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(LANG 0051)


MATRIC NO. : 201021791

: :
EXAM I.D. : 9108N




Weeks Contents Pages

1 Self -Introduction + Course Introduction 1-2

2 Introduction to Reading 3-5

3 The Shame 6-8

4 Rhetorical Reading / Assignment 1 9-11

5 Skimming and Scanning 12-13

7 Prediction and Inferences 14-16

8 Approaches to Reading Academic Texts 17-18

10 Understanding the Textual Organization of Linear and 19-21

Non-Linear text

11 Quiz 22-23

12 Presentation 24-26

13 Using the Dictionary/ Other References Sources 27-28

14 Writing a Report 29-30

Week 1 - Self -Introduction + Course Introduction

Since kindergarten, we have already been told to memorize

every vocabulary as possible. As it able to help us understanding the
word, easily. For instance, we understood A for apple through from A
to Z.
We learned basic grammars, build basic sentences in primary
We were required to write more than 350 words in essay and
understand poem, novel, short story etc. Besides, we asked to practice
critical think by answer summary with our own words during SPM in
secondary school.
Finalize, we learn English by keep increasing the English level. The older we get, the
more skills of English that we need to learn. Moreover, society encourage us to pick up types
of English to learn as well, such as communication skill among people.
Even grammar differentiate to 3 levels example beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Writing, reading, speaking, and listening no more basic we learned in the past.
Therefore, we are going to learn English at IUKL that we literally have never learned or
practiced it in the past. For example, critical reading, skimming, scanning, predicting,
inference, separating the fact and opinion and many more through the learning plan given by

After all the briefing of introduction about the course,

is self-introduction session time.
Due to Covid-19 and MCO, we had to start each lesson
through the ZOOM. There are few international students come
from foreign countries through self-introduction session. Next,
of course there are also included Malaysian from different state
such as Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and more.
There are 2 persons come from Negeri Sembilan which same as me. Wow, it is such a
coincidence. However, 3 of us not really from same program or different major. Malay girl
studies Diploma in Architecture. Next, Indian boy same Foundation in Science program as me
unfortunately he majors in engineering well I major in Biology.

Week 1 - Self -Introduction + Course Introduction

Lastly, it is the time for lecturer to pick class assistance who is Mr Ipan because he is
the first person appear on ZOOM. Mr Ipan declined as first but lecturer not allowed. Plus no
one voluntary.
In the end, Mr Ipan confirmed as class assistance before the class dismissed.

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 2 April 2020
Topic: Self -Introduction + Course Introduction
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: Know deeply about the course and course mates
Detail explanation of new learning experience:
- English is not just about essay, grammar,
vocabularies, there are more we need to
learn about English.
- Plus, variety of international students come
to Malaysia continue their tertiary
- Be embrace their differences, cultures etc.
- Trying to understand and help them if

Reference: -

Week 2 - Introduction to Reading

What is reading?
Reading defined as the procedure of learning
English by trying to understand the meaning from the
sentences which full of written symbols
Else, by use the complex cognitive process to
decode the writing symbol which then to obtain the
meaning of words. It is one of the process of forming
language in professional way.

Who going to reading?

Everyone allows to read if having the ability to understand the meaning of word. Blind
or deaf person even has no big deal on reading because with the assistance of advance digital
technology in this 21-centuries. Hence, no excuses for everyone.

When we going to read?

I guess no one notice it as we are reading whole 365 days nonstop.
We read as well by replying messages. Besides, we also reading the subtitles when watching
the drama series especially those foreign language we never learned it before. Ordering food
needed reading as well.

Where can we do read?

Anywhere will be no problem by consider the situation is
allowed. Convenient brought to world by creating E-book. With
the development of the digital technology, place to reading solved.

Week 2 - Introduction to Reading

How to read?

It is one of important part taught by lecturer as people may

use wrong methods and ways to do reading.
Firstly, looking the unity thread through any articles which u
favor of. By it, you get more easily to understand the meaning of
whole sentences, follow by whole paragraph, then indeed whole
Secondly, try using visual aid or named as mind map to capture the main point when
reading a book such as fiction, refences etc., It is full of information. Information for instance
name, date, time, place, events and more.
Thirdly, aim for briefly understand whole part of the book, we can refer to back cover
page of book. Hence, we may know the idea of the book by the text of the authors.
Bear in mind to read carefully else going to miss the important information.

