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Students’ rights & responsibilities

o Entitled to have an IEP

o Entitled to receive their education in the

least restrictive environment (LRE)
Right to know what the rules are
o Right to challenge a rule (informally with
the principal or formally at a
superintendent’s hearing)

Teacher’s rights & responsibilities

o Equal Protection Clause of the 14th
o Right to teach free from free of frivolous
lawsuits, including the right to qualified
immunity and to a legal defense
o Right to remove any persistently
disruptive student from their classroom
when the student’s behavior prevents the
orderly instruction of other students
o Right to complete only paperwork that is
no excessively burdensome and that, if
required by law or regulation, adheres to
the law or regulation and does not result
in overly cumbersome interpretations of
that law or regulation. 


By Allison Hunter
The rights of students with special needs stems
from 3 important federal laws regarding • If a student has a 504 plan, the child
disabilities: may remain in the regular classroom.
• A 504 student has fewer protections
IDEA, Individuals with than a student who received special
education services under the IDEA.
Disabilities Education Act ADA: AMERICANS WITH
• But a student who does receive SPED
• Students with disabilities have the services under IDEA is automatically DISABILITIES ACT
right to have an IEP, or an individual protected under Section 504 as well.
education plan. Which may provide • Under Section 504, students are
your student with accommodations entitled to accommodations and • Title 1: employment. People with
and modifications to help them modifications. disabilities will have access to the same
succeed in public school. employment opportunities as people w/o
• All students have the right to a free disabilities
and appropriate public education • Title 2: Public services: state and local
(FAPE). government. Requires public entities,
• All students have the right to an including transportation services, to make
appropriate evaluation. their programs, services and activities
• Parents have the right to equal accessible to individuals with disabilities
participation in this process, are • Title 3: Public accommodations and
entitled to notification of planned services operated by private entities.
evaluation, access to planning and Directs business to make “reasonable
evaluation materials, and modifications” to their usual ways of doing
involvement in all meetings things when serving people with
regarding their child’s placement. disabilities.
• Title 4: telecommunications. Requires
Section 504 closed captioning of e4federally funded
• A civil rights law that protects public service announcements, requires
individuals with disabilities from telephone and internet companies to
discrimination for reasons related to provide a nationwide system of interstate
their disabilities. and intrastate telecommunications relay
• Covers students who have a services that allows individuals with
disability, but do not require special hearing or speech disabilities to
education services, communicate over the telephone.
• To quality, a student must have a • Title 5: miscellaneous provisions. Contains
physical or mental impairment that a variety of provisions relating to the ADA
substantially limits at least 1 major as a whole, including its relationship to
life activity.
other laws, state immunity, its impact on
insurance providers and benefits,
prohibition against retaliation and coercion,
illegal use of drugs, and attorney’s fees.

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