NPC - Ideas

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Animloth: Female Elf Assassin, Good.

Animloth has a round face, with brown hair and large gray eyes.
She wears leather armor and wields a short sword and dagger. Animloth is perched on a wooden beam
near the ceiling.

Aedurh: Female Human Druid, Neutral. Aedurh is rugged in appearance, with gray hair and narrow
brown eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a club and darts. Aedurh secretly serves Marbeh, an
ancient goddess of darkness.

Helia: Female Human Cleric, Evil. Helia has brown hair and light brown eyes. She wears banded mail and
wields a hammer. Helia is hunting those who knew her in a previous life of crime.

Othulf: Male Human Necromancer, Evil. Othulf has curly golden hair and bright hazel eyes. He wears dark
robes and wields a club. Othulf believes that he is the rightful heir to the throne of Formene.

Thari: Male Dwarf Ranger, Evil. Thari is wretched in appearance, with brown hair and hazel eyes. He
wears scale mail and wields a short sword. Thari seeks to atone for past sins.

Aldguiard: Female Human Fighter, Evil. Aldguiard is wretched in appearance, with tangled white hair and
narrow blue eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a short sword and shield. Aldguiard seeks to become
a knight of the realm.

The innkeeper is a tall female halfling named Golda. She is haunted by the ghost of someone she killed.

Prose: Female Halfling Scofflaw, Neutral. Prose is tall, with copper hair and dark gray eyes. She wears
sturdy clothing and several small tools hang from her belt. Prose seeks only fame and glory.

Thori: Female Dwarf Servant, Good. Thori has a narrow face, with tangled blonde hair and sharp gray
eyes. She wears worn clothing and a black cloak. Thori seeks a company of adventurers to hunt down
and capture the cunning rogue Ealdet.

Alas: Female Elf Mercenary, Neutral. Alas has an angular face, with gray hair and green eyes. She wears
chain mail and wields a ranseur. Alas suffers an acute fear of swords and blades.

Richye: Male Human Alchemist, Neutral. Richye has blonde hair and gray eyes. He wears well-made
clothing and a sling of vials and potions. Richye quietly seeks to become a vampire.

Helia: Female Human Merchant, Neutral. Helia has brown hair and blue eyes, and wears glasses with
gold rims. She wears plain clothing and a white cloak. Helia lost her reflection to a hag.

Bricta: Female Human Scholar, Good. Bricta has a long face, with brown hair and brown eyes. She wears
modest garments and a feathered hat. Bricta seeks to discover why she keeps having the same dream.

A Goliath in a dark cloak desperately trying to hide how tall he is by slouching as much as he can.

The owner of the tavern is an old lady. She owns about 5d20 cats. She cant serve you drinks or food right
now because she has to feed her cats first.
A group of sopping wet adventurers come slouching in the tavern, leaving muddy footprints. It is a clear
day outside. If asked, the fighter smacks the wizard upside the head and mutters about a cooling spell
gone wrong.

A cheerful dragonborn who runs a sandwich shop in a tavern. He is obsessed with incredibly spicy food,
and tries to push spices on customers to 'keep the fire burning in their stomachs'. Cooks all of his food
with his breath weapon.

A half orc sitting alone at the bar, drinking from his own large personalised tankard, which reads Ughurv.

A large fat woman sits on a specially made wooden chair by the fire pit. She is covered head to toe in

The shopkeeper is clearly two gnomes with one on the other's shoulders, but they will never admit it.
The two, Foggi Ysbeten and Grogel Grogelhome, take turns being the one on top, but never acknowledge
the difference. They sell 'human-sized' equipment.

Htrog: A Firbolg warrior for hire. Loves mead. He is the last of his clan.

Kasuguri Ayamani – Half-demon. Would-be-assassin. She is hunting the demon who made her. Maybe
your party is hunting him too. She doesn’t have any weapons on her. What she does have are two
daggers tattooed to her wrists. One has her name, the other one is blank. When she learns someone’s
name she can ink it onto the blank dagger. If she dies, whomever’s name is on that dagger dies as well.
When the sun rises the next day, she will too.

