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9. The happiness formula. Tips for being happy (Tip? Why this helps?

How to
do it?)

Happiness is the thing, that people always want. During all our life we are
searching it and think that always there is something to do and after that we will be
happy. Unfortunately, this is the way how a lot of people live their lives – in
expectation, and almost no one doesn’t feel truly happiness, because our life is
ever-shifting. But it is our choice and our life, we can change things and become
Foremost, we should recharge, when it needs because it helps us to avoid stress,
be more outgoing, satisfied and people person. We can go out with friends, read or
watch something. But for me the best is bubble bath, coffee, candles and indie or
jazz music. After that all I feel so pleased. So, chilling out it’s more important than
we think. Also, no less important is to sleep enough because there are many effects
of a lack of sleep, such as feeling moody, frustrated, not working at your best and
so on. Everyone has their own perfect sweet spot. You need just find yours and
stick to it. In addition, scientists say that we need to take care about yourself and
then about others. Someone think that it’s so selfish, but how can you help others if
you even don’t care about yourself? So, don’t forget about your wishes and
dreams, it helps you to be happier than you are.
So, everything depends on us and how we perceive the world around us.
Happiness is our choice. We just need to learn how to get it even in simple things.

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