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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Carly Radowitz Date: 10/16/2020

Group Size: 10-15 Allotted Time: 50 minutes Grade Level: 1st

Subject or Topic: What are plants used for

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Standard - 3.2.1.A5
CONSTANCY AND CHANGE Recognize that everything is made of matter.

Learning Targets/Objectives:

Students will be able to identify what some plants are used for by learning about different

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. exit tickets 1. handed in at end of class
2. think-pair-share 2. before the exit ticket

Assessment Scale: (for exit ticket)

● 5 out of 5 is proficient
● 4 out of 5 is basic
● less than a 4 is below basic - needs to reteach the lesson

Subject Matter/Content:
Prerequisites: knowing what plants are
Key Vocabulary:
● cotton
● clothes
● ingredients
● aloe gel
Content/Facts: (mini outline - what you want to tell them about the facts) - cheat sheet
- The goal for the students in this lesson is to learn all about what items are made from
plants. The students will be starting the day out with a brain break video to get them
more relaxed and ready for the day to start. Following the video, the students will be
listening to a book, Plants Feed Me By: Lizzy Rockwell, and the teacher will be asking
questions throughout. Once the book is complete, the students will be staying on the
carpet. The teacher will be holding a bunch of different items that are made out of
plants vs not made out of plants. The goal is for the students to be able to determine
which items were made out of plants vs not. The students will end the day with a
quick exit ticket circling items that were discussed in class that were made out of

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Greet students for the morning
● “Good morning class! I hope you all had a great night. Please place your jackets in
your cubbies and find a dot on the carpet! There will be a video in the background
and you can stand at your dot and dance along with the video.
Ask the students if they know what they will be learning about today.
● “For the past few days we have been learning about plants, do you know what we will
be learning about today?”
○ Let the students answer and then tell them “Today we will be learning about
how you can use plants in your everyday life!”
The teacher will then point to the easel next to the carpet, that has a big sticky note on it.
● Ask the students “How do you use a plant in your everyday life?”
○ Allow the students to think, and then give them some examples.
■ food, clothing, decoration
After the students have finished giving examples, and the teacher writes them down, the
teacher will read Plants Feed Me By: Lizzy Rockwell.
● Ask the students if they have a garden at home
● Ask the students if they like to eat foods like apples, peppers, beans and bread

Development/Teaching Approaches
Prior to the day, send out an email to parents asking for students to wear any sort of cotton
clothing as well as bringing any sort of plant based snack.
Keeping the students at the carpet, tell them “Today I am wearing my clothes, just like
yesterday, but today is a little different.
● The teacher will pass around a piece of cotton. “Today my clothes are made out of
cotton. I have asked your parents to try to also dress you in cotton. What do we think
cotton is?”
○ Allow students to raise their hands and respond.
● “Cotton is a plant that most of our clothes are made of!”
Teacher will take bread, corn, tomatoes, ketchup, cotton balls, and aloe gel out of a bag.
● “Here are some other items that plants can make! Have you seen or eaten this
○ Explain how plants get turned into daily living items. “Did you know that
ketchup is just smashed up tomatoes with a few other ingredients?”
Teacher will put out two different laundry baskets onto the floor next to the circle. The
teacher will have items that have been mentioned previously like bread, corn, tomatoes,
ketchup, cotton balls, and aloe gel as well as items like a plastic cup, perfume, gum, paint
tubes, rubber gloves, a hair brush, and a cotton t-shirt.
● The students are supposed to place the items into the correctly labeled laundry
basket. One will be labeled “made from plants” while the other basket will be labeled
“not made from plants”.
○ The goal is to have enough items for each student. If there are not enough,
have the students grab an item from around the room and let them guess
which basket it goes to.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
Once the students are all finished sorting all of the materials, the teacher will write on a big
piece of paper next to the carpet, making a big list of what they have discovered. There will
be one side labeled “made from plants” one side “not made from plants” and at the bottom
there will be a section labeled “unsure”.
● The teacher will go around as many times around the carpet asking the students to
name different materials that they think are either made from plants vs not made
from plants. (this part can take a while)
Once the students have no more items they would like to name, ask the students “Once you
get home are you going to tell your mom and dad what items in your house are made out of
Students will be going back to their tables once everything is over. The teacher will let them
go back by calling different out different sayings. Ex. students wearing pink may go back to
their seats now, students wearing red, etc. Once they are back to their seats, students will
pair up with a student next to them talking again about different items that are made out of
plants vs items nt made from plants, just to have a refreshed mind.
Students will be ending the class with an exit ticket listing a few items they have discussed in
class. They will need to check off which items were made out of plants.

● One of the students in my class has dysgraphia. This disability strongly affects fine
motor skills. An accommodation to help this student, can be handing the item to the
student to place into the laundry basket rather than having the student pick up the
item in the center of the carpet.

Materials/Resources: (move the links down)

● laundry baskets
● bread
● corn
● tomatoes
● ketchup
● cotton balls
● aloe gel
● hair brush
● plastic cup
● gum
● perfume
● cotton t-shirt
● paint tube
● rubber gloves

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

(Teacher will read all of the choices) - Tell students there is more than 1 answer
What items listed below were made from plants?:
a. cotton t-shirt
b. gum
c. aloe gel
d. bread
e. ketchup

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