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Regardless of the country of origin, culture and traditions, place attachment to cemetery is formed by
the bond people keep between them and their lost relatives because cemeteries are places where
people can honor their relatives and keep their roots alive.


1)Please identify your age group:

<17 18-23 24-29 30-35 35-40 >41


2)What country were you born in?

Japan: Colombia

3) A cemetery is often visited when relatives gather. Please check in the box how many times a
year do you visit cemetery? And how many times you want to visit to cemetery a year?
Actually visit
 Once a year
 Few times a year
 More than 5 times a year
 Never

 Don’t remember

Want to visit

 Once a year
 Few times a year
 More than 5 times a year
 Never

Personal aspect

1) Please rank the following factors, from most to least important to you, according to feeling
attachment to cemetery. 【 1st = most important; 4th = least important 】
1st 2nd 3th 4th
For individuals who are buried X
For cemetery landscape X
For cemetery atmosphere X
For the memories this place brings to your mind X

2) Please classify the following factors, from most to least important that you consider as personal
motivation to visit a cemetery. 【 1st = most important; 5th = least important 】

1st 2nd 3th 4th 5th

To bond with relatives X
To mourn the loss of a loved one X
To decorate their graves X
To revive the memories of those you’ve lost X
To talk to and to seek support X

3) What kinds of personal memories do you have for cemetery?

Social aspect

1. Please rank the following reasons, from the most important to the least important, considering your
point of view why people are motivated to visit a cemetery. 【 1st = most important; 3th = least
important 】

1st 2nd 3th

Because is a place where people can see military events to honor X
soldiers who died defending their nation
Because is a place where people can know about local community X
through history walks
Because is a place where people go in Halloween to have new X

2. Cemeteries are of social importance to the community in your contry? Select one option. 1 = Strongly
disagree. 2 = Disagree. 3 = Neither agree nor disagree. 4 = disagree. 5 = Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5 X

because of the importance of these places where there are many memories

3. Why do you think it is important for a community to have a cemetery near the place where they live?

To dress their relatives and remember them


Physical aspect

1. Please rank the following factors, from the most to least important to produce place attachment
by physical aspect of cemetery? (1st is most important, 4th is least important)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Solemn and formal, the tomb is neatly displayed one by one. x

Natural, there are plants, flowers animals and trees, like a park. x

Aesthetic, architecture, artwork and tombstone design. x

Ancient, build by ancestors, the building is very characteristic of ancient x


2. What size of cemetery is easier to produce place attachment?

a. Large, like a central park.

b. Medium, similar to a city block.

c. Small, like a small garden.


3. What physical aspects cause people who live near a cemetery to have place attachment to the
cemetery, even though they may not have relatives buried there? (interview question)

keep it clean and decorated as if it were a garden

Cultural aspect

1. In your culture, how important is the cemetery? Select one option. 1 = Important. 2 =
Neither important or unimportant. 3 = Unimportant.
1 x 2 3
It is a very visited place and family gatherings are constantly held


2. Are there any objects or symbols that are important to the cemetery and for the
maintenance of the space in which the person was buried?

a. Flowers

Extremely important x Very important Not relevant

b. Pictures

Extremely important Very important Not relevant x

c. Some stones or panels with the name on it

Extremely important Very important Not relevant x

d. Offerings

Extremely important Very important Not relevant x

e. Food

Extremely important Very important Not relevant x

3. Which occasion do you visit people who have died there specific days to visit people who
died in your family?

1. Mother's Day
2. Father´s day
3. Chuseok (15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar on the full moon)

4. Tray (Obon)
5. Qingming Festival
6. Christmas
7. Easter
8. Birthdays
9. November second
10. Other (please specify):

4 What is the meaning of the cemetery in your culture?

A place respected and full of family memories


Benefits aspect
1)Please rank the following factors, from most to least benefits of cemetery for you.
【 1st = most important; 5th = least important 】

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Help overcome the death of a family member X
Keeps family ties together x
Pass down cultural and traditions X
Pass down family history x

2) Please rank the following factors, from most to least benefit to you get mentally in a cemetery.

【 1st = most important; 5th = least important 】

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

The place can direct positive feelings and happy x
moments toward the lost person.

The place can feel the achievements and way of life left x
by your ancestors.

The place organizes your feelings as memories of the X

past for lost someone who is important for you.

The place can make me think about what kind of advice x

the person who passed away can give to me when the
crossroads of life.
The place can make me feel cultural and tradition x

The place can make me feel history. X

The place can make my feel peace and quiet from x

natural environment.

3)What is biggest benefit that you get from a cemetery?

Reminding family members not to be


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