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8/28/2020 Your Rubric - Print View

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Web Site Design : Rubric Online Course

Teacher Name: Hill

Student Name: ________________________________________

Needs Improvement-
CATEGORY Excellent-3 Good-2 1
Multimedia Course effectively Course only utilizes Only 1 or no forms of
uses 4 or more 2-3 forms of media media exist in the course.
forms of media to to complement the The course has no
supplement the curriculum. supplementation of media
curriculum for the curriculum.

Course Course is laid out The course delivery The course displays an
Navigation and delivered is apparent, but is adequate home page, but
effectively. The limited in its there is no framework for
home page clearly guidance of how to access course
displays each navigation materials.
section for the throughout the
course and where to course.
find them.
Course Course is The color scheme Course displays poor
Appearance appropriate in color for the course is choice in color scheme.
and easy to read. acceptable. Text is The text is difficult to read
The appearance is somewhat difficult to and icons/links are not
appealing and all read. Links and similar in size, shape or
links and/or icons icons are color.
are similar in size, acceptable in size,
shape and color. shape and color.
Assignments Course utilizes at Cours only uses 2 Course lacks variety of
least 3 different types of assessments to evaluate
types of assessments to learning. The instructions
assignments as evaluate learning for the assignments are
assessments of and the instructions strictly limited and unclear.
learning. The are provided, but
instructions for the limited and vague.
assignments are
clear and concise. 1/2
8/28/2020 Your Rubric - Print View
Use of Course uses more Course only uses 3- Course uses only 1-2
Technology than 5 course tools 4 technology tools technology tools in its
in the course and does an delivery. Course does a
delivery. Course adequate job of poor job of using
does excellent job utilizing technology. technology to supplement
of using technology the curriculum.
Instructional Course effectively Course only uses 3 Course uses 1-2 forms of
Technology uses at least 4-5 forms of instructional technology to
different forms of instructional deliver curriculum.
instructional technology to
technology to supplement
deliver the course. curriculum.

Date Created: August 28, 2020

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