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Nattamon Achavameteekul
1st interview
After making an appointment with my interviewer, I spent
some time on researching to find the guideline for the answer.

These are the questions

and the one that I am
worried the most are the
one in the boxes. The
reason for me to be
worried is that they are
delicate questions which,
in my opinion, is important
for judging who deserves
the seat.
1st interview

● After I have done the research, I understand the purpose of

each question and what way and tone should I answer to be
the most effective.
● Therefore, I decide not to write down what I would say
because I don’t want to sound like a robot, so I only plan it in
my head and practice a couple times
○ Weakness: I have trouble communicating under
mon-college-interview-questions-and-how-answer-them ○ What can I bring to university and why should
● offer me a place: talks about my achievement
(won academic competition and sports
competition) and I can compete for university.
1st interview
● During the interview, there is a question asking about my strengths which doesn’t
provided, so there are some silence and I didn’t answer well.
● I got ⅚ score from ms. Simran and from her comment, the biggest flaws that I need
to improve are some reluctant and repetitive words that might distract the
interviewer from the content. Other aspects than that such as the idea are great.
● She suggests me to practice more and be prepared for unexpected questions.
2nd interview
● For this time, I prepare the answer for the questions and also the other questions that university
might ask including why I want to become a dentist, what are my strength, and what do you as a
hobby. I decide to write our only the points I want to talk about for organizing my thoughts and
practice it a couple times.
2nd interview
● Luckily, this time during the interview, the interviewer ask the additional questions that I prepare
for, so I can answer it vividly.
● She gives a full score for this interview. However, she commented after the interview, that there
are some part that I can be more specific and detailed because if the information of it is too
general, the interviewer can’t get the idea of how it affects me.
02. Personal
Personal statement
● Planning
○ Researching - 5/11
■ University requirement
■ How to write personal statement
○ Writing outline - 5/11
○ Finish 1st draft - 8/11
○ Finish 2nd draft - 13/11
Personal statement
● Research
○ MIDS (Dentistry, Mahidol university) is the faculty that I would like to apply.
Since this program does not require personal statement (the requirement
hasn’t been announced yet, so this is based on previous year), I write about
the prompt given
Personal statement
● Outline
Personal statement
● 1st draft comment and score
Personal statement
● Since the comment for the 1st draft doesn’t critique about my content, I didn’t
rewrite anything about it and I only edit the grammar error my friends spotted as
they were checking.
Personal statement
● 2nd draft comment and score
1st WOOP
1st WOOP
● Objective: getting a 800 score in SAT biology
more than 5 times
● By achieving this, I can be certain that I
understand all the core content and master the
test by which I would get 800 score on the SAT
biology test on December 5th. Consequently, I
would be able to get accepted into MIDS
1st WOOP
● Planning
○ Since I have studied all the content included in SAT biology through the course provided by ignite
ondemand and I have also took the test once and got 680 score, the thing that I need to do to
improve is review all the content and research about the strategy.
■ Review through mainly reading the books and if I have troubles understanding some part, I
would use the internet for additional info.
■ I got the 24 real test from my friends and I decided to finish at least 10 of them.
○ To be honest, I have just started preparing for SAT on November 8th because I have to prepare for
the BMAT exam until November 4th.
1st WOOP
● The book I used ● The topic I included in SAT bio

● Strategies (เทคนิคพิชิต-sat-biology-800/)
1st WOOP
8 9- done, all 10 11 - I need to 12 - Make up 13 -- In 14 - done
good, but finish the work 1 chapter for Friday, I can
staying up late I missed from yesterday staying up late
because I the day I was in the night.
need to finish absent. Finish Finish all left
other school only 1 chapter chapters.

15 - done 16- done 17- My 18- done 19 - A lot of 20- done 21 - Too much
laziness kicked school and work and
in and I got extracirricular university
distracted by work needed application that I
need to finish
the series. I to finish first. I
first and I have
have not done have not done no time for doing
the test. the test. the test.

● Note: everytime I finish the test I would check for my mistakes,

and try to find out why do I make that mistakes, so that I would
not repeat the mistakes again.
1st WOOP
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Real test 12:
Real test 11:

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Real test 10: Real test 1: Real test 2: Real test 4: Real test 2:
710 760 770 740 770
Real test 6:

● Evidence:
1st WOOP
● Result
○ I have not achieve my goal of getting 800 score 5 times
(my best score is 770) and I have not finished as I
planned too. I realized that my plan is not practical
because I forgot to take the fact that it is near the end of
the semester into consideration. Therefore, there is too
much work I need to do and also the university
application work too such as portfolio and letter of
recommendation. However, I still satisfy with the result
because 770 is still considered a high score.
2nd WOOP
1st WOOP
● Objective: Having uneducational screen time on
my phone for 1 hour a day
● I have been using social media and youtube
applications a lot lately .
● By achieving this I can have more time to do other
work and I can be less distracted from my phone.
1st WOOP
● Research
○ Based on
hone-addiction-in-2018.html, I have found several ways on
how to get rid of phone usage.
■ Keep yourself on a schedule
■ Turn off as many push notifications as possible
■ Take distracting apps off your home screen
■ Kick your device out of bed
■ If you have a smart speaker, put it to use
■ Try turning on your phone’s grayscale
■ Stay accountable
1st WOOP
● Research
○ There are some tips that I put into practice
■ Turn off as many push notifications as possible
● Since I used twitter and instragram a lot, I turn its
notification off.
● For line, I can’t turn the noti. off because I need to
follow information through this platform.
■ Take distracting apps off your home screen
● For this one, I choose to delete youtube out of my
phone and use it through the safari of I needed to.
By doing this, it would be more difficult to reach
out to the application and stop using it.
■ Try turning on your phone’s grayscale
1st WOOP
● Research
○ There are some tips that I put into practice
■ Turn off as many push notifications as possible
● Since I used twitter and instragram a lot, I turn its
notification off.
● For line, I can’t turn the noti. off because I need to
follow information through this platform.
■ Take distracting apps off your home screen
● For this one, I choose to delete youtube out of my
phone and use it through the safari of I needed to.
By doing this, it would be more difficult to reach
out to the application and stop using it.
■ Try turning on your phone’s grayscale
● Result 1st WOOP

Social and Social and Social and Social and

entertainment entertainment entertainment entertainment
average per average per average per average per day:
day: 4 hours day: 4 hours day: 8 hours 2 hours 10 min
1st WOOP
● Result
○ The screen time isn’t reduced in the first 3 weeks, but it
does to 2 hours a day on the last week.
○ I don’t satisfy with the result much and I would like to
continue the challenge.
● Reflect
○ When trying to achieve the goal, I have break one thing
that I commit to do which is turning on my phone’s
grayscale. However, I have not downloaded youtube back
yet and I am now spending less time with this
○ The problems
■ Since in the past few weeks there are a lot of flash
mob to demand the response from the government
which is the topic that I have been interested for a
long time, I used twitter a lot to follow the news and
help campaigning

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