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NRC: 8459








The unconscious is the structure that has mental content which cannot be in consciousness and which

the human being can reach at a certain point, but with great difficulty, That is to say that they are all

those, emotions, desires, ideas, experiences and even internal conflicts that do not have a place in

consciousness and therefore must remain hidden, but always live in constant struggle to get out. If this

were to be achieved, it would constitute for the person a base of anguishes, since these would be

reflected, but in a distorted way, since their expression is given through symbolic language, in most

cases due to activities such as sleep, the basis of which remains in our psyche.

The unconscious is a key point in mental health, being this a social construction, which we express in

our daily life through our behavior and interaction with other people or things, this is very important in

our life since it includes both psychological well – being like the social and emotional, it also affects

the way we think, feel and act when we face life. Therefore, if in such a circumstance the unconscious

emerges and the individual is not prepared, this can seriously affect the person, leading to mental health


When we talk about the unconscious we always have to talk about mental health, this means that there

are such behaviors within our unconscious that can also manifest themselves in very different ways than

normal, since many times we are constantly thinking about things that happened or planning that

making our unconscious is always present, leaving aside the conscious, in the same way mental health

is the center of an individual, since through it various capacities are executed where we aware of

facing normal stresses of life. Our mental processes is a composition between a conscious process and


The unconscious is in charge of performing the functions at a current moment, since sometimes the

mind is working for the past or the future, the unconscious is always working in. How we relate to

others, for example when we meet someone for the first time, an opinion of that person is instantly

judged or comes out, or how we can analyze it, our mind begins to work and is where there behaviors

of the unconscious begin to be reflected in a person.

From our point of view, the unconscious is everything that directs our behavior, it is not so tangible and

it only rests inside our mind. In the context of public health we understand that psychological

functioning changes in each person, interpreting it as an intrinsic manifestation that is born from the

experiences that each individual manages to build through their development, as well as the processes

that the mind exerts from the moment a human being is conceived, it is for this reason that that we

define the unconscious as a set of thoughts, learning, sensations, emotions, feelings, that in one way or

another are stored in our mind. People do not explore the unconscious voluntarily, on the contrary,

mental health from the psychological field has determined therapies in which the patient can explore the

unconscious and also know what belongs to him, of course, and although for him it is unknown, the

unconscious usually manifests itself in moments when our brain is disconnected from our reality, that is

to say in situations where we have no knowledge of what is happening, but nevertheless we can say that

here are many factors that can predispose the unconscious, that is, it can if there is a collision with

reality, “the unconscious can manifest itself involuntary, either through actions that seem

unknown to the individual,” modifying said behavior in one way or another such conduct .

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