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Graduating from high school is important for many different

- Topic sentence
- Reasons
o The benefits of high school education now
 School improves skills that are useful in real life: note taking, listening,
concentration, time management, information processing
 Prepares for college or university (or any further education)
 It gives you a chance to grow emotionally, mentally, physically
 Gives you literacy and perspective
 Most important stages of adolescence → growing up too quickly is bad
for you → you should take the time to learn about the world → better
decisions after graduation
o Future benefits of high school
 Without a high school diploma you can’t go to university or college →
for several professions it’s a must
 More opportunities and better salary
 Most of the jobs today that pay more than the minimum wage requires
a high school diploma (at least!)
 Unemployment rate is lower among high school graduates than it is
among dropouts
 Lower crime rate
- Conclusion sentence

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