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Are revolutions necessary for the progress of societies?

In effect revolutions are necessary for the progress of societies because, as can be
seen thanks to the knowledge and understanding of historical benchmarks found
throughout the planet, it is emphasized that these processes have left significant
changes that have led to the development and transformation of events both from
the perspective of the members of a society and from agencies that legitimizes
these concerns as an example a sovereign state.

It is important to be able to start from the very concept of revolution in order to

understand the role of these processes in societies and therefore, the changes that
are generated by participating and witnessing a revolution.
"Violent and radical change in the political institutions of a society."

Acyclopedia Laurosse, 1978.

Tho then it is understood that revolution is a change in itself that has historically
been done in principles since the violent or abrupt since these kinds of "tools" have
been necessary so that the effect of change that the generation wants to achieve,
can be achieved. However, there have also been revolutions that have not
necessarily been supported by violent campaigns but have achieved
transformations and changes thanks to other paths such as those employed by
Mahatma Gandhi (this and other historical evidence will be addressed later)
From the beginning of society and with the formation of groups of human beings
such as families, clans and so on, at certain points in the stories of these groups,
differences have emerged between their members and their leaders. Differences
ranging from the most basic sense as social groups such as reproduction, hunting
results and the distribution of food, land allocations for cultivation by feudal lords
and so on. What at this first moment and within this insipient context of social
configuration already showed the differences and how it would be possible to
address them.
What led these first representatives to express their disconformities in search of
them being heard and that in addition to this the corresponding changes that would
benefit these requests would be generated. In other words, by definition revolutions
have been part of the ways of communication since ancient times.
However, with the help of the evolution of social groups, the requirements of these
groups and thus their movements of transformation of change would also begin to
be integrated. Which would lead to revolutions being more organized and being the
tool required to successfully achieve the changes that were required. However,
with the help of the evolution of social groups, they would also begin to make the
An example of this, the French Revolution, which has been one of the most
important social movements in human history since it influenced hundreds of
people so much so that after several years of having happened in France, it was
echoed in the Spanish colonies in present-day Latin America and for this reason
several democracies were established, such as the case of Colombia.
Although it was violent and indeed left several deaths, it was a movement that
transformed the foundations of the people's leadership so much so that it allowed a
reorganization of government systems because the French people were exhausted
from the abuses and abuses that the monarchical system had had against them.
"According to classical historiography, the French Revolution marks the beginning
of the Contemporary Age by laying the foundations of modern democracy, which
puts it at the heart of the 19th century. It opened new political horizons based on
the principle of popular sovereignty, which will be the engine of the revolutions of
1830, 1848 and 1871."
Sodded from France for all. On the web.
Thus, this is just one example of how revolution was necessary to generate
transformations within societies that respond to requests for change that are also
historically appreciated to have brought positive results as in this case, the
establishment of democracy as a form of participation of all in the election of its
rulers in addition to the redistribution of economics and valuation of tax payments
from a way more approximate the realities of the people. If it were not for the
revolution these changes would not have occurred and the inequality within the
monarchical phenomenon of control to the people would still have taken place.

The other great example of revolution and its urgent need for the context to be
changed in addition to establishing what would be the technological development
of today's societies, would be the industrial revolution. Which would lead to the
transformation of the forms of production, to be accelerated and thus result in a
better use of production times, the use of raw materials, the quality of the product
and finally to improve the quality of life of the productive sectors of societies.
"The key to industrial and therefore economic development of any country is to:
manufacture the PRODUCTS with the best possible QUALITY AT the MINIMUM
cost possible by paying the HIGHEST WAGES possible"
Henry Ford
The industrial revolution, when the previous phrase of the American entrepreneur
Henry Ford, put it before, sought to improve people's living conditions and that as a
result the quality of life of societies would also improve in that the best use of
resources would lead to this purpose being fulfilled. When the industrialization
process began, manufacturing processes such as clothing were achieved that
were made thanks to the looms, were made thanks to the use of special machines
and that therefore better use was given to raw materials and production times. This
would be the beginning of this ideal but that historically did not have the best
results since although production times were improved they had to be fired and
leaving many people without employment opportunity so in this case the revolution
processes were in the best interest of the industry more not workers. But the
transformation of technologies was also allowed and great advances were made in
production processes.

Unduly another example of how revolution has been necessary for social
transformations is that led by Mahatma Gandhi, who managed to ensure that an
entire country could regain freedom and legitimacy as a sovereign state by ceased
to be a British colony, thanks to the "power" of arguments and not to the arms so it
is also considered one of the most important historical revolutions as it
demonstrated that changes are possible between governments with collective well-
being in mind, not the individual.

Then I come revolution if it has been necessary and has been a path that has
brought great transformations for the peoples who have led them, are more
examples that can be referenced to demonstrate it, the Cuban revolution, the
Chinese revolution, the Spanish civil war, the Mexican revolution leads by the
peasant Pancho Villa among others. Many of these movements have had to resort
to violence in order to come to make the transformations they have required since
in principle they encountered opposition from the rulers. However, peaceful
processes such as those led by Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela
have also taken place. Which is the duty to be of this concept, to be heard, to
change and to achieve group well-being.

-Encyclopedia Laurosse 1978 Volume VIII, R.

-The origin of the family, private property and the state. Engels Friedrich. 1995
Pan-American Publishing.

-On the web: France for all: www.http.//France/liberte/

-The Industrial Revolution. Mikhailov M.I. Editorial Liaison. 2009

-The Pacific Changes of Ghandi. Editorial Planeta 2008.

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