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Conde 1

Elva Conde

Professor Marianita Escamilla


9 September 2020

End of Series Two Reflection

This week’s readings opened my eyes to the relationship our identities and literacy

hold. Coming from a Hispanic household where we only speak Spanish, it had a positive effect

on my literacy. Such as my job where I’m the only Spanish speaker so I am constantly

translating for the Doctor verbally or through writing. I never believed being bilingual would

help me in the future but now it’s a part of me that I am grateful for. I’m able to help

patients comprehend the Doctors orders and make the Doctors job easier. Although it did have its

cons when it came to English class, I got used to my broken English from home. I always hated

English class for the frustration it would bring me knowing my writing skills weren’t up to

standards. Throughout the last two years, as I went through new surroundings and met new

people, I realized I found interest in journaling. My anxiety was introduced around this time

leaving me with thoughts running day and night. The only way I could stop them was by

journaling, I managed to find joy in writing. As it was not a teacher forcing me to write an essay

in class unwillingly or taking notes it was writing at my own pleasure. This opened me up to

the idea of giving writing a chance again and that perhaps I would like what I discover. I

definitely had moments of confusion in my literacy history, more specifically in High School. I

never understood how some students were naturals at writing meanwhile I remember

taking hours to simply start the first sentence. The teachers seemed to have one template for

everything which shaped my literacy all through High School. The template worked rarely, till
Conde 1

this day I’m not sure how I passed my English courses. Not sure if it was just out of pity and

they knew I was trying my best. I felt on my own at times since teachers were not willing to

work with students who were too behind. Their excuse was always, “You should have learned

this last year.” That had a tremendous impact on me, thinking that perhaps I wasn’t cut out for

writing. Which is where I would express my emotions and thoughts through dance, it was

my way of literacy. I only question how this topic isn’t taught in High School, as it is such

an interesting thing to think about. High School English at my school simply focused on writing

fictional stories and how to use proper grammar. While those things are important, they don’t

teach you how to think outside of just fictional writing and short answers. That’s why I believe

there are many students like I who struggle to properly communicate their thoughts into words.

As we were never taught to think but rather follow a strict format. It is crazy to think how your

environment, schooling, family, etc. really does contribute to your literacy. This topic made me

eager to learn more about literacy and how words truly do make a big impact.

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