Why we need to read?

As we wanted to get improvement from varieties field.

We read because we need motivation by a task. After read
through the task, I know I need to set the goal in order to
accomplish it. Then, we manage to control other goal as
well. By reading, we understood or got the same feeling as
family members, friends, and partners do. So that to
maintaining, repairing, or building the relationship among them. We understood everything
such as rules and regelation of law, safety guide, medicine instruction through just reading.
Reading helps us solve all the problems
Reading is not easy yet hard if following the instruction of lecturer. Everything done.
lastly, I sure am will always practice reading with the above information given by lecturer。

Week 2 - Introduction to Reading

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 9 April 2020
Topic: Introduction to Reading
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: Course syllabus + Interested on it
Detail explanation of new learning experience: - What, Who, When, Where, How, Why of
Reference: -

Week 3 - The Shame

After the teaching lesson of Reading, there is some changes happened on me. Plus, it is a
bit different than that of past.
I realized my ability to understand the text of article have improved. As I can recognize
each vocabulary, sentences, and paragraph of the article. I meant I am
literally understanding whole articles.
Next, it helped improve my analyzing skill as well. It became much
easier to get the related information from article. My speed looking for
the main points of the article have improved which become faster. It
helped me a lot on writing the answer and summary.

We shall learn respect each other through the article of The Shame.
We should not ashamed and humiliate someone in the public. As the
teacher ashamed the narrator in front all students in the class by telling him that they all knew
narrator have no father. Thus, it caused a huge negative impact for him in the future. In turn, he
hated everyone. So, we learned from that by telling someone secretly to prevent ashamed
happen on everyone even though we are being nice. Yet, some may not notice it and occur
misunderstanding among us. Alert people that they were extremely poor, hunger etc. They
need help from government, non-profit making organization, everyone.

Maintain equality one of the problems stated in

The Shame. Narrator is being treated inequality in
school. Teacher always scold him and taught he is a
troublemaker because he disturbed the class by
making noise, poked the kids around him and so on.
Teacher is not being responsible on teaching narrator
and taught he is a stupid student because who could
not spell, read, and do arithmetic. Plus, teacher hate
him so much as he had never pay attention in the class and did well in school. Starving caused
it happened. Equality is not only problem of article. Besides, it is also the problem of the
worldwide especially in Malaysia. As multiracial in Malaysia, so it is not that easy for
government to maintain equalities.

Week 3 - The Shame

We are the same yet different as well. Therefore, we required society to do the same with
us which stop the social class prejudice. As we should not judge someone by what they are
using, wearing, eating, income etc. Besides, having luxury product, is not necessary represent
you are rich, high class, more. In contrast, being ordinary and having cheap priced product,
does not mean you are poor, low class and more. Always remember rich man will not showing
he is rich, only poor man will show off all luxury items he had as poor man have nothing to

Thus, respect, being polite, modest are the richest things which cannot be purchase and get
from other people

Week 3 - The Shame

Template for Personal Reflection

Date:16 April 2020
Topic: Reading Exercise - The Shame
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: Improve and learn Reading
Detail explanation of new learning experience: - Practice our understanding on reading
- Stop ashamed people in public, main
equality, no social class prejudice and more
Reference: -

Week 4 - Rhetorical Reading / Assignment 1

I gained a lot through lesson

Rhetorical reading helps me as a rhetorical reader to understand
the meaning in shaped texts and contexts rather than just simply word
and text.

Rhetorical reading focus on author and context

We as a reader able know the name of author, place where

author born, the occupation of author, type of topic that author expect
on, the amounts of books had written and publish. In conclude, able to
know the personal information of author from article.
Next, the main ideas of the author. The reason of the author writes
the article. Describing the main idea of author with my own word and
knowledge. Then understand the article by decide whether it is central
claim of thesis and confirm that hold consistently throughout whole text or
article. In addition, acknowledge the thesis of article to appear either in a
sentence or bit by bit and pieces throughout the text.
Other than that, is about the article. The publisher, location and
time released the original piece. The researches purposely did for the
original publication. Types of prejudice and bias received from when
doing the original article. Dislike, hate, favor may occur cause of the
article. To make sure article highly regarded and concerned by all
List of information which the author provided to support the
central claim by listing it as a key point. The sentences and paragraph
necessary relate to the central claim if text. Decide the types of supporting evidence use by
author. Acknowledge the supportive evidence originated from and its effectiveness. The
sources use had to be authoritative and credible.
The purpose of the author writes the original pieces. The author trying to alert readers
and so on to concern on some social problem.
Besides, realize the author trying to control or make
change on perspective of someone. The article
wrote either trying to deliver information or
entertain the readers or anyone else.

