Modern Computer and Computing Technologies. Office Technologies

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Modern computer and computing technologies.


 Computing . Computing is the process of using computer technology to

complete a given goal-oriented task. Computing may encompass the design
and development of software and hardware systems for a broad range of
purposes - often structuring, processing and managing any kind of
information - to aid in the pursuit of scientific studies, making intelligent
systems, and creating and using different media for entertainment and
Computing has also been defined as a branch of engineering science that
deals with the systematic study of algorithmic processes, which are used to
describe and transform information.
It also has specific meanings depending on the context and field in which it
is used. For example, cloud computing, social computing, ubiquitous
computing, parallel computing and grid computing all fall under the
umbrella of the general meaning of computing while still having a specific
purpose and definition separate from each other. Essentially, these are
different applications of computing.

Cloud Computing is the delivery of computing services such as servers,

storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, intelligence, and more,
over the Cloud (Internet).
Cloud Computing provides an alternative to the on-premises datacennnntre.
With an on-premises datacentre, we have to manage everything, such as
purchasing and installing hardware, virtualization, installing the operating
system, and any other required applications, setting up the network,
configuring the firewall, and setting up storage for data. After doing all the
set-up, we become responsible for maintaining it through its entire lifecycle.

But if we choose Cloud Computing, a cloud vendor is responsible for the

hardware purchase and maintenance. They also provide a wide variety of
software and platform as a service. We can take any required services on
rent. The cloud computing services will be charged based on usage.

Advantages of cloud computing

Cost: It reduces the huge capital costs of buying hardware and software.
Speed: Resources can be accessed in minutes, typically within a few clicks.
Scalability: We can increase or decrease the requirement of resources
according to the business requirements.
Productivity: While using cloud computing, we put less operational effort.
We do not need to apply patching, as well as no need to maintain
hardware and software. So, in this way, the IT team can be more
productive and focus on achieving business goals.
Reliability: Backup and recovery of data are less expensive and very fast for
business continuity.
o Security: Many cloud vendors offer a broad set of policies,
technologies, and controls that strengthen our data security.

Types of Cloud Computing

o Public Cloud: The cloud resources that are owned and operated by a third-
party cloud service provider are termed as public clouds. It delivers
computing resources such as servers, software, and storage over the internet
o Private Cloud: The cloud computing resources that are exclusively used
inside a single business or organization are termed as a private cloud. A
private cloud may physically be located on the company’s on-site datacentre
or hosted by a third-party service provider.
o Hybrid Cloud: It is the combination of public and private clouds, which is
bounded together by technology that allows data applications to be shared
between them. Hybrid cloud provides flexibility and more deployment
options to the business.

Social Computing
Social computing is interactive and collaborative behavior between
computer users. Personal computing is an individual user activity in that one
user generally commands computing. In social computing, the Internet
allows users to interact through many mediums, including:

 Social media sites

 Blogs
 Microblogs
 Multiplayer games
 Wikis
 Instant messaging
 Open-source development

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