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Name: Vicente Contreras

Career: English Major
Subject: Module 4
Tittle: VARK Inventory Learning Style
Proffessor: Lic. Martin Ulises Aparicio


My attitudes to learn any subject and how I learn it, are the bases to
set my characteristics as a learner. This particular characteristic have
influenced the way that I respond to different teaching styles and
approaches in the classroom and how successful I can be. My learning
style according to the VARK Inventory is oriented to a Multimodal
(VARK) learning preferences, this means that the way in which I prefer
to take in, process and remember information are not focused in any
specifics method to learn, although I prefer the Visual Learning
preferences based on my personal experienced.


The VARK Questionnaire Results:

Visual: 7; Aural: 4; Read/Write: 6; Kinaesthetic: 9

Description of My Learning Style.

According to the results of VARK Inventory, my top rank learning styles

are the visual and the Kinaesthetic, this means that I am good using
my minds eyes, and working with colours and pictures, this could be
combine with interaction with people and objects in real spaces, so I
could be effective in deferments circumstances and environment
related with sharing information, this imply that I most try to understand
people by leading and mediating conflicts.
Study Strategies that I must apply according to my learning


without tears
Visual=7 -Lectures who -Reconstruct the -Draw things,
use gestures and images in using diagrams
picturesque different ways -write exams
language -try different answers
-pictuer, videos, special -recall your
posters, slides arrangements pictures made by
-flow charts -redraw your your pages
-underliging pages from -practice turning
different colours memory your visuals back
-text books with -replace words or into words
diagrams and symbols with
pictures initials
-graphs -look at your
-simbols, white pages
Kinesthetic=9 * all your * Put plenty of * Write practice
senses - sight, examples into answers,
touch, taste, your summary. paragraphs...
smell, hearing ... Use case studies * Role plays
* laboratories and applications the exam
* field trips to help with situation in your
* examples of principles and own room.
principles abstract
* lecturers who concepts.
give real-life * Use pictures
examples and photographs
* applications that illustrate an
* Go back to
the laboratory or
your lab manual.

By knowing well my learning style I can choose the best learning

strategies, I can be able to help myself and capable to identify what I
need to learn, processing information and working with others partners
to learn. If I use the right strategy I can learn better, having as a result
to become a more independent learner.

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