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Name: Satyam Kumar

Roll No.: 19HSH064

Course: History (hons.)
Subject: English AECC
(A) Write a report on the present scenario of how students are
their studies during quarantine.


By Satyam Kumar
27th April 2020
As of today, the whole world is going through a severe
pandemic which is also known as Corona virus or COVID-19.
Many countries are facing level-3 rage i.e. community level
spread of this virus. Almost all the countries have declared
complete lockdown in there respective state to prevent the
community level spread of this virus. Due to this lockdown
every field and sectors are badly effected including academic
field. All the school, colleges, and coaching institution are
closed till this pandemic pass.

Just like everyone this self quarantine period is frustrating for

students also as it is very difficult to control your mind In this
workless situation. Situation is more darker for the student who
is living away for home. Since, they have some sort of financial
problem as well as emotional problem as their parents are
more worried about them in this critical situation. However, in
this fragile situation the schools and colleges are trying their
best to help their students. Teacher are also trying there best to
help out the students with the means of internet. They are
providing voice notes and pdfs of the topics to help the
students. Apart from that students are also trying their best to
read the materials which is available at the moment.

Apart from this, this quarantine period is giving extra time to

give more time to our hobbies. Since hobbies are also a part of
our self enhancement. So, this period is giving time to discover
ourselves. And those students who are at home has got time to
spend with their family and thus strengthen their family
(B) Write a dialogue between a student and a social worker or a person who’s
been your idol.

Dialogue between me and Tanmay Singh, an eSport athlete also known as SCOUT

Me: Hello scout, how are you?

Scout: Hey, I’m fine. What about you?
Me: I’m doing great. So bro tell me something about your eSports journey.
Scout: Well, I started my career as a professional football player but due to some
major injuries I was forced to quit that profession but that sportsman spirit was
there inside me. I was also a fan of PC games like counter strike and many more.
So, I started enjoying that games and slowly I planned to step in the competitive
zone when pubg mobile came to India.
Me: How you feel to be called the best assaulter of India?
Scout: well, I don’t think so. I’m not the biggest fish in the ocean right now but ya
this is fortune that I gotta tag like this.
Me: How you look at the entry of Fnatic and TSM in the Indian gaming
Scout: For me it’s the biggest event for Indian gaming community so far. And I
believe that this might be the turning point which will shape our community to a
better result.
Me: What’s your take on the future of Indian gaming community looking at the
present situation?
Scout: Well, looking at the present situation the future of Indian gaming
community looks great. If u will observe the slope of graph of this community
after pubg came into scene It’s more like slope of some steep mountain.
Me: Last one, Can you please give some tips to be a successful gamer?
Scout: Well, there are many factors to be a successful gamer but I will mention
only two. One is you have to grind yourself to be the best version of yourself. And
second one would be dedication because there will be many instances in your life
when your life will test you. And yes one last line keep in your mind that gamer
never die, they respawn.
Me: So, thanks scout. It was pleasure talking to you.
Scout: Pleasure is all mine.

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