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Strategic Management Process

© IES Business Consultants 1

Week Topics & Assignments Chapters

The Management Process Chapter 1
History of Management thought Chapter 2
External environment & Org culture Chapter 3
3 Ethical behavior & Social responsibility Chapter 4
International Management Chapter 5
4 Decision making process Chapter 6
Fundamentals of planning Chapter 7
5 Strategic management process Chapter 8
Fundamentals of organizing Chapter 9
Midterm Exam Midterm

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Strategic Management Process

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Strategy Formulation & Implementation

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Three Levels of Strategies

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Strategic questions for strategy formulation

What is our business mission?

Who are our customers?

What do our customers consider value?

What have been our results?

What is our plan?

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Components of a MISSION Statement

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Typical Objectives of Strategic Management

Market share
Human talent
Financial health
Cost efficiency
Product quality
Social responsibility

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The SWOT Analysis

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Questions for SWOT Analysis

1. Well-developed strategy ?
2. Strong product lines ?
Potential 3. Broad market coverage ?
Strengths 4. Manufacturing competence ?
5. Good marketing skills ?
6. Good materials management systems ?
7. R&D skills and leadership ?
8. Human Resources competencies ?
9. Brand-name reputation ?
10. Cost of differentiation advantages ?
11. Appropriate organizational structure ?
12. Appropriate control systems ?
13. Ability to manage strategic change ?
14. Others ?

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Questions for SWOT Analysis

1. Expand core business ?

2. Exploit new market segments ?
Potential 3. Widen product range ?
4. Extend cost or differentiation advantage ?
5. Diversify into new growth businesses ?
6. Expand into foreign markets ?
7. Apply R&D skills in new areas ?
8. Enter new related businesses ?
9. Vertically integrate forward (eliminating the Middle Man)?
10. Vertically integrate backward (makes the retailors part of them?
11. Overcome barriers to entry ?
12. Reduce Competition among competitors ?
13. Apply brand-name capital in new areas ?
14. Seek fast market growth ?
15. Others ?
© IES Business Consultants 11

Questions for SWOT Analysis

1. Poorly developed strategy ?

2. Obsolete, narrow product lines ?
Potential 3. Rising manufacturing costs ?
4. Decline in R&D innovations ?
5. Poor marketing plan ?
6. Poor materials management systems ?
7. Loss of customer goodwill ?
8. Inadequate human resources ?
9. Loss of brand name ?
10. Growth without direction ?
11. Loss of corporate direction ?
12. Infighting among divisions ?
13. Loss of corporate control ?
14. Inappropriate organizational structure & control systems ?
15. High conflict and politics?
© IES Business Consultants 16. Others ? 12


Questions for SWOT Analysis

1. Attacks on core business ?

2. Increase in domestic competition ?
Potential 3. Increase in foreign competition ?
Threats 4. Change in consumer tastes ?
5. Fall in barriers to entry ?
6. Rise in new or substitute products ?
7. Increase in industry rivalry ?
8. New forms of industry competition ?
9. Potential for takeover ?
10. Changes in demographic factors ?
11. Downturn in economy ?
12. Rising labor costs ?
13. Slower market growth ?
14. Others ?

© IES Business Consultants 13

7 characteristics of Organizational Culture

1. Innovation and risk taking.

2. Attention to details.
3. Outcome orientation: management focus on results.
4. People Orientation: Effect of outcome on people.
5. Team Orientation: Teams rather than individuals.
6. Aggressiveness.
7. Stability.

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7 characteristics of Organizational Culture

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Exercise for SWOT

• Divide into two groups.

• Do a Mini “SWOT” analysis about ESLSCA “MIBA” Program.
• You have 20 minutes.

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REFERENCES for Chapter 08

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Copyright 2012 © Dr Hesham Sadek. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of

this work beyond that named in Section 117 of the United States Copyright Act without the
express written permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for further
information should be addressed to Dr Hesham Sadek.

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