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Dr. Lesznyák Márta

The advantages and disadvantages of smartphones

As part of our modern world, smartphones are playing an important role in our everyday lives. While

having one has a lot of benefits, it has several disadvantages as well.

Let us begin by looking at the advantages of using a smartphone. First, smartphones have many

utility softwares such as a camera, calendar, notes, calculator, radio and so on. They have

applications to keep you entertained, for example, games, videos, book readers or music players,

too. You can use maps and navigation as well. Second, you have constant Internet access, which can

be very useful. Last, with a smartphone, you can stay in touch with your loved ones since your friends

and family are only a text away from you. Similarly, in case of emergency, you can call for help


However, having a smartphone has downsides, too. First of all, it is extremely harmful for your eyes,

especially when you are looking at the screen in a dark room. As mentioned, anyone can reach you

anytime which can be a good thing. In contrast, it can turn into a drawback as you can never be fully

alone. In addition, it can be extremely distracting when your phone is always ringing. Last, but not

least, you may text more than you speak to people in person. As a result, it can be to the detriment

of your social connections.

In conclusion, while smartphones have several useful features, you can have too much of a good



I chose this topic because I found it very current as smartphones have a huge impact on our lives

nowadays. Nearly everyone has a smartphone. I had a lot of ideas connected to this topic. First, I

collected them and made an outline. Second, I also read a couple of articles about the issue and

added some ideas that I found interesting to the outline. Last, I wrote the essay and revised it. All in

all, it took me more than an hour to write this essay.

Dr. Lesznyák Márta

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