Week 4 - Rhetorical Reading / Assignment 1

The tone of the article can be friendly or authoritative.

Besides, the article able lecture and teaching reader. however,
some article may account as biting or sarcastic, comedic, or dire
and more. there may have some diction in article such as the
language used is technical or simple, full of positive or negative or conversation or formal and
so on.

Plus, the objective of author writes the article, the viewpoint persuades to audience, the
target of audience or readers, all of it you can get it from article. The author tries to persuade
audience by the images, graphics, emotion inserted, facts, bar chart and varies types of chart.
In the nutshell, with the help of rhetorical reading, we all can get those details and
information easily through the article.
Plus, it benefits and conveniences me a lot on doing the assignment. Moreover, reduce
my times and increase the effectiveness of the project, assignment and more

Week 4 - Rhetorical Reading / Assignment 1

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 23 April 2020
Topic: Rhetorical Reading / Assignment 1
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: Help me on doing assignment + Article evaluation
Detail explanation of new learning experience: Increase effectiveness on doing the important
homework by shorten the time on looking for
the major and related details.
Reference: -

Week 5 - Skimming and Scanning

Skimming defined as reading on specific

items rapidly without not much attention to put on it.
In order, to get overall overview of the material.
Skimming carries out must be according to
the article which connected. In contrast, remember to
eliminate the unnecessary and unneeded text.
Besides, skimming is quite easy to manageable as it
only needed a little bit of understanding and acknowledge on word recognition. One of the
progress of skimming is the beginning and ending of the paragraph must be carefully go
through it. Due to there are lot of main points are included in introduction and conclusion
paragraph as well. Possible to get a good grasp of the idea form all paragraphs.

Scanning is practice by looking into the text

or any related document for the purpose of search for
the important key point and main point.
Scanning referred we as readers take a look
at document speedily at least once or more than that.
Scanning is opposite of skimming. Scanning
required high rate of understanding on word
recognition when comparing to the that of scanning.
Next, scanning similarity to skimming because
heading and ending of the articles where we can get information from. Thus, found all needed
details, data and so on.

Skimming and scanning are one of the techniques

being use by us daily on reading some specific documents.
Using skimming and scanning properly by combine both
together instead of using it separately. As separated may not
function well and ineffective.
Accurate way of utilizing skimming and scanning is
the eyes movement needed to move quickly and rapidly
throughout the paragraph and get the main point of article in
short period.

Week 5 - Skimming and Scanning

Both skimming and scanning help me a lot on articles, essay,

fiction, newspaper, and especially me as a college student who
studying in tertiary university on doing assignment.
It increases my flexibility on doing so, such as I’m able to skip
unnecessary word or sentences and so on. Plus, the timing on
accomplish assignment is shorten and the speed in increase as
well. A good impression is added by the first idea of the articles by
just simply skimming and scanning of the whole paragraphs,
project, assignment, essay, etc.

Finally, skimming and scanning have more advantages than disadvantages.

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 30 April 2020
Topic: Skimming and Scanning
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: Improve my skimming and scanning techniques to help on
Detail explanation of new learning experience: - Learn on improving my skimming and
scanning techniques.
+ Benefit me as help on save time, caught
the main point easily, being flexible on any
document and more.
Reference: -

Week 7 - Prediction and Inferences

What is inference and prediction?

Inference referred as the progress
obtain a conclusion from any article. Plus,
the article needed to be real and truth which
mean related to fact or evidence.
Inference encourage student to improve
their inferencing skill by such as imply related information to the article or to any task. Besides
that, student able to find out any useful information easily and speedily. In addition, student
capability acquired the conclusion and others associated which then make it as part of

Improving our inferencing skill by doing more practice associated with inferencing
skills. Although inferencing skill is a complex skill and a bit tough comparing with the other
skills, but it will be getting better especially spending some time for develop it.

