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Subject English Language Year 4

Class 4 Arif

Proficiency level Intermediate

Date/Day 13 November 2020 (Friday)

Time 8.30 a.m. – 9.30 a.m.

Theme World of Stories

Topic Peter Pan

Focused skill Language Arts
Content Standard(s) Learning Standard(s)
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through
5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts creating simple picture stories , simple poems and
cartoons stories or other imaginative responses as
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
(1) sequence the story in correct order.
Learning objective
(2) create a mini book and predict the ending of the story.

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :

(1) rearrange 3 out of 5 parts of the story to its correct sequence.
Success Criteria
(2) create a mini book and predict the ending of the story.

(1) Learning skills

(2) Literary skills (3) Life skills
21st Century Skills - Creativity
- Information - Social
Adjective : magical
Vocabulary Verb : sprinkled
Noun : pixie dust, creatures, revenge
Language /
Grammar Focus Paragraphing

(1) Multiple intelligences

(2) Thinking tool
- Interpersonal
- Predict the ending
Emphases (3) Value
- To be careful with every decision made

Teaching Aids Story board, magic wand, sentence strips and colour papers.
Teacher walks in as 1. Teacher dresses up as Tinker Bell. Preparation Phase
Tinker Bell with a 2. Teacher elicits pupils’ response by (Setting the tone of
magic wand. When asking them to guess the character. lesson)
she puts down the 3. Teacher introduces the story.
wand, she is Miss 4. Teacher acts s Tinker Bell. i. To draw pupils’
Lorraine. 5. Teacher starts the lesson. attention.
ii. To arouse pupils’
(5 minutes)
iii. To prepare pupils
for the lesson.

Teaching aids :
Magic wand

Story : Peter Pan 1. Teacher displays story board on the Imagination Phase
whiteboard. (Exploring,
Storytelling 2. Teacher instructs pupils to pay generating, probing
attention during storytelling. and synthesising
Vocabulary 3. Teacher explains vocabularies to ideas)
Adjective : enhance pupils’ understanding.
- magical 4. Teacher asks questions to ensure i. To activate pupils’
PRESENTATION that pupils are able to follow through the interest on the topic.
(20 minutes) Verb : lesson
- sprinkled ii. To prepare pupils
for the next activity.
Noun :
- pixie dust Teaching aids :
- creatures Story board, magic
- revenge wand

Group activity – 1. Teacher distributes the worksheet. Development Phase

Regaining Tinker 2. Teacher explains instructions of the (Guided practice)
Bell’s memory activity.
3. Teacher allocates time for pupils to i. To enhance pupils’
(Tinker Bell lost her complete the task. listening skills.
memory, pupils 4. Pupils provide answer.
regain her memory 5. Teacher gives feedback. ii. To assess pupils’
by rearranging the understanding of the
sentence strip) lesson
Assessment for
(10 minutes)
learning objective(1)

Teaching aids :
Colour paper, magic
Group activity – 1. Teacher provides instructions for the Action Phase
Create a mini activity. (Independent
storybook and predict 2. Pupils work together in their groups practice)
the ending to create a mini story book based on
the ‘Regaining Tinker Bell’s memory’ To evaluate pupils’
activity. understanding of the
3. Pupils create the last part of the story lesson
– predict the ending.
4. Pupils discuss the ending of the Assessment for
story. learning objective(2)
5. Each pupil of the group write and
illustrate different parts of the mini Teaching aids :
(20 minutes)
storybook. Colour papers, magic
6. Teacher provides guidance wand
7. Pupils compile each part of the story
to make it into a mini story book.
8. Each group presents their mini
storybook and their prediction of the
9. Each group exchange their mini
storybook and read.
10. Teacher gives praises.

Moral value(s) : 1. Teacher recaps the lesson. Closure phase

To be careful with 2. Teacher prompts questions based on (Summary and
every decision made the lesson. reinforcement)
3. Pupils respond and give feedback of
i. To consolidate the
the lesson. lesson.
CLOSURE 4. Teacher imparts values of the lesson.
(4 minutes)
ii. To reaffirm the
value of the lesson.

Teaching aids :
Magic wand

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