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Seating possibilities

1) Pairs: “Who’s who?

One student selects a character. Asks questions about their appearance or

clothing until they can guess the right character.

2) Enemy corners: “Conjugation Pyramid”

The teacher draws in the board two pyramids with as many blocks as rounds
there are going to be. Then, divide the class in two team. The aim of this game is
to give the students a verb a person (e.g. first person, singular, run) and one
component of the group will have to go to the board and write it.

3) Opposing teams: “Word Tennis”

Write a category on the board. Each team has to say a word in the category, one
after the other. If someone says a word that doesn't fit in the category or repeats,
the other team gets a point.

It's important to be fast with this game to keep it moving! Allow five seconds
each to answer and be ready to spot a repeated word. You can record points with
counters or by writing them on the board.

4) Face to face (or back to back): “How to Make Pancakes”

Cut and laminate the individual pieces of the text. Encourage your students to
work together in small groups or pairs to correctly sequence the procedure.

5) Panel: “Hot seat”

Ask one student to move his or her chair forward again and turn it to face his or
her classmates. These players then sit in their chairs (now 'hot seats') with their
backs to the board and the rest of the children will make a semi – circle looking
at the board. Write a word in the board without the person in the hot seat seeing
it and tell the rest of the learners to describe it or to answer the questions of their
classmate in the centre.

6) Public meeting: “Two truths and a lie”

One student has to go to the board and tell one lie and two truths about
her/himself. The rest of the learners have to guess which one is false.

7) Buzz groups:

8) Wheels:

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