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Rules for Classification and Construction

I Ship Technology
1 Seagoing Ships

6 Liquefied Gas Carriers

Edition January 2016

The following Rules come into force on 1 July 2016.

(Germanischer Lloyd SE has on 29 January 2014 changed its name to DNV GL SE. Any references in this
document to Germanischer Lloyd or GL shall therefore also be a reference to DNV GL SE.)

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Brooktorkai 18, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
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"General Terms and Conditions" of the respective latest edition will be applicable
(see Rules for Classification and Construction, I - Ship Technology, Part 0 - Classification and Surveys).

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Published by: DNV GL SE, Hamburg

Rules I Ship Technology
Part 1 Seagoing Ships
Chapter 6 Liquefied Gas Carriers

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Section 1 Liquefied gas carriers
A General ...........................................................................................................................1-1
B Character of Classification, Entries into the Class Certificate .........................................1-1

Edition January 2016 Germanischer Lloyd Page 3

Rules I Ship Technology
Part 1 Seagoing Ships
Chapter 6 Liquefied gas carriers

Section 1 Liquefied gas carriers

Section 1 Liquefied gas carriers

A General ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
B Character of Classification, Entries into the Class Certificate .................................... 1-1

A General
A.1 These rules apply to ship having their machinery aft and built for the carriage in bulk of lique-
fied gases and some other products which are listed in DNVGL Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.19.

A.2 Requirements in DNVGL SHIP Rules Pt.5 Ch.7 shall be applied; except DNVGL Pt.5 Ch.7

A.3 In addition to these rules the relevant requirements of Part 0 – Rules for Classification and
Surveys and the relevant requirements of Chapter 1 – Hull Structures, Sections 1 through 22 and 24 ap-

A.4 For the machinery, the electrical plant and the refrigerating installation of these ships, the
Chapters 2 – Machinery Installations, 3 – Electrical Installations and 4 – Automation apply.

A.5 The rules of this chapter incorporate the IMO-Resolution MSC.370(93) “International Code for
the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying liquefied Gases in Bulk” (IGC-Code), as amended.

B Character of Classification, Entries into the Class Certificate

B.1 Character of classification

B.1.1 Ships complying with the requirements of these rules will have the notation:
Liquefied gas carrier
affixed to the character of classification.

B.1.2 Liquefied gas carrier will be assigned the symbol D

before the character of classification for
characterizing proof of damage stability according to the IGC-Code (Section2) and after the character of
classification the relevant ship type notation (Type 1 G, 2 G, 2 PG or 3 G). The following data will be en-
tered into an appendix to the certificate:

B.1.2.1 Five digit code for the specification of the proof of damage stability according to Part 0 – Clas-
sification and Survey, Section 2, C.2.4.2.

B.1.2.2 Description of the code.

B.1.3 Liquefied gas carriers equipped with cargo refrigeration system according to DNVGL SHIP
Rules Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.7 [3] will have the notation RI affixed to the character of classification for the ma-
chinery plant.

B.1.4 For liquefied gas carriers a list stating the products permitted to be carried will be issued as an
annex to the IMO Certificate of Fitness 1 .

1 This product list will be made available to the Administration whose flag the ship is entitled.

Edition January 2016 Germanischer Lloyd Page 6–1

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