An unlikely pair of merchants run an apothecary, alternatingly with one working on baubles while the
other deals with customers. The dwarf is a grumpy old man, nearly unapproachable, and usually berates
his half-orc apprentice even when in front of the customers. When asked, he typically overprices and
generally shuts down any attempts at haggling. The half-orc apprentice is suspicious and intimidating in
appearance, and sound threatening when replying to his dwarf master, but is actually much more cordial
to the customers and is more lenient when haggling. Both, however, like their beer.

Marisha – An attractive girl trained by her mother in witchcraft. She transforms into spiders as ofter as
she can and wants more than anything to be a drider. She seeks out drow cults and caverns in the hopes
of learning the secret ritual required by their matrons to become driders priestesses. If met on the road
she’ll be singing a tune while digging the organs out of her last kill. She drinks blood, eats raw flesh, and
does disgusting witch things, but always has a chipper smile.

Bobbik and Bimbeck's Curiosities: Mr. Bobbik is a bespectacled Beholder with a friendly and inquisitive
nature. A true oddity in his species and as such shunned entirely from polite underdark society. In his
travels, he met Mr. Bimbeck, who was exploring caverns looking for interesting rocks and a lifelong
friendship was formed. The two of them sell all manner of strange and unique things. They probably
don't have EXACTLY what you are looking for, but they certainly have something of interest. Example
Inventory: A potted plant with a bell on it (So it can't sneak up on you), a warhammer that you can fill
with angry bees, Aardvark poison, Aardvark medicine, a clockwork thing you don't know what it does
that has a bell on it so it can't sneak up on you.

A very drunk doppelganger. His disguise is slipping as he drinks.

Subtle slave trader. The 'products' are actually transformed into animals or trinkets. Upon purchase, the
trader will give the new owner a scroll or item to transform the trinket into the slave (maybe even back
again). A clever way to smuggle slaves through check points and/or through lands that don't support

A fat noble lady who complains loudly but drinks heavily and soon is undressing herself while singing.

A tall and husky Gold Dragonborn, clad in bright colored and decorative clothing, sits on an equally
ornate rug. He's fidgeting with something in his mouth. It's has a small garnet, chipped by his teeth and
covered in spit. He has a small pouch in his vest full of these gross little gems. He sells very beautiful
jewelry, thankfully with no bite marks.

Gladiolas Doombaker- A high elf with odd magical facial brands and the look of an archmage offers
succulent pastries to the party. A former Archvillain, Gladiolas was defeated by a party who used
powerful divine magic to switch his focus from the arcane to the oven. He now prepares incredibly
delicious breads, muffins, and other doughy goodies.

Dream Queen – A female dream merchant from the shores of your last nightmare. She’s real now, if you
can believe it, and she’s selling your memories (or at least your memories in dream form). She’s very
(insert your personality) and only wants (insert your goals). So if you can provide that to her, maybe
she’ll (insert your retirement plan) and leave you alone.

A member of the town council sits at the bar. Other patrons keep trying to bring up council business, but
the councilman just wants to have some food and a drink in peace.

A fire genasi who's obsessed with smoke. He sells cigars, smoked meats, and tinderboxes. He smells like
smoke, his eyes and skin are a dusty orange.

What appears to be an EXTREMELY tall halfling woman, but when she walks around the counter, she is
simply wearing the tallest pair of platform shoes you've ever seen. All she sells is shoes. Some of the
shoes are enchanted, but many are just 'fashionable'

Wendel Waterweary is a normal human merchant. She is in charge of the towns trade with other towns,
and frequently leads the trade mission. When not on the job, she can be found in the Inn hosting games
where players use strange polyhedral dice and their imaginations to simulate great adventures.

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