10 Oldest Mosque

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Name: Tadzmalyn H.

Jinang Date: Novemrber 23, 2020

Section: BSN-1E Subject: De Mazenod 1

“Ten Oldest Mosque In Mindanao”

1. Sheik Karimul Makhdum Mosque (1380)

Islam was first introduced here in Tawi-Tawi in 1380 by Sheikh Karimul

Makhdum where he also built the first mosque in the country.Situated in Tubig
Indangan in the island municipality of Simunul, Masjid Sheikh Karimul Makhdum,
now named after the Arab missionary, is the oldest mosque in the Philippines. The
original pillars which served as the foundation of Masjid Sheikh Karimul Makhdum
are well-preserved inside the mosque. These centuries-old pillars made from Ipil
hardwood showcases intricate designs.In 2013, President Benigno S. Aquino III
signed the Republic Act No. 10573 which declared Sheikh Karimul Makhdum
Mosque as a National Historical Landmark. Sheikh Karimul Makhdum Mosque is a
must visit for history-loving Filipinos and Muslim faithfuls in the country. Check
out the following photos taken last November 7, 2018 during the Sheikh Karimul
Makhdum Day celebration.

2. Taluksangay Mosque (1885)

Taluksangay Mosque
(Masjid Taluksangay) is the
oldest mosque in the entire
Peninsula. The mosque is
located in the coastal barangay
of Taluksangay in
Zamboanga City, and was built
in 1885 by Hadji Abdullah Maas Nuno. Since then, it has become the center of propagation of
Islam in the Western Mindanao region.Taluksangay is located some 18 km north-east of the city
center of Zamboanga. Muslims are the majority of Taluksangay's population with a large
number of Badjao communities on its coastal and riverside areas.

3. Marawi Grand Mosque (1950s)

Built by the Agus River that empties into Lake Lanao, the Islamic Center—
with its twin minarets, dark green dome, and learning facilities—was an icon at the
heart of the predominantly Muslim city. Like the rest of the city, it was destroyed
during the 2017 siege that caused thousands of residents to flee over the course of
five months. Efforts to rehabilitate the 2,500 sq. m. the structure is giving way to
proposals for building a separate mosque as the new center of life for a city on the

4. Bacolod Grande Mosque in Lanao del Sur (1900s)

Build in the Mid-1900s, this mosque is painted in mostly shades of green—to

represent the favorite color of the Prophet Muhammad and the inhabitants of paradise
as stated in the Quran—the Bacolod Grande Mosque in the town of Bacolod-Kalawi, is
known as the “Little Mecca of Lanao Del Sur”. Other than its attractive color, the many
fascinating patterns, the domes and minarets make it as another standout Mosque in
5. Masjid Datu Untong Balabaran of Taviran (19th Century)

Also known as the Taviran Pusaka Masjid, it's a pagoda-style mosque built in
the 19th century. It is one of the last remnants of the pagoda-style mosque
architectural style in the Philippines.

6. King Faisal Mosque, Marawi City, Lanao del sur

The biggest mosque in Marawi City. Named after the former king of Saudi Arabia, who
financed its construction, this mosque in pale and dark shades of green is located within the
Mindanao State University's main campus. The mosque is colored green as it is a traditional
color of Islam, and the color is used to describe the state of those living in paradise according
to the Quran. The main design points of the mosque include its metalwork pattern of the
minaret, the painted petals on the dome, and name, Allah, on top of the spires. The entire
mosque was destroyed during the Marawi crisis in 2017 and is currently undergoing

7. The Dansalan Bato Ali Mosque is a mosque in Marawi, Lanao del Sur,
Philippines. (1950s)

The original structure was built sometime in the 1950s, which was burned
and converted to a cemetery during the Martial law period. The mosque was rebuilt
with reconstruction works finished in 1980.The Bato Mosque was declared
structurally unsound and it was deemed that it would be more feasible to demolish
the structure and reconstruct a new one in its place.[1] The Task Force Bangon
Marawi will lead the demolition and reconstruction and Maranao architects were
hired for the project. The move had consent from the Marawi Sultanate League, the
administrating body of the mosque representing Lanao area's non-sovereign

8. Masjid Sharif Alawi, Cagayan De Oro (1996)

In 1475 the first
Muslim Missionary to
arrive in the present
day Northern
Mindanao Region was
landed in Tagoloan,
Misamis Oriental just a
few kilometers
away from Cagayan de
Oro City - The Region Capital. Hence, the Sharief Alawi Islamic Centre is named
after that well respected Muslim Missionary who came from Johore, Malaysia. It is
believed that Sharief Alawi is of Arab descent - son of Sharief Ali Zenal Abedin of
Hadhra- maut, Yemen to Potre Josuol Aashekin, the daughter of SuItan Eskander
Zul Qarnain. Islaam gained inroad to the neighboring towns that majority of the
people became Muslims. Traces of the Islamization are still noticeable especially in
the names of towns and barrios. To cite a few Tagoloan (Repository of Leadership),
Cagayan literal (Yesterday or People of Yesteryear) some say the word “Cagayan”
came from the Maranao word “Ragayan” (Running Point), Carigogan(bossy), Mabasa
(to get wet), Balongis (teenage girl) and BALULANG (Mud Brake) are native names of
Maranao origin. The Maranao (Lake Dweller) is a name of a tribe in the Philippines.
They are Muslims who inhabited the Region. Masjid Sharief Alawi is part of this
Islamic Center build in 1996.

9. Baab ur-Rahman, Taraka lanao del sur (16th century)

The mosque is said to have been constructed by one of the earliest ancestors
of the Maranaos, Apo Balindong. Babo comes from the Arabic word baab (door) and
Rahma symbolically signifies the “door of mercy” in the sense that it is the first
mosque erected on the coast of Lake Lanao, symbolizing the adoption of the people
of a new faith. The m0osque was struck by an earthquake and was destroyed. Some
of it sank into Lake Lanao. The mosque has been reconstructed for several times
and little information is known regarding its original architectural design.

10. Kaum Purnah Mosque, Isabela City, Basilan

The Kaum Purnah Mosque is the oldest mosque in Basilan island. It is painted
white and has a minaret with yellow colors on its upper half.

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