Activity - Unit: Mis Primeras Letras

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Activity – Unit
Name: Johan Steven Olaya Correa
Level: Fourth
Term: Fourth
Date: October 2nd, 2020

Observa el video de la semana dos y completa el siguiente cuadro,

respondiendo las preguntas en inglés. Para responder debes tener en Cuenta:

 Si respondes en forma afirmativa:

Yes. Sujeto + used to + acción y complemento de la oración

 Si respondes en forma negativa:

No. Sujeto + didn’t use to + acción y complemento de la oración.

Questio Answer
1. Did grandma use to have long hair? Yes. She used to have long hair.

2. Did grandma use to be quiet?

No. didn’t she use to be quiet

Yes. Did Grandpa used to be very shy

3. Did grandpa use to be very shy?

Yes. Did They used to have fun when they

4. Did they use to have fun when they were
were children?

Yes. Did grandma’s mother use to read some

5. Did grandma’s mother use to read tales before going to sleep
some tales before going to sleep?

No. didn’t grandma use to take violin classes

6. Did grandma use to take violin

No. didn’t grandpa use to play soccer

7. Did grandpa use to play soccer?

No. didn’t students use to respect their

8. Did students use to respect their teachers in the past
teachers in the past?

Yes. Did they used to wear their clothes to

9. Did they use to wear their school
clothes to school?

No. didn’t the school use to offer lunch to

10. Did the school use to offer students
lunch to students?

No. didn’t students use to have homework

11. Did students use to have homework?

Yes. Did grandpa used to walk to school

12. Did grandpa use to walk to school?

No. Didn’t t they use to play in their

13. Did they use to play in their smartphones or computers?
smartphones or computers?

Yes. Did grandpa used to send letters

14. Did grandpa use to send

No. Didn’t they use to listen to music in mp3

15. Did they use to listen to music in players
mp3 players?

No. didn’t the families use to sit in front of the

16. Did the families use to sit in front of TV in the mornings
the TV in the mornings?

Yes. Did they used to eat fresh vegetables and

17. Did they use to eat fresh vegetables fruits
and fruits?

Yes. Did they use to eat ice creams when

18. Did they use to eat ice creams when they were kids
they were kids?

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