current system

according to the total time and the waiting time:
This section describes the performance of IRTMS in the two
scenarios; the total time and the waiting time. Next, a
description of how this system runs faster than the current
system through the below comparisons is conducted from the
first scenario and along to the second scenario.
As shown in Fig. 7, Proposed Intelligent Road Traffic
Management System is more effective than the current
system, where the total time in the IRTMS for 70 vehicles
reaches up to 65 seconds. On the other hand, the total time in
Fig. 4: The total running time (sec) according to the number of vehicles in the current system for 70 vehicles reaches up to 100 seconds.
Consequently, this implies that IRTMS is more effective than
the current system.
Comparisons of the total time and the waiting time according
to the number of vehicles in the IRTMS in the second
scenario see Table 3:
TABLE 3. Comparisons of the total time and the waiting time according to
the number of vehicles in IRTMS in the second scenario
Traffic Number of Total Time Waiting Time
Number Vehicles (sec) (sec)
1 70 55 20
2 45 57.5 35
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0

Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show that the sufficient results of the total
time and the waiting time. When the intersection has 70 Fig. 7: Comparisons between the IRTMS and the current system
vehicles, the total time consumed for the signal performance according to the total time in the first scenario
reaches up to 55 seconds, and the waiting time for these
vehicles reaches up to 20 seconds. As shown in Fig. 8, the waiting time for 70 vehicles
reaches up to 30 seconds in IRTMS, while in the current
system, the waiting time reaches up to 65 seconds for 70
vehicles. The obtained results implies that IRTMS is more
effective than the current system.

Fig. 5: The total time (sec) in IRTMS according to the number of vehicles
in the second scenario

Fig. 8: Comparisons between IRTMS and the current system according to

the waiting time in the first scenario

2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT)

As shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, the total time and waiting form the basis of improvements in practice in Jordan to help
time for IRTMS is more effective than the current system in drivers to enhance the problem of the traffic congestion in
the two mentioned scenarios. The total time for IRTMS in the due course.
second scenario for 70 vehicles reached up to 65 seconds, and
for the current system it reached up to 100 seconds. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Therefore, this system is more effective than the current The authors would like to thank AL Zaytoonah University
system in the total time case. The waiting time for IRTMS of Jordan for its support to this research.
reaches up to 20 seconds for 70 vehicles and reaches up to 65
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2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT)

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