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Subject Area: Contemporary Arts Quarter: Third

Unit Topic: Integrative arts as to Applied Time Allotment:180 minutes

Contemporary Arts


Dive in to the world of contemporary art:

Photography and Principles of Design

 Explain and Identify the concepts of photography in contemporary era

 Identify the different principles of design
 Create a contemporary artworks with a chosen subject matter

The scope of contemporary art is broad, as there are over 100 art styles and
movements under its category. Art has gone a long way. Art today is so different
from the traditional art where artists perfected their art by practicing “mimesis” or
copying the model exactly as it is.

The new style of art that emerged after World War II is called contemporary
art. Contemporary artists did not feel obliged to apply perspective, color
combination, naturalism, and other guidelines that were carefully observed in
traditional art. They deliberately broke the rules of traditional art.

This chapter serves as an eye-opener for the students to realize and

appreciate arts in different art forms. This concepts will help them to continually
practice arts in expressing their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

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What to do in Contemporary Arts Subject?

Dive into the world of Contemporary arts. Be open to learn new concepts and ideas.

Think of something without limitations. Create something out of your imaginations.

Learn to appreciate everything you have. Recognize your strengths and
your weaknesses.

Be Inspired
Stay motivated. Always imbibe positive thoughts.

2 | Contempo
Photography Art: Technology – Aided Art

What is a Photography?

Photography is the art of capturing light with a camera, usually via a digital sensor or
film, to create an image. With the right camera equipment, you can even photograph
wavelengths of light invisible to the human eye, including UV, infrared, and radio.

Contemporary photography consist of different types:

(a) nature photography

(b) Photography that depicts reality
(c) Photographic alteration
(d) Mobile Photography

A. Nature Photography
 Photographs enable us to view landscapes, places and object that we may never encounter in our
lifetime. Nature can be captured in its pure form just like the photograph Which Way? by Roger
Rishab Tibon. Another example is the photograph, the beautiful by John K. Cua.

Which Way? Roger Rishan Tibon The Beautiful by John Cua

3 | Contempo
B. Photography and reality

Photography can also present reality in its true

form. If words can describe a scene, photography has
the power to show it. In the photos below, we have
the glimpse of mode of transportation in
Compostella Valley and Manila. Erwin
Mascarinas’ photograph shows the public
transportation, Habal- Habal (motorcycle) or more
commonly known as “Skylab” It is fully loaded with
adults and children , a total of nine passengers. There
are extension seats consisting of wooden planks across the motorcycle It cruises along the streets of New
Bataan in compostella valley; on its way to one of the villages in the mountains.

C. Photographic Alteration

Photography can also offer an illusion and this

challenges the standpoint of fidelity of appearance. This
creates, according top Feldman , “an illusion of objectivity and
factual authenticity that establishes photography, [including
digital arts] as the most powerful instrument of information
and education the world has ever seen. Look at this photo by
Nadzgraphics, the photographer took a portrait that was
uploaded digitally and made a creative composition of it. The
effect is surrealistic portrait where two sets of expressive eyes
depict human emotions.

D. Mobile Photography
Mobile Photography taking pictures using a mobile phone. Depending on the cellphone camera quality and
image resolution, photos can be printed as big as “8 x 10.” However, if it is printed bigger, the photograph
looks blurry and pixelated because of the limited image resolution.

The Photograph, A yearn to fly and holding life by yours truly Alpher Hope Medina, is based on a
photograph on which editing was applied. Through the use of mobile phone effects, the photo was turned
into a meaningful image.

A yearn to fly Holding life

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Performance Task for 4th Quarter
Materials Needed:
 8 x 11 inch canvass
 Pencil
 Double – sided tape
 Any available paint

1. Choose a subject matter/ theme.
2. On a canvas, sketch/draw your ideas about your chosen theme.
3. Use and apply all the concepts of Principles of Arts.

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Category 4 3 2 1
1. Design/ Student applies Student applies Student tries to The student does
Composition design principles design principles apply design not appear to be
(such as unity, (such as unity, principles (such as able to apply
contrast, balance, contrast, balance, unity, contrast, most design
movement, movement, balance, principles to
direction, direction, movement, his/her own work.
emphasis, and emphasis, and direction,
center of interest) center of interest) emphasis, and
with great skill. with fair skill. center of interest)
but the overall
result is not with
2. Color Choices Choice and Choice and Choice and Student needs to
application of application of application of work on learning
color shows an color show color shows color relationships
advanced knowledge of knowledge of and using that
knowledge of color color knowledge in
color relationships. relationships. his/her work.
relationships. Colors are Colors are,
Color choice appropriate for however, NOT
enhances the idea the idea being appropriate for
being expressed. expressed. the idea being
3. Planning and Student can Student can Student can Student has
Explanation describe in detail somewhat describe how s/he thought very little
at any point describe how s/he envisions the final about the project.
during the envisions the final product but finds Is present but is
painting process product and can it difficult to not invested in
how s/he describe some of describe how s/he the product.
envisions the final the steps s/he will will reach that
product and how use to reach the goal. Has set a
they intend to goal. Focused goal, but let’s
reach their goal. some. things evolve.
Very focused.
4. Drawing Drawing is Drawing Drawing has few The drawing lacks
expressive and expressive and details. It is almost all detail
detailed. Shapes, somewhat primarily OR it is unclear
patterns, shading detailed. Little use representational what the drawing
and/or texture has been made of with very little use is intended to be
are used to add pattern, shading, of pattern, student needs to
interest to the or texture. shading or work on control.
painting. Student Student has texture. Student
has great control basics, but had needs to improve
and is able to not “branched” control.
“branch” out. out.
5. Creativity Student has taken Student has taken Student has Student has not
the technique the technique copied some made much
being studied and being studied and painting from the attempt to meet
applied it in a way has used source source material. the requirements
that is totally material as a There is little of the
his/her own. The starting place. The evidence of assignment.
student’s student’s creativity, but the
personality/voice personality comes student has done
comes through. through in parts the assignment.
of the painting

8 | Contempo
Worksheets in
Contemporary Arts

Name: _________________________________
Gr & Section: ___________________________
Email Address:__________________________

9 | Contempo
Worksheet 1

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11 | Contempo
Filipino is not a race by Venazir Martinez

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