Understand and learning 3 steps on practicing inference are necessarily.

Step 1 is recognizing the question which most of times it will state few specific words
such as the words "suggest," "imply" or "infer" right in the paragraph.
Step 2 is searching for the answer with totally trust the passage given without any bias
or prejudice. Even though the passage may not sound logically or morally.
Step 3, hunting the clues
from paragraph. It needed
supportive evidence to prove the
inference. As an inference
without supporting detail, it going
to be faulty and in trustable.
Supportive evidence can be as an
action of characters, vocabulary,
dialogue, description and so on.

Week 7 - Prediction and Inferences

Prediction in contrast with inference. Prediction is just like the meaning of word, which
is mostly into predict something which will occur or might happen in the future. Although
predict is different comparing with inference, but it has similarities contain inside of prediction
which is numerous times of practicing. Nonstop, practising and never giving up on it. Soon,
will master it up.
Prediction has three different types are Inductive, deductive, and abductive.
Inductive meant given out the future prediction by using the past prediction experience
onto it. For example, product A is good. Following product B, C, D, and etc function and
perform as good as product A.
Deductive referred a type of prediction mostly based on the logical
consequences which following a hypothesis. It allows us to simply give out the hypothesis on
anything. The car of neighbor in front of my house mean he is back. If no car there, means he
is out from home for work. So, it is just like sharing information to us. Plus, will see it occur if
it is truth. In reversely, nothing happened mean wrong. It is literally different than inductive as
deductive is not link to about something future.
Abductive is same yet different with inducive. As predict future require some
explanation and understanding. In contrast, not predict future accord to past. For instance, he
failed because he lazy and no interested on specific course instead the reason of he failed all
courses since semester 1.
In made me easier to finish up my task and exercise.

Week 7 - Prediction and Inferences

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 14 May 2020
Topic: Prediction and Inferences
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: Understand how to inference and prediction
Detail explanation of new learning experience: - Realize there are differences between,
inducive, deductive, and abductive.
+ How to make inference
+ Provide evidence for inference
Reference: -

Week 8 - Approaches to Reading Academic Texts

Monitoring comprehension define as necessarily to understand what we have read from

the paragraph. Monitoring comprehension needed to be place on top. As monitoring
comprehension require me myself to aware mine reading and understanding skills. A specific
solution compulsory mingles with problem.
So, firstly I carefully look through the paragraph and aware which part of paragraph or
sentences that I may not understand. After went through the paragraph, although I understood
and acknowledge mostly of the paragraph. However, there is still a little bit I am not
understand. So, I decided to get some help from specific website and notes given. Thus, my
monitoring comprehension problem solved.
Metacognition refer as using your though to control and
manage your own thinking, more specifically is like contain
the ability to regulate mine thought. I controlled myself on
spending unnecessary time on activities which unrelated with
studying. I controlled myself from eating too much junk food.
In order, to prevent getting fat which return severe disease such
as obese, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and more. It is much
likely forcing myself to do something which unfavored,
however it brings benefit to me.

Analysing and Answering Question. Indeed, I need to acknowledge the understanding

of the article at first. Then, I can start with analysing the article. With the assist of analysing, I
realize what the question is asking about. Thus, I can provide the actual answer which pairing
with that of question. Hence, if unable understand, then I literally cannot analyse the
paragraph. Next, wrong answer given to the question. The end,
loss marks and finally failed the subject.
Summary is just like collect all the important
data which then make it as a short essay.
There are some rules needed to follow eliminate that
unneeded information, pick correct topic sentences, and
many more. Next, ways and methods to summary for
instance, state out the main idea, note down the
necessarily data and supportive evidence, add in major
key point and action of the characters etc.

Week 8 - Approaches to Reading Academic Texts

In a nutshell, I totally understood monitoring comprehension, metacognition, analyzing

and answering question and summary. Hence, I guess I got no problem on all of these.

