English Ii - P.A. 1-Tarea

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Producto Académico N° 1: Tarea

1. Consideraciones:

Criterio Detalle
Tema o asunto Globalization in Economy applied to the profession.

Enunciado Write an abstract about the importance of globalization in

economy, considering the definitions of trade and markets
applied to the profession.

Instrucciones  Write the text in one page.

para presentar  Send the text to your virtual classroom.
el archivo en el
 Considerate the parameters of the evaluation rubric to
aula virtual
elaborate the context.

para realizar la Material de lectura:
Recurso digital didáctico:

Material de lectura:

Recurso digital didáctico:


At the current juncture, given the issue of the pandemic, the economic, financial
and political effects that it leaves are questioned, even more so in underdeveloped
countries. Capitalist countries suffer the effects of the pandemic to a lesser degree
thanks to the fact that they have industries, technology, scientific advances; their
activities are more competitive in all fields of economic activity.
Economic globalization favors large industries more because of the large
differences. One of the ways in which our difference can be solved is the alliances in
free trade agreements with developed countries, a multinational that commit to
training with state-of-the-art technology in all activities in our country, such as
agriculture, mining , industry, etc.
Our entrepreneurs must study which activities have more opportunities to develop,
thereby avoiding competing with larger companies.

The role of the state must be that of a promoter of national industry, in which the laws
protect Peruvian companies. Our entrepreneurs have to venture into risky strategic
planning a little more with the strengthening of companies and their human capital.
There is the feeling that the world is homogenized in the different levels of human
development, it is commented on the cosmopolitan culture that spreads
everywhere, and this allows us to analyze the economic globalization of
communications. Of the markets, the monetary system, world politics that delves into
the fight against terrorism (drugs) and poverty.
In this case, economic globalization will allow with greater precision to develop the
laws that will govern the evolution of the economic and social world. For every time
the people are more vulnerable to world policies due to all the information
technology and technological advances, the countries in the world are
interconnected in real time and almost the meetings are not in person.

In this sense, economic globalization in the business world has had to change its way
of thinking and interacting, in order to adapt to the new conditions demanded by
the globalized world. The countries want to be more competitive, progressively
importance is being given to the processes of political, macroeconomic, social,
cultural integration, etc. There are motivating hopes of such processes in order to
consolidate regional interests that slow down the aggressiveness of globalization.
Our effort has to be oriented towards efficiency, as a consequence of the
restructuring of our economic system and its national policies, these can reduce
people by 30%, but after our processes are subjected to this reengineering in which it
is subtracted the organizational culture, the effectiveness, morality and many details
that will show us to the world as a trustworthy state our country image is of social and
environmental responsibility, it will lead to economic growth in all areas of our nation.

2. Rúbrica de evaluación:

A continuación, se presenta la escala de valoración, en base a la cual se evaluará

el trabajo individual, donde la escala máxima por categoría equivale a 5 puntos y la
mínima, 0.

Criterios Logrado En proceso No logrado

(5 puntos) (3 puntos) (0 puntos)
Capacidad de Plantea sus ideas y Plantea sus ideas y No plantea
elaboración y análisis justifica sus justifica sus adecuadamente
del tema planteado. argumentos en argumentos en sus ideas ni
relación integral con relación parcial argumentos, en
el tema planteado. con el tema relación con el
planteado. tema planteado.

Aplica los Aplica los No aplica los

Capacidad de conceptos conceptos conceptos
aplicación de los requeridos y los requeridos y los requeridos ni los
conceptos relaciona de relaciona de relaciona de
indicados en el manera óptima forma regular manera
desarrollo del con el tema con el tema adecuada con
tema. planteado. planteado. el tema

Aplicación de reglas Aplica las reglas Aplica las reglas No aplica

gramaticales del idioma gramaticales del gramaticales del correctamente las
inglés. idioma inglés idioma inglés con reglas gramaticales
correctamente. algunos errores del idioma inglés.

Uso y citado de fuentes Refiere y cita, Refiere y cita No refiere ninguna

de información, según el adecuadamente, dos solo una fuente fuente de
documento “Elaboración fuentes de de información, información, para
de citas y referencias información, para para sustentar sustentar sus ideas.
con APA del CENDOC”1. sustentar sus ideas, sus ideas.

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