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The Top 5 Ways to Analyze Your

Website & Online Presence

What is Crazy Egg?
• A program you can install on pages of your
website to see how users are clicking and
scrolling through your website.
What is Crazy Egg Used For?
• Getting better insight into what people are doing when
they come to your website.
What is Crazy Egg Used For?
• Getting better insight into what people are doing when
they come to your website.
• If considering a redesign, use Crazy Egg to get a better
understanding of what people are doing/what’s working
on your current website.
What is Crazy Egg Used For?
• Getting better insight into what people are doing when
they come to your website.
• If considering a redesign, use Crazy Egg to get a better
understanding of what people are doing/what’s working
on your current website.
• See what is and isn’t drawing people in and generating
What is Crazy Egg Used For?
• Getting better insight into what people are doing when
they come to your website.
• If considering a redesign, use Crazy Egg to get a better
understanding of what people are doing/what’s working
on your current website.
• See what is and isn’t drawing people in and generating
• Understanding where important content should be placed
on your website.
There are 5 Different Reports You
Can Use
1. Heatmap
2. Scrollmap
3. Confetti Map
4. Overlay
5. List View
The heat map is a
visualization of
where your visitors
are clicking.
Scroll Map

The scrollmap shows which parts of

the page are viewed most often by
your visitors.
Confetti Map
The confetti report pinpoints exactly where a person clicks.
The Overlay report is the quantification of the Heatmap.
List View
The list feature
makes it very easy
to see all the
elements that got
What to Check
What to Check Monthly…
• Where the hot spots are on your pages.

• How far people are scrolling on your

pages (where appropriate move important
information to make sure it gets seen).
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Google Search Console

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