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 21 May 2020
Topic: Approaches to Reading Academic Texts
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: It going to help me on presentation and future too
Detail explanation of new learning experience: - Learned monitoring comprehension,
metacognition, analyzing and
answering question and summary

Week 10 - Understanding the Textual Organization of Linear and Non-Linear text

To understand Linear Text, reader required to read

through the article from top to bottom. For example, novels,
educational texts, short stories, letters, and poems. Hence, I must
read it properly and understand it if seeing tall these examples.
Non-Linear text is opposite of linear text. Just like the
word of Nonlinear Text meant reader not necessarily needed to
go through the whole article for truly understand. For instance, pie chart, graphical organizers,
charts, bar graphs flowcharts, and maps. Easily to understand without spending too much time
on it.
Text structure. Building a sentence by
insert various of points, information, data and so
on. He killed people which then he entered jail as
punishment. This is the example of cause and
effect text structure. Chronological means the
paragraph need to arrange in sequence instead
messing up the paragraph. She broke smartphone
of her mom, she then freaked out. Compare and Contrast refer as comparing something occur
in a sentence. Product A is much expensive than Product B. Order of importance refer making
sentences in correct sequences such as you can having dinner at anywhere but can no choose
the expensive priced restaurant, you may not afford, which then you can scold and hurt by the
owner of the restaurant. Problem and solution define describing the problem and state out or
list out the solution in a sequence. For
instance, millions of people dead caused of
Covid-19, maybe we cure the disease by create
the immune to against and kill the virus.
Sequence or called as Process Writing in a
sentence. Mean the information able to
organize in steps or a process is explained in
sequence in which it happens. Example digest food helped by gastric juice, step 1 eats the food,
step 2, chewing food, step 3 swallow food, step 4 enters esophagus step 5 enter intestine, step 6
ingests and digest. Descriptive Writing named as Spatial meant the detail is placed in order of
space such as table in front of you, chair on your left, toilet on your right side, door behind you
and more.

Week 10 - Understanding the Textual Organization of Linear and Non-Linear text

Forming cohesion with the help of referencing, conjunction, ellipsis, and substitution.

Example of referencing are I, You, She, He, We, They,

and It. She bought house with her savings which she
gained it from working at the office as a secretary.

Conjunctions use to combine two sentences into

one sentence. For instance, and, but, then, however, for,
or, nor, yet. Although my parent always scolds me but
she still willing to help me on mine problem.

Ellipsis meant disappeared one word when need to repeat something. For instance, the
floor was disgusting, the door broken.

Substitutions replace a word with filler words for avoid repetition occurs example, so, or,
hence, thence, and more. I love having dessert however my boyfriend did not love having that
because it is too sweet.
Next, Identifying the Main Idea from paragraph.
Mostly the main idea can be found in the central of the
paragraph. Supporting evidence make the main idea more
powerful, clearer, and stronger. Police found he killed his
girlfriend with the knife and store her body into fridge.
Fact and Opinion are different and always need to
separate both. Fact is like the detail or information you get
from second-hand information medium such as newspaper
after through any investigation, observation, measurement and
more. The media get the news from police after when through
investigation with forensic department Malaysia.
Opinion, more likely according to someone comment, feeling, thought, and more. the
example of sentences includes words such as: "Generally, it
is thought", "I believe that".
I believe that you can do it well and achieve the target.

Week 10 - Understanding the Textual Organization of Linear and Non-Linear text

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 4 June 2020
Topic: Understanding the Textual Organization of Linear and Non-Linear text
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: Giving me help on exactly an idea of text regardless linear,
non-linear, text structure etc.
Detail explanation of new learning experience: - A perfect sentences needed insert a lot
information, way, and method

Week 11 - Quiz

There is a said goes by the water that bears the

boat is the same that swallows it up. It goes to quiz as
According to news, everyone facing stress and
even have suicidal though. Especially student because
they had to facing different course of quiz. It is
accounted as negative though.
In reversely, overcome the quiz or exam, which means student and I have fulfilled the
education system requirement. Then, we have met the qualification to enter any of working
areas. Mostly doctor, pharmacy, and so on. Once the pre-doctor has graduated from university,
which then applying for houseman-ship and working in any government hospital for minimum
2 years. Finally, they officially a doctor.
Thus, quiz or any circumstances require us to face it. Although the lesson that we
learned in class may exactly will not be use in future any working industry, but it will be going
to assist us on other area. Therefore, stop blaming quiz will going kill, hurt etc. Quiz can be
distributed into various types of quiz.

