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Name: _________________________

Economic Globalization – Case Study

Introduction - Bum Jeans Ad

Why have blue jeans been the single most popular item of clothing for decades almost

Do you think about where or how your jeans are made? Why or why not?

Great Western Garments - Research Questions

When was the Great Western Garment Company (GWG) established?

The company quickly became a significant employer of what group of people?

How many workers did GWG employ in 1919? What did sales grow to in the early years?

How did GWG survive throughout the Great Depression?

Name: _________________________

How did GWG celebrate its 25th Anniversary?


With the outbreak of World War II, what was the plant’s production dedicated to? What type of
clothing were they manufacturing?

How did GWG’s new factory compare to other garment factories in North America?

What did the company do to counter restrictions against wearing blue jeans to school?

What made GWG one of the most highly engineered companies in the world?

By the time the plant closed in 2004, how long did it take to manufacture a pair of jeans?
Name: _________________________


What company bought GWG in 1961?

What was the purpose of GWG partnering with the provincial government and the Northern
Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)?

By 1984, how many workers had the GWG’s workforce declined by?

What did Levi Strauss offer when GWG Edmonton plant closed in March 2004? Why was it
ultimately not effective?

What did Local 120 (the union for GWG workers) accomplish before 1917?

What was invented in 1972 by the vice-president of GWG?

Name: _________________________

Reflection Questions

Watch the video with the workers from GWG. How did the workers feel being laid off from their
jobs? Why did they feel this way?

Why was Great Western Garments an important and significant company in Canada? List three
innovative things that GWG did:

Edmonton Mayor Bill Smith said the decision to close the plant was “almost inevitable in the
global economy.” Inevitable means certain to happen or unavoidable. Was the closure of the
plant inevitable? Explain your reasoning.

Would you pay more for a pair of jeans to ensure that the workers had more rights? Why or
why not?

Is the Great Western Garment Company an example of sustainable prosperity? Why or why

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