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What does Google Analytics do?

It is a powerful tool that analyses:

 Website Traffic
• Where are visitors coming from
• How are they navigating through your site

 Conversions
• Downloads
• Page Views

 E-commerce
• Volume of Transactions
• Success of Transactions (% Complete and % Dropped out of Sales Funnel)
GA by MonsterInsights

Concepts & Definitions
A segment is a subset of your Analytics data. Segments let you isolate and analyze those subsets of data so you
Segment can examine and respond to the component trends in your business..

A session is a group of interactions that take place on your website within a given time frame. A single user can
Session open multiple sessions. As soon as one session ends, there is then an opportunity to start a new session. There
are two methods by which a session ends: 1) Time Based and 2) Campaign Based

In Google Analytics, a property is a website, mobile application, or blog, etc., that is associated with a unique
Property tracking ID. A Google Analytics account can contain one or more properties.

A subset of a Google Analytics account property that can have its own unique configuration settings. You can
View create multiple views for a single property and modify what data shows in each view.

Filters allow you to limit and modify the data that is included in a view. For example, you can use filters to exclude
Filter traffic from particular IP addresses, focus on a specific subdomain or directory, etc.

Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the
Bounce Rate entrance page without interacting with the page).

A configuration setting that allows you to track the valuable actions, or conversions, that happen on your site or
Goal mobile app.

Dimensions are attributes of your data. For example, the dimension City indicates the city, for example, "Paris" or
Dimensions & Metric "New York", from which a session originates. Metrics are quantitative measurements. The metric Sessions is the
total number of sessions. The metric Pages/Session is the average number of pages viewed per session.

Segment VS. Filter

Acquisition Reports
Acquisition Reports
The Social Relationship
The social web connects people where they share, critique
and interact with content and each other. Social analytics
provides you with the tools to measure the impact of social.
You can identify high value networks and content, track on-
site and off-site user interaction with your content, and tie it
all back to your bottom line revenue through goals and

Here's how we see this story:

Sources & Pages: Identify networks & communities where
people engage with your content.

Conversions: Measure the value of social by tracking your

goals, conversions and ecommerce transactions.

Social Plugins: Measure your on-site user engagement.

Social Users Flow: Compare traffic volumes and user traffic

patterns through your site.
• Goals – Set of events that are determined and evaluated

• E-commerce – analyse purchase activity on the website

• Multi-channel Funnels – depicts the working of marketing channels to create sales and


• Attribution - set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is

assigned to touchpoints in conversion paths

Link: Google Analytics Conversions

Business Case Scenarios
Google Analytics Solutions – Premium
• Google Analytics 360 Suite – Built
for enterprises.
• A set of integrated data and
marketing analytics products such

1. Google Analytics 360

2. Google Optimize 360
3. Google Audience Centre 360
4. Google Tag Manager 360
5. Google Data Studio 360
6. Google Attribution 360
Google Analytics Solutions – Premium
Domino’s UK
• Lack of integrated marketing measurement across devices
• Create a holistic view of customer behaviour
• Make cross-channel marketing performance analysis easy and efficient

• Realized an immediate 6% increase in monthly revenue
• Saved 80% year-over-year in ad serving and operations costs
• Increased agility with streamlined tag management
• Obtained easy access to powerful reporting and customized dashboards
2 Best Practices you should follow
Determine when people
abandon the shopping


GOALS > Create new

GOAL with your URL
destination > Check
funnel use
2 Best Practices you should follow
• Identify if you need a
mobile site?

• How?

• REPORTING > Devices>

Primary Dimension time:
Mobile Device info.


If the average time on site is lower and the bounce rate is higher than your overall
numbers, then we know that you’re losing that much of your mobile traffic.
Thank You

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