So, to perform well in quiz and

get high marks, I require to do revision.
Next, bear in mind to preparing
revision in advance instead of last
minute. As last minutes preparation not
going to help examiner a lot during
exam. In conversely, last minute
preparation going to make examiner even worse. Due to the examiner lack of sleeping, in
direct causing them not enough sleep and unable to memorize all the important part of
information. Moreover, student cannot concentration and being distracted away. In the end,
they failed, cried, and their world soon collapse, gone and, no more already.
Even though the quiz is hurt like hell, but always remember that there is way out for us
as student. So, never though it is impossible. Other than self-revision there is also some method
and ways called group studying, Honestly, group studying is way more effective and efficient
comparing to self-study. But it needed a suitable area such as library, own house, coffee shop
and anymore.

Week 11 - Quiz

Stop and never give up on quiz no matter how hard ad though it is. As only overcome
the difficult, which then bright future come to you. As a return of your own hardship.
Hence, everything come to you once through the hardship and it gone. So, better
yourself and try you best on accomplish every task. Believe and trust yourself can on
In conclusion, it is necessary to do revision in advance. Besides, remember always
trying the best to do the quiz. To, trying best to get high marks for the quiz or each exam.

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 11 June 2020

Topic: Quiz
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: To prove I have some improvement on what I had learn through
the lesson.
Detail explanation of new learning experience: - Doing Quiz
Reference: -

Week 12 – Presentation

`Frankly speaking, presentation is not

my favorite as I easily felt nervous especially
when it required me myself to facing bunch of
people. Moreover, it needed me to release my
inside story and let my secret out of the bag
for everyone. Of course, it is so painful.
Besides, telling strangers about mine story, it
is just like killing, hurt and torture me myself.
However, it is one of pathway which I needed to go through regardless it is easy or tough. In
order, to perform well on each activity, especially presentation. There is one said present
difficult not as bright as future. Thus, let go of the temporarily hardship.

Although the formal expression is different than that of normal expression we use on
daily. However, it is a good experience for me to learn the way to expression. To express the
story out well, we as a speaker needed to put all points in sequences and step by step. As a
mess up expression will not easy audience to understand it. Plus, it is making audience more
confusing. Thus, everyone leaves and no one willing to listen it.
Honestly speaking technique need to learn as well regardless in school or in society.
A formal speaking important. If a speaking
full of cursed word and vulgar, it is not respect on
the audience who listen to you as speaker and the
speech too. In addition, full of bad words is not a
proper presentation allow children to listen it.
I believe we all consist some stress and
nervousness when presenting. If we never settle
down with our stress and nervousness, the
presentation will not perform well and smoothly. Hence, remember to cope stress and nervous
before facing audience. Next, eliminate the stress and nervousness before started the
presentation. Moreover, imagining the audience as transparent when it is time to standing in
front bunch of people and facing them all.
Delivery message to audience by speaker. Make sure the message that going to deliver
to audience must be accurate. A precise message needed to do research first before making it
as a speech to deliver to listener. As according to law of Malaysia if speaker delivering fake

Week 12 – Presentation

news. They are needed to go into jail as penalty. Due to fake

news may bring inharmonious among us especially in Malaysia
which country has 3 major racial such as Chinese, Malay, India
and more.

Timing. Follow the timing that already set by our

lecturer. As audience may bored if the speech is spent long
hours. Besides, people get tired easily as well. Plus, people may
feel embarrassed to leave the seat. In contrast, if the speech is
present short time only, people possible cannot get enough information. Else, even worst on
totally have no idea on what speaker trying to present.

What is gesture? Gesture is a movement of your whole body specifically about your
hand. Other than that head also is the movement of body too. Gesture helping speaker to
express their idea or meaning to listener enable easily to understand. Inversely, too much of
gesture during presentation, it possible making chaos among everyone. Besides, it is way more
confusing than that of others competing speaker.
As attention of audience being distracted away.

Clear. A clear story background is a plus

on making the presentation much better than that
a vague presentation. The information trying
deliver to audience did not being place properly.
Finally, a good and perfect presentation,
must be prepared well before started it.

Template for Personal Reflection

Week 12 – Presentation

Date: 18 June 2020

Topic: Presentation
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours and 12 minutes
Brief reason for this entry: Practicing Presentation.
Detail explanation of new learning experience: The way of preparing presentation
+ Try cope stress and nervousness.
Reference: -

Week 13 - Using the Dictionary/ Other References Sources

Encyclopedia is a second-hand resource for student who just like us or me.

Encyclopedia is a type of reference which used trying to help everyone regardless student,
researcher, public or anyone and so on getting information from different area such as the
history background of specific area, information of chemistry element in periodic table,
background of an artist or singer and many more.
Wikipedia is one of the encyclopedias which famously being
use by among of us. Besides, it is free of charger although people
are free to choose to make some donation on it.
At the beginning, I looked for the chemical element which
specifically mentioned in the ingredient list of the product. After
chose the ingredients that I interested on, which then I looked for
other information such as the side effect, function and more from
Wikipedia. I used Wikipedia as an assist to pass the exam with
flying color. Plus, get high CGPA, which may help me on future
degree course. Indeed, Wikipedia helped me a lot on writing some articles, doing any research

Manual is more like something given and required, which then learn how to insert the
information into daily activities.
A student or fresh graduates of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery learn all the study
material from the lecture classes that been taught by lecturer which then he or she implied it
into daily life. For instance, when they are not feeling well, they may assume what kind of
disease they get. After they have a consultation with a doctor, they knew they are whether right
or wrong. So that they can learn from mistake. Next, a victim use Kungfu that he or she learned
from Kungfu Academy to fight with the thief who trying to kidnap him or her. Finally, student
used what they learned in class which then
implied it into the exercises. Hence, to get good
result on SPM.
Therefore, manual is just like the method and
way to insert the present information into
practice which specifically solving the problem
that may facing in daily activities.

Week 13 - Using the Dictionary/ Other References Sources

Journal defined as a diary that you record

or write down the activities or event which
happened. Besides, journal keep your personal
though personally and secretly.

E-portfolio is one of the examples of

journal. We as a student given instructions by
lecturer, Ms. Noor Illi Binti Elas to write down
the journal which specifically like a learning
diary. E-portfolio helped lecturer to know the student well by keeping the thought or details
that learned in class. So that, the lecturer knows the student whether they understand or not.
Besides, it is helping the lecturer to give marks to every student by testing their understanding,
vocabulary level, reading, speaking, writing, listening, grammar level and so on. Plus, it is also
helping everyone regardless lecturer, student, or anyone on improving the English level from
beginner, intermediate and o advance. Hence, journal is not just a diary recorder, however it is
way more than that.

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 25 June 2020
Topic: Using the Dictionary/ Other References Sources
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: - To understand the definition of encyclopedia, manual, and
Detail explanation of new learning experience: - Based on the activities which I practiced
daily in lecture, I can differentiate it
whether it is from encyclopedia, manual, or
Reference: -

Week 14 – Writing a Report

What is a Report?
People always messed up report with essay as
there are some similarities exist between them.
However, there are some differences or variance
between report and essay.
Essay needed to provide the judgement, opinion,
reasoning, and so on.
In contrast the report is straight to the point
which needed to be precise or accurate. As a reader can
simply and easily to assume, which next focus on the
issues. After that, looking for the solutions and so on. Plus, it needed to be based on the fact
and the self-made information and details are not allowed.
When writing the beginning of the report, you may start with the definition of the
report. When opening a report, you may start with the 5W and 1H which are who, why, what,
where, when and how. 5W and 1H is the easiest way to start a report when someone have no
idea on how to start with it.
The content required to distribute into two parts that are procedures and finding.
Procedures needed to start with using the 5W and 1H method as well. However, it is
contrast with it of the opening of the report. Procedure more specifically on questioning the
5W and 1H. Next is finding which meant to provide the
reason or answer based on the questioning of 5W and 1H
of the procedure.
Lastly, ending the report with an overall
conclusion. The important thing is the report must base on
Report can be a financial annual report of a
company. Plus, it can be a report of MBA graduated
student. Moreover, it can be a report given by a specialist
doctor. In conclusion report can be everything if its format
is same as mentioned above.
E-portfolio that I am going to submit to lecturer is
a report as well

Week 14 – Writing a Report

Template for Personal Reflection

Date: 2 July 2020
Topic: Writing a Report.
Duration of Time Spent on this lesson: 3 Hours
Brief reason for this entry: Learning ways to write a report.
Detail explanation of new learning experience: - Hence, I learned to differentiate the report
with essay as I have been messed up the
report and essay for at least 